
Kiss Virgo Man: Tips to Leave Him Begging for More!

Updated September 20, 2024

How can you kiss a Virgo man and leave him begging for more? The key is to go slow and make him feel comfortable.

Take your time with your Virgo man. Discover what he likes best. Don’t be too intense, at least initially.

Wait until you’re alone to kiss your Virgo man. Before you do anything, ensure that he’s comfortable and that you’re respecting his boundaries.

Look at your Virgo man’s lips and show interest before kissing him. Give him time to pull away or decline, then lean in and kiss him. Pause between kisses, and don’t be too wild with him. Go slow.

A Virgo man will appreciate it when you are gentle and affectionate. He will also love it when you let him initiate sometimes, so don’t always be the first to lean in.

Wait Until You’re Alone

Even when a Virgo man wants to kiss you, he might hold back if you two are in public. It’s typically best to wait until you’re alone if you want to kiss him in a way that will leave him begging for more!

Virgo men tend to be private when it comes to their love lives. A Virgo man won’t be completely unaffectionate in public, but he’s not always going to want to kiss you in front of everyone.

If your Virgo man is shy, definitely wait until you’re alone. You can hold his hand or give him a quick kiss on the cheek, but save the steamier kisses for when you have some privacy.

A Virgo man will feel more comfortable when it’s just the two of you. He won’t be worried about everyone else’s eyes being on him. He’ll just be able to enjoy kissing you.

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Respect His Boundaries

Always respect your Virgo man’s boundaries regarding physical affection, including kisses. You might consider something spontaneous and passionate, but he’ll find it impulsive and overwhelming.

If you know your Virgo man has specific preferences, be mindful of them. If he wants you to ask before kissing him or to avoid kissing when you’re in certain settings, respect that.

Your Virgo man won’t be begging for more if you violate his boundaries. Be as respectful as possible if you want him to enjoy kissing you!

Where do Virgo men like to be touched? Your Virgo man likely has a few weak spots, but that doesn’t mean he wants you to touch them constantly! Be respectful and mindful of where you are before getting too handsy with him during a kiss.

Go Slow

Go slow when you’re kissing a Virgo man. You don’t need to be in any rush, especially if it’s just the two of you!

Sometimes, you need to quickly kiss before one of you rushes off to work, or you want to give your Virgo man a quick peck to show affection while you’re in public. If you don’t need to rush, though, don’t.

Take your time with your Virgo man. Hint at wanting to kiss him before you lean in. When you do go in for a kiss, lean in slowly. This will allow him to meet you halfway.

Once you’re kissing, there’s no need to pick up the pace immediately. Just sit back and enjoy kissing your Virgo man. He’ll love it when you two can enjoy one another and take your time.

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Look at His Lips First

One way to flirt with your Virgo man and tease him a bit is to look at his lips before you try to kiss him.

Eye contact is a wonderful way to flirt with a Virgo man. Make direct eye contact with him, then make it as obvious as possible when you let your gaze drift down to his lips.

Looking at his lips is an excellent way to subtly indicate that you want to kiss your Virgo man. It will allow him to take over if he wants. He’ll be able to show interest or turn you down gently if he needs to before you attempt to kiss him.

Another good way to tease him is to kiss your Virgo man somewhere other than the lips. Lean in, then give your Virgo man a forehead kiss or cheek kiss before you actually kiss him.

Make Sure He’s Comfortable

Ensuring his comfort is essential if you want to know how to kiss a Virgo man. If your Virgo man is uncomfortable, he won’t want to kiss you, and he won’t keep returning for more, either.

Ensure you’re in a comfortable setting when you kiss your Virgo man. He will enjoy things less if you’re in a small, cramped space or the area is untidy. Take the time to set the mood!

If your Virgo man starts to pull back when you lean in and get closer, he’s uncomfortable. Step back and reevaluate the situation. Ask him if everything is okay. He will appreciate the concern.

If your Virgo man seems uncomfortable with something at any point, stop. Be mindful of his feelings. That will show him you care and keep him coming back.

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Be Affectionate

If your Virgo man is affectionate with you, that’s a sign he’s comfortable with you. He trusts and cares about you. If you want to show him you care while kissing him, be affectionate, too!

Don’t just kiss your Virgo man. Say kind things to him before you lean in. Run your hands through his hair, or hold hands while kissing.

Pull your Virgo man in for a hug, then kiss him. Hold him close after your kiss as well. Just enjoy being together and being as close as possible.

You can show affection by kissing your Virgo man’s cheek, nose, or forehead. Be gentle and don’t overdo it, but show him as much affection as he is comfortable with. If he knows how much you care, he will return for more.

Pause Between Kisses

Something that will drive your Virgo man wild is when you pause between kisses. You don’t need to kiss him non-stop if you two are making out. Pause, take a breath, and leave him wanting more.

This is one of a Virgo man’s kissing preferences that might seem minor, but it will make a difference. He will love it when you pause to take a breath and then lean in for another kiss.

Your Virgo man will also enjoy himself more if you take longer pauses between kisses now and then. Pause to tell him how much you love and appreciate him. Compliment and praise him.

This is a great way to tease a Virgo man while you’re making out, too. Pull away like you’re done, then lean back in for another kiss.

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Don’t Be Too Intense

How does a Virgo man like to kiss? He typically doesn’t like to get too intense, especially if you are genuinely kissing with no intention of leading to anything more.

If your Virgo man wants to pick up the pace, he will. If your kissing leads to more, you can get slightly more intense than usual. Don’t start that way, though.

Some men love passionate, wild kisses, but Virgo men typically don’t. They want a kiss that leaves them feeling cherished and loved. They want something more than just an intense physical sensation.

If you are kissing your Virgo man for the first time, go slowly and be gentle. Don’t get too wild or intense. Save your passion for later. He’ll appreciate it, and he’ll keep coming back for more.

Be Subtle

A Virgo man’s kissing style tends to be more subtle. He’s not the type to grab your face and pull you in for a bruising kiss. He likes to hint that he wants to kiss you, then take his time leaning in for that kiss.

You should do the same thing if you want to leave a Virgo man begging for more. Be subtle when trying to indicate that you want to kiss him.

As mentioned, looking at his lips before kissing him is a good way to hint at your intentions subtly. You can also lick your lips or run a finger over them. Drawing attention to your lips will subtly start to rile him up.

Be subtle when you lean in toward your Virgo man. Progressively get closer and closer to him instead of leaning in all at once. The slower pace will drive him wild and allow him to make his intentions clear.

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Let Him Initiate

If you’re in a relationship with a Virgo man, you should know that he takes things slow. You’ll likely know that he prefers to be in control, too.

Sometimes, you need to let your Virgo man initiate a kiss. You shouldn’t always be leaning in and trying to kiss him. If you are, there might be an issue.

Give your Virgo man the chance to initiate kissing you. If you’re kissing him for the first time, let him initiate. You can hint at wanting to kiss him and subtly show interest, but let him be the one to lean in and initiate a kiss.

If you’re in a relationship and your Virgo man never initiates kissing, talk to him. Otherwise, try not to be the only one initiating. He’ll like it much more when he feels he has some control.

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