A Libra man’s silent treatment may leave you feeling puzzled. Once a Libra warms up to you, he can be chatty.
But how do you get him to open up? Learn the most effective ways to prompt a Libra man.
If your Libra man has gone quiet, you may assume the relationship is over. But this may not be true. Libra men have many reasons for backing away.
Avoid jumping to conclusions when he goes cold. You can win back your Libra’s heart and make him feel comfortable again if you understand his silent treatment.
A Libra man’s silent treatment may be temporary. Appeal to his intellect and curiosity to coax him out of his shell again.
1. Recommend a Book
Break the ice with a Libra man by recommending books he may enjoy. Libras are intellectual and love reading. They often read several books at once.
Libra men always seek new book titles to add to their to-read list. Men born under this sign are avid readers. Talking about books and authors can excite Libra men.
Lure him from his silence by discussing your favorite books if he’s gone quiet. Recommend a new title and discuss controversial books you’re reading.
You can stimulate his curiosity if you recommend a book. He can’t resist discussing the topic with you. Libra men are interested in learning from you and can’t wait to share their insights.
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2. Ask Questions
A Libra man may be quiet and introspective. He doesn’t always initiate conversation. If you want to break his silence, ask questions. Be thoughtful and avoid sounding intrusive.
A Libra man can be eager to share his perspective, yet as a sign of balance, he needs an invitation. He lets his guard down if you inquire about his interests.
Ask about his favorite things, and a Libra man warms up to you. He wants to be transparent and is careful not to share too much information.
By asking a Libra man questions, you can encourage him to share his desires. He reciprocates by asking about your life. You can get him to open up if you are inquisitive.
When a Libra man goes cold, make him interested in you again. Show him you are attentive. Ask him about his aspirations, he wants to be with you again.
3. Tell Him Jokes
Libra men have an excellent sense of humor. Tell a Libra man jokes if you want to break his wall of silence. When he goes quiet, you can help him come out of his shell if you joke with him.
You can inspire a Libra man to open up to you if you joke with him. Men born under this sign can be lighthearted. They are optimistic and enjoy laughing with you.
Turn a Libra man’s mood around by appealing to his love of laughter. Never joke at someone else’s expense, or you can offend a Libra man. Men born under this sign can be sensitive.
Why do Libras give the silent treatment? They can be moody. If a Libra man is overwhelmed by everyday stress, he needs help breaking through his mood.
When a Libra man ignores your texts, you can make him open up to you again if you take a step back. Your Libra man may need more support than he lets on.
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4. Offer Help
Offer to help a Libra man, and he lets his guard down. You can help break the ice with your silent Libra man if you make yourself available to assist him.
A Libra man can be quiet when he is afraid to intrude. He may need help but doesn’t assert his desires. Libra men are excellent advocates for others but don’t speak up for themselves.
When a Libra man goes quiet, help him break his silence by offering to help him with daily routines. Libras hate doing things alone. Men born under this sign need encouragement from a partner to accomplish trivial tasks.
You may wonder, why is my Libra man giving me the silent treatment? Men born under this sign can be distant when juggling numerous tasks. He needs help opening up.
5. Discuss Art
Share your Libra man’s love of art if you want to help him open up to you. When a Libra man is quiet, you can encourage him to speak up about his artistic interests.
Discuss your favorite paintings. Research various artistic movements and your Libra man enjoys conversations with you about specific artists and creative people in history.
Make a Libra man re-emerge after he goes quiet by talking to him about artists visiting local museums. Men born under this sign can be intrigued by the visual arts.
Giving a Libra man the silent treatment when he ignores you seldom works. Men born under this sign can be sensitive when they like you. If you go quiet, he assumes the worst. But Libra men don’t always realize how they impact you.
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6. Talk About Music
In addition to discussing art history with a Libra man, you can make him open up to you if you talk about music. Libra men are avid music collectors.
Despite the availability of digital media, Libra men often have extensive record collections. They love the sound of vinyl and appreciate women who patronize the arts.
You can make a Libra man open up to you by singing his favorite songs. Men born under this sign feel comfortable talking to you about music. You can disarm his defenses.
Libra men can stop their silent treatment when you encourage them to talk about music. They love listening to an eclectic range of artists. Music inspires him and gets him to warm up to you.
Walking away from a Libra man is the last option. If you want him to feel comfortable, don’t crowd him. Use music and discussions about music to help break his silent treatment.
7. Discuss Humanitarian Topics
Bring up subjects close to a Libra man’s heart if you want to encourage him to overcome his silent treatment. Share humanitarian topics, and you can make him talk to you again.
Men born under this sign can be swayed by compassion. They are empathetic and caring. Men born under this sign can be talkative when you bring up social issues.
Discuss charities you donate to and show your Libra man that you are conscientious and giving. You can make a Libra man want to talk to you again if you help others through disaster relief groups.
Volunteer to help animals or people in need, and a Libra man has a lot to talk about with you. He opens up to you again when you appeal to his humanitarian nature.
This magic will make your Libra man want a relationship with you.
8. Compliment Him
You can help a Libra man relax and break the ice when you point out flattering observations about him. Show him you appreciate his fashion sense. Compliment his shoes or hair.
Be sincere, and your attention warms a Libra man’s heart. Make him feel at ease around you, and he drops the silent treatment. A Libra man opens up to you when you are kind and considerate.
You can encourage him to talk to you when you are compassionate. He is susceptible to flattery and becomes chatty when you compliment him.
If you want to know what to do when a Libra man goes quiet, be ready to walk a fine line between engaging and ignoring him. One of the best ways to get him to open up is to compliment him.
9. Be Supportive
A Libra man opens up to you when you are supportive. He can be eager to forget the past and forgive you for any misunderstandings. When you are encouraging, you can help a Libra man open up about his problems.
When he stops talking to you, a Libra man may feel depressed and defeated. He can take things personally and may assume you aren’t interested in him.
He may back away in self-defense. When a Libra man gives you the silent treatment, he may think you are upset with him. If you are supportive, he feels reassured that you care about him.
If you know what to do when a Libra man goes quiet, you can make him open up to you again if you are nurturing. Align with his ideals, and you can encourage him to open up again.
This one weird trick is the only way to attract a Libra man.
10. Help Others
Take the pressure off your Libra man and focus on those closest to you instead. When a Libra man gives you the silent treatment, avoid focusing on him.
Step back and help others so your Libra man knows you are kind and compassionate. He wants to be with you when you are selfless and caring.
Remind your Libra man that you are generous and considerate. He opens up to you again when he sees you are devoted to helping others.
Don’t chase a Libra man. When you want to make him talk to you again, pay attention to people in need. Men born under this sign are attracted to you when you are philanthropic and caring.
When a Libra man disappears and comes back, he may be unsure of his relationship with you. He goes shy and can be more open when he sees you are kind to strangers.
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