
Libra Man Feelings: How to Make Him Open Up to You!

Updated February 4, 2025

Discover the secret to a Libra man’s feelings, and you’ll never be stuck guessing his intentions again.

Learn his astrological profile, and you can crack a Libra man’s emotion code. Men born under this sign can be enigmatic in love.

Think your Libra man will open up about his feelings naturally? Think again. Libra men are romantic but intellectual.

If you want to learn what he’s feeling, you must learn to read his cues. Inspire a Libra man, and you can encourage him to open up about his feelings.

Listen carefully and be supportive when he talks to you. Compliment your Libra love and pay attention to his body language.

Listen Attentively

A Libra man opens up about his feelings when you listen attentively. Show him you are committed to him by making eye contact. Lean forward and use body language to show you are listening.

Reflect what a Libra man tells you. Ensure he knows he has your undivided attention in conversations. When you listen closely to a Libra man, he wants to share his feelings.

He can become more emotional when he sees you are invested. Show your Libra man, you are paying attention. Avoid looking at your phone during conversations.

Let him see you are not distracted when he talks to you. A Libra man wants to know you are not thinking about anyone else. When he feels comfortable, he opens up to you.

A Libra man feeling guilty may tiptoe around an apology. You must understand his signals so you can anticipate his feelings. Men born under this sign relax when you focus on them.

A Libra man expressing feelings can help strengthen your relationship. Make him open up about his feelings by showing him you are a receptive audience.

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Encourage His Art

A Libra man shares his feelings when you encourage him to pursue his artistic talents. Make a Libra man open up about his deeper feelings if you support his love of the humanities.

Libra men are naturally gifted artists and musicians. They may think their artistic ambitions are unrealistic dreams. Men born under this sign feel an emotional connection if you encourage their artwork.

Make a Libra man want to be with you by inspiring him. Empower your Libra man to be more open about his secret fantasies and he trusts you with his feelings.

A Libra man’s emotions can seem mysterious. But if you encourage his artwork, a Libra man opens up to you. He becomes more expressive through his creative talents.

Some of the most important signs a Libra man likes you are nonverbal. When he becomes more artistic and inspired, a Libra man is infatuated with you but doesn’t want to show it.

Compliment Him

Make a Libra man feel comfortable with you by complimenting him. He lets his guard down if you shower him with praise. Help a Libra man warm up to you by telling him what you love about him.

Be specific when admiring a Libra man. Tell him how much you love his eyes. Let him know he is a talented cook. Ensure he knows how much you love his singing voice.

When you compliment a Libra man, you can make him want to be with you. He opens up about his feelings when you build up his self-esteem by admiring him.

A Libra man catching feelings may go quiet. He can back away because he doesn’t want to show his sensitive side. You can influence a Libra man if you compliment him.

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Be Affectionate

You can also help a Libra man warm up to you if you are affectionate. Men born under this sign can be sensitive. They don’t want to be hurt or rejected.

But if are cuddly and nurturing, a Libra man opens up to you about his feelings. Men born under this sign can be distant emotionally if they don’t trust you.

But if you are romantic and affectionate, a Libra man lets his guard down. He tells you how he feels and can be slow to talk about his emotions.

A Libra man’s true feelings can be understated. When you are affectionate with a Libra man, he warms up to you. Men born under this sign can be more expressive when they feel loved.

You’ll see signs a Libra man is obsessed with you if you are focused and attentive. He won’t address his emotions head-on. You must get a Libra man to trust you before he will talk openly.

Watch His Body Language

Pay attention to a Libra man’s body language. When you hurt a Libra man’s feelings, he shows you through subtle cues rather than telling you. Disarm him by being supportive and compassionate.

A Libra man’s body language tells you all you need to know about his feelings. He shows fear by pulling away from you. If he feels confident, he leans forward and stands tall.

A Libra man crosses his arms or holds his hands up if he wants to show you he is feeling defensive. But a Libra man with his hands behind his back or in his pockets is relaxed.

If you’re wondering how to know a Libra man is serious about you, be patient. He gives mixed signals when he cares about you. Get to know a Libra man’s body language and he can’t conceal his emotions.

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Keep His Secrets

When a Libra man is attracted to you, he gradually shares his secrets. He tests you by revealing his feelings slowly. Show your Libra man you are trustworthy, and he opens up emotionally.

A Libra man wants to be with you if you keep his confidences. When you keep a Libra man’s secrets safe, he knows he can trust you with his feelings.

A Libra man begins telling you how he feels when you build a foundation with him. He wants to open up to you if you won’t share his secrets with others.

One of the signs a Libra man is trying to hide his feelings is when he shuts down. If you sense he’s holding back, your Libra may be falling in love. He doesn’t want to show you how much he cares.

Be Kind

If you are kind and considerate, a Libra man softens his defenses. He opens up to you about his feelings if you are gentle and empathetic. Libra men will shut down if you are cold or cynical.

Libra men want to be with you if you are polite and diplomatic. Extend kindness to strangers, and you can warm a Libra man’s heart. Men born under this sign can be attracted to your sensitive nature.

A Libra man will open up to you about his feelings if you treat him like the most important person in the room. He pays attention to how you treat others, so never be rude to strangers.

If you are unkind or condescending, your Libra love interest is turned off. He shuts down and won’t trust you with his feelings if you are not compassionate with others.

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Be Gentle

Libra men are sensitive and can be passive in love. To win his heart, be gentle with this compassionate sign. You can help him come out of his shell if you take a gradual approach.

Avoid giving a Libra man harsh criticism. He needs a partner with a soft approach to open up and share his sensitive feelings. You can make a Libra man share his feelings if you are nurturing and tender.

Avoid being angry or defensive with a Libra. He needs harmony and can easily be overwhelmed by your intense emotions. If you come on too strong, you can alienate a Libra man.

Be Patient

You can’t make a Libra man fall for you if you are in a hurry. Rushing him to let his guard down can ruin your relationship. You can make a Libra man open up about his feelings if you are patient with him.

A Libra man warms up to you if you are patient. Show him you are willing to take your time and get to know him. Never pressure a Libra man to talk about his sensitive emotions.

When a Libra man is interested in you, he remains tentative. You can push him too far and make a Libra man disappear. Be careful when approaching a Libra man about sensitive topics.

Recognize his signals when he is shutting down. A Libra man who doesn’t want to discuss emotional topics changes the subject. If you are too persistent, you may turn him off.

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Win His Trust

The biggest obstacle to a Libra man showing emotion is his trust issues. Men born under this sign can be slow to open up no matter how much they love you.

Take your time winning a Libra man’s trust. He needs to open up to you slowly. He shows emotion gradually when he learns you won’t deceive him.

When a Libra man wants to be with you, he wavers between obsession and going cold. They need time to see if they can trust you before they discuss emotions.

Watch the body language of a Libra man in love, and you can tell when his attitude changes. He shows his softer side when he is serious about you. Build up his confidence in you, and your Libra becomes more transparent.

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