Will you get a Virgo man’s apology when he upsets you? Virgo men aren’t too proud to apologize, so you likely will.
A Virgo man might not always say, “I’m sorry,” though. However, he will apologize, show remorse, and make amends if he’s done something wrong.
If your Virgo man makes a mistake or does something to upset you, he’ll likely apologize. He needs to know that he’s done something wrong, though.
A Virgo man might think things over before apologizing. He will want to say the right thing. He may plan his apology before talking to you. He will also apologize with actions in addition to words.
A Virgo man’s apologies are brief but meaningful. He will show remorse, explain himself, and change his behavior so he doesn’t make the same mistake and hurt you again.
He’s Not Too Proud to Apologize
Will a Virgo man apologize after upsetting you? Most of the time, he will! Virgo men aren’t typically too proud to apologize. They can admit when they made a mistake.
Even if a Virgo man didn’t mean to upset you, he knows that intentions don’t always matter. He can admit that he messed up if he says something insensitive and hurts your feelings.
This does not mean a Virgo man will immediately apologize whenever he does something wrong, though. You might need to tell him that he upset you. He might not notice on his own.
If a Virgo man genuinely doesn’t think he did anything wrong, you’ll need to talk things through with him, too. He’ll apologize when he knows he’s wrong, though.
This also doesn’t mean you’ll get the apology you want from a Virgo man. He will apologize, but he’ll do so however he thinks is most appropriate for the situation.
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He’ll Think Before Apologizing
How do Virgo men apologize? Part of the apology process for a Virgo man is thinking things over first. He won’t want to hastily apologize for a variety of reasons.
A Virgo man will think things through before apologizing to you. He’s just as meticulous about his apologies as everything else in his life! If you two just fought, he’ll want to calm down.
Why does a Virgo man need to think before apologizing? He might need to think of what to say to you. He won’t say, “I’m sorry,” and leave it at that.
If a Virgo man isn’t sure what he did wrong, he might need to think that over. He may need to ask you why you’re so upset, too. If he seems confused, answer honestly. That will help him to apologize better.
He Wants to Say the Right Thing
If your Virgo man says hurtful things to you during an argument, or he makes an insensitive comment by accident, he’s going to want to get his apology right! He won’t want to say the wrong thing again.
One of the reasons a Virgo man will think before apologizing is so he can come up with the right words for his apology. He’ll want to get it right the first time so you two can move on.
Virgo men tend to be well-spoken anyway, but yours will want to be extra well-spoken when he apologizes. He’ll do his best to say the right thing.
If your Virgo man’s apology seems rehearsed, don’t assume it’s insincere. He might legitimately have rehearsed it before apologizing to you! He will carefully consider his words to give you the apology you deserve.
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He Might Apologize with Actions
When a Virgo man hurts you, he will apologize to you. He won’t just apologize verbally, though. He’ll apologize with actions as well sometimes.
Virgo men are well-spoken but know words aren’t always good enough. If a Virgo man thinks a verbal apology isn’t enough, he will show you how sorry he is.
Your Virgo man might bring a gift when he apologizes to you. He may also follow up his apology by doing some favors for you. He might also do some chores before apologizing, so some responsibilities are off your shoulders.
A Virgo man might also be physically affectionate after an apology. If he knows a hug will cheer you up, he’ll gladly give you one! He will do anything to make you feel better and make things up to you.
He’ll Show Remorse
Will a Virgo man regret hurting you? If he cares about you, he will. He will be genuinely remorseful if he does anything to upset you.
When a Virgo man apologizes, he will show remorse for what he’s done. He will let you know he understands what he did and knows he hurt you. He won’t make excuses for himself and will try to validate your emotions.
A Virgo man will express remorse when he apologizes. He will acknowledge the impact his words and actions have had on you. He will not try to shift the blame or make you responsible for what he’s done, either.
When a Virgo man takes responsibility during an apology, you’ll know he’s being sincere. You can trust him when he tells you that he regrets what he did and feels remorseful.
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His Apologies Are Brief
A Virgo man’s apology style tends to be direct and to the point. A Virgo man’s apologies tend to be brief, though they are no less sincere than a lengthy, drawn-out apology.
Your Virgo man will apologize, but he won’t drag it out. He doesn’t want to waste time with unnecessary words. He’ll think over what he needs to say and say what needs to be said.
Your Virgo man will likely say more than just, “I’m sorry,” but he’s not going to make you listen to an endless apology. He’ll get to the point and tell you he’s sorry for whatever he did.
A Virgo man will typically explain himself, but he won’t make his explanation too long. He’ll tell you what happened and why he did what he did so you know what went wrong.
He’ll Apologize If He Knows He’s Wrong
If you’re making up with a Virgo man after an argument, he will apologize if he knows he was wrong. If you two had a disagreement and he knew he was wrong, he will apologize to you without you needing to ask him to.
A Virgo man can admit when he’s wrong, especially if he did something to upset a loved one. If a Virgo man made a mistake that resulted in you being hurt, he will own up to it.
Your Virgo man will likely tell you he knows he was wrong, too. It might be hard to admit that, but he will. That is the first step he will take when he apologizes.
If your Virgo man genuinely doesn’t think he did something wrong but knows you’re upset, he’ll talk things through with you. He’ll apologize and try to cheer you up, but he’ll also let you know his point of view.
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He’ll Apologize with Changed Behavior
How do Virgo men act when they feel guilty for something they’ve done? A Virgo man will typically change his behavior to show you that he is genuinely sorry for whatever he did to upset you.
Your Virgo man wants to avoid making the same mistakes. If he crosses a boundary, even if it is an accident, he will make things right by being more mindful in the future. He’ll try to change his behavior and not cross the boundary again.
You’ll know a Virgo man’s apology was sincere because he will work on changing the behavior that upset you in the first place. If he says something insensitive, he’ll watch his words around you in the future.
He’ll Explain Himself
How does a Virgo man apologize? A standard part of his apologies is typically an explanation for why he did whatever it was that upset you.
When a Virgo man explains himself, he’s not trying to make excuses. He is not trying to shift the blame or downplay his actions. He is simply trying to explain why he did what he did.
Knowing why a Virgo man did whatever upset you can be helpful. Hearing that he didn’t do it on purpose might be relieving. Knowing it was an honest mistake may help you to forgive him and get over what he did.
Listen to your Virgo man’s explanation. Don’t brush it off or think he’s just making excuses. The explanation will likely help you to understand him better and to see what went wrong so that you can both avoid it in the future.
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He Won’t Always Say, “i’m Sorry”
It’s rare for a Virgo man to refuse to apologize entirely. If he knows he messed up, he will make it right. He won’t always actually say the words “I’m sorry,” though.
A Virgo man might think that saying he’s sorry isn’t enough. He may think the words sound empty and insincere, so he won’t say them. He will still apologize, but he’ll use different vocabulary.
Your Virgo man will apologize to you, so don’t get hung up on the words he uses. Focus on the intent and his actions as well. Even if he doesn’t say sorry, he will show you he is.
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