
Virgo Man Crush Signs: How to Know if He’s Into You!

Updated February 13, 2025

Some of a Virgo man’s crush signs are more subtle, but you’ll see them if you know what you’re looking for.

A Virgo man might be shy at first when he has a crush. He will start to open up more and make his interest in you clear.

A Virgo man with a crush will be attentive. He’ll try to impress you and catch your eye. He will reach out frequently and might be more chatty around you, even if he’s a little shy at first.

When a Virgo man likes you, he’ll remember everything about you. He’ll want to make you smile and be incredibly helpful. He’ll compliment you and try to make you feel good.

Your Virgo man might start to open up. He’ll want to get to know you better and will allow you to get to know him as well.

He Tries to Impress You

How do Virgo men act when they have a crush? A Virgo man with a crush will likely try to impress you. He will vie for your attention even if he’s not open about his feelings.

How will a Virgo man with a crush try to impress you? He won’t necessarily brag, but he will point out his successes.

If he gets a promotion at work, wins an award, or finishes a significant project, you’ll be one of the first people he tells.

A Virgo man’s accomplishments are impressive. He’s a hard-working person, even if he can be on the humble side. If he’s proud of something, he will tell you about it and hope you’re impressed.

Your Virgo man might also try to impress you with gifts or by being extra kind to you. He’ll want to make you feel good, not just talk himself up.

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He Remembers Everything About You

One of the signs a Virgo man likes you is that he remembers everything about you. If you tell him something about yourself, even in passing, he will commit it to memory.

A Virgo man with a crush will hang on your every word. He will likely be curious about you, too. You might notice that he asks you a lot of questions about yourself and that he’s highly attentive when you answer.

If mutual friends mention anything about you, a Virgo man will remember that, too. He’ll remember old posts you made on social media. He’ll learn as much as he can about you, and he’ll remember every single detail.

You might notice that a Virgo man remembers minor things about you because he’ll give you a gift related to some niche, rarely talked-about interest of yours. If you mention needing something, he might give it to you months later.

He Reaches Out Frequently

When a Virgo man has a crush, he might reach out to you more often than he usually would. He’ll try not to be too clingy or pushy, but he’ll check in more frequently.

If your Virgo man is always initiating text conversations with you, he might have a crush. He likely cares about you if he reaches out to check in with you.

A Virgo man will want to reach out when he’s got a crush for many reasons. He might just enjoy speaking with you. If he hasn’t heard from you in a while, he may also be concerned and want to make sure you’re okay.

Even if a Virgo man is trying to hold back or keep his feelings a secret, he won’t be able to stop himself from reaching out entirely. He’ll call and text a lot more frequently than he does with others.

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He’s More Chatty with You

How do you know if a Virgo man is interested in you? One sign is that he will be more chatty with you.

Virgo men are excellent communicators, and they do enjoy talking, but they aren’t always the most chatty people. They can be reserved and more introverted, especially around strangers.

When a Virgo man likes you, you’ll see his chatty side. If your Virgo man is typically quiet but always seems to initiate conversations with you and talk your ear off, he’s into you!

A Virgo man with a crush will always approach and say hi when he sees you at a party or out in public. He’ll strike up a conversation any chance he gets and will be delighted if you’re happy to talk to him.

Your Virgo man will call and text you, too. He might have a crush if he always seems to have an excuse to talk to you. He enjoys talking to you, and he’s taking any chance he has to do so.

He’s Extra Attentive

One of the signs a Virgo man has a crush is that he will be extra attentive toward you. He will pay attention to everything you do and hang onto every word you say.

Pay attention to how your Virgo man acts when you’re talking to him. If he makes intense eye contact, leans in close to you, and shows enthusiastic interest in everything you say, regardless of what you’re talking about, he likes you.

You might notice that your Virgo man is focused on you even when you aren’t the one talking. If you catch him looking at you while you’re chatting in a group and someone else is speaking, he might have a crush.

You’ll know a Virgo man is being attentive because he’ll pick up on minor changes in your mood, too. If he checks in because you seem to be a little upset, it’s because he’s attentive.

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He Starts to Open Up

Who are Virgo men attracted to? They are drawn to honest, thoughtful people who make them feel safe and comfortable. If your Virgo man starts to open up to you, this is a sign he trusts you.

Opening up can also mean that a Virgo man has a crush on you! He might have feelings for you if he feels like he can talk to you about anything.

If your Virgo man starts to tell you secrets, pay attention to that. This is a sign that he really likes you and wants to get closer to you. He is allowing you to get to know him better.

You can show a Virgo man that you return his feelings by opening up, too. If he starts to tell you private details about himself, share a few of your own. This will help you bond, and he might become comfortable enough to reveal his feelings.

He Might Be Shy Around You

If your Virgo man is hiding his feelings, it might be because he’s shy. Some Virgo men will be more talkative around their crushes, but others might be shy and nervous, especially with a new crush.

Is your Virgo man typically not shy at all, but he seems to be around you? This is just as much a sign of a crush as a more reserved Virgo man loosening up and being chatty around you.

A Virgo man might seem bashful whenever you’re around. He may blush when you compliment him or nervously laugh when you say something kind to him.

Your Virgo man will still seek you out, even if he’s shy. He won’t be so shy that he avoids you. If he is avoiding you, that’s a sign something might be wrong and not a sign of a crush.

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He Wants to Make You Smile

A Virgo man in love will want nothing more than to see you smile. If you notice that your Virgo man always goes out of his way to make you smile and laugh, he might have feelings beyond a simple crush.

When a Virgo man likes you, seeing you happy will make him happy. If he can put a smile on your face, he will!

Your Virgo man will loosen up and joke around with you when he has a crush. He’ll feel proud of himself every time he’s able to make you laugh, and he’ll keep joking around to keep you laughing.

A Virgo man will do favors for you, bring you gifts, and compliment you so that he can see you smile. He’ll treat you right because he wants to make you happy.

He’s Incredibly Helpful

Even if you’re not in a relationship with a Virgo man, one with a crush will likely be just as helpful and generous as if you were dating! If your Virgo man is extra helpful toward you, he might have a crush.

Virgo men aren’t always the type to offer help. If someone asks, they’ll typically assist them. If your Virgo man seems to anticipate that you’ll need help, he might have a crush.

Your Virgo man will be the first to reach out if you say you need help moving. If you are looking for advice, he’ll do his best to give it to you.

If you ever seem to be struggling, a Virgo man with a crush will reach out and offer to help. Even if you haven’t explicitly asked him for anything, he’ll try to help anyway.

This magic will make your Virgo man want a relationship with you.

He Compliments You

A Virgo man’s flirting style is typically more subtle, especially if he has a crush that he’s not ready to reveal yet. One thing you should notice is that he will compliment you more often than anyone else.

If your Virgo man constantly praises you and says kind things, he likes you! Virgo men tend to be more critical, so compliments from them mean something, too.

You can trust that every word your Virgo man says is sincere, too. He won’t compliment you to butter you up and get what he wants. He’ll compliment you because he genuinely thinks those things.

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