
Chasing Libra Man: Does Pursuing Him Pay Off?

Updated September 12, 2024

Chasing a Libra man can be complicated. The sign of the scales needs balance in relationships.

When you pursue a Libra man, you may turn him off. You must follow his pace.

Should you chase a Libra man? Men born under this sign can run hot and cold. If you chase a Libra man, you can jumpstart his attraction.

But if you are too intense, a Libra man backs away. He can be overwhelmed if you pursue him. He needs harmony in relationships.

Libra men act obsessed one day but then go cold. Pay attention to their motivation and work with their momentum.

He Goes Hot & Cold

When a Libra man gives you mixed signals, you may think he’s not interested in you. But Libra men are often hot and cold when they need a different pace.

Libra men chase you with passion and then slam on the brakes. They need help moderating their intense energy. If you are too eager, you may intimidate a Libra man.

When he chases you, play coy. Let a Libra man take initiative. But when he backs away, give him space. After a brief reprieve, flirt with a Libra man and remind him you are interested.

A Libra man can be inconsistent in love. He shows his desire but then backs away. When he is distant, your Libra man needs you to help him find his motivation.

Pursuing a Libra man works in stages. He doesn’t respond if you constantly chase him. Libra men need time to adapt to a new relationship when they like you.

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He Loses Interest

A Libra man may lose interest in you when you spend too much time together. If he acts bored, don’t chase him. Give a Libra man space and wait for him to return.

Eventually, he pursues you again. A Libra man may show interest in you if you refuse to chase him. Let him take initiative and he remains attracted to you.

If a Libra man seems indifferent, he may be complacent. He often spends so much time with you he takes the relationship for granted. Remind a Libra man you care and get him to come back.

Stop chasing a Libra man if he is slow to text back. Libra men go through moods related to their desires for you. They pull away when you are too intrusive.

Will a Libra man chase you when he has a crush? Men born under this sign can be vague even when they like you. Libra men often lose interest when you are too available.

He Needs Space

Libra men stick to you like velcro initially but then pull away when you least expect it. When a Libra man is distant, he’s setting a boundary. Avoid chasing him.

Give a Libra man space when he backs down. He needs time to visit friends and family. Men born under this sign vacillate between being attentive and distant.

When you are attracted to a Libra man, look for variety in his obsession with you. He goes through cycles. If you panic and chase a Libra man, he won’t trust you.

Give him time away when he steps back. A Libra man needs an occasional break from daily dates. When he likes you, a Libra man doesn’t remain distant for long.

You may wonder how to win a Libra man from a distance. Libra men feel comfortable flirting over text. You can win his heart by being playful and charming when texting him.

A tiny trick to snatch your Libra man's heart?... even if he's cold and distant...

He Ignores You

If a Libra man doesn’t feel you respect his boundaries he may shut down. He ignores you if you are too dominating. Libra men need motivation occasionally.

But if a man born under this sign feels you are too intrusive, he pulls away. He doesn’t want to be with you if you chase him constantly. Libra men need space in relationships or they ignore you.

You may wonder, should I chase a Libra man? Men born under this sign can be responsive when you pursue them. But if you are too overbearing, you can turn a Libra man off.

Wait for signs a Libra man is pursuing you. Show him you care without overstepping boundaries. Men born under this sign want to set the pace of a relationship.

Libra men ignore you when they are emotional. They need time alone to return to balance. Men born under the sign of Libra become defensive if you push them too far.

He Feels Encouraged

When a Libra man cares about you, he may be shy. Rather than giving up on him, find ways to motivate your Libra love. Men born under this sign need a boost to their confidence.

If you chase a Libra man, he may feel supported. He wants to be encouraged to pursue you. Men born under this sign are eager to be with you if you support them by showing passion.

Encourage him to show he cares. Be subtle but patient with your Libra love. You can coax him out of his shell and encourage him to pursue you if you chase him lightly.

A Libra man sees you are eager to be with him. He may be flattered when you pursue him. Show your Libra man you are interested in a relationship and don’t act indifferent.

Lightly pursuing a Libra man goes a long way to keep him interested in you. Learn to read his subtle cues. You can make a Libra man feel encouraged and confident if you show your interest in him.

Use these secrets to make your Libra man love you (they work like magic)

He Needs Motivation

A Libra man’s motivation wavers. He may be adamant about chasing you one moment and then seem indifferent the next. He needs a partner who understands how to keep him inspired.

If you want to motivate a Libra man, you must understand how to chase him without coming on too strong. Men born under this sign can become lazy in love.

When you know how to hack a Libra man’s motivation, you can leverage his desires without making him lose interest in you. Libra men need a partner who can navigate their ups and downs.

Rather than chasing a Libra man, signs like Aries and Sagittarius must be patient. Flirt with him to charm a Libra man and he lowers his defenses.

Chasing a Libra man after a breakup can make him lose interest in you. He needs you to inspire him periodically, but once you motivate a Libra man you don’t need to chase him.

He Procrastinates

A Libra man may hesitate before he initiates contact with you. He can be anxious. When he doesn’t give you the same level of attention, he may be holding back.

A Libra man procrastinating may not be ready to make a relationship official. Libra men can be slow to open up in love. Men born under this sign need to build their confidence to chase you.

If you pursue him first, you can make a Libra man realize you like him. When he knows he has nothing to fear, a Libra man trusts you. He may open up more.

You may assume you are seeing signs that a Libra man is not interested in you. But men born under this sign are often attracted to you. Libra men can procrastinate when they like you.

If a Libra man doesn’t answer texts immediately, don’t repeatedly message him. Wait for a Libra man to respond before continually texting him. He may be procrastinating out of anxiety.

Never chase a Libra man when he suddenly goes quiet. He may need time to open up to you. You can alienate a Libra man if you send a barrage of messages.

Is your Libra man painfully distant? Rekindle your love.

He Hides His Feelings

A Libra man may hide his feelings when dating you. He flirts with you but doesn’t follow through. He may conceal his true intentions. You can make a Libra man lower his defenses if you chase him.

When a Libra man is not putting effort into your relationship, he can be motivated if you build up his confidence. He may hide his feelings but will chase you if he feels comfortable with you.

If you sense a Libra man is hiding his feelings, avoid provoking him. If you chase him to get him to admit to his vulnerable nature, you can unintentionally sabotage the relationship.

He may close up when a Libra man feels overwhelmed by you. You can make him loosen up, but a man born under this sign needs to feel secure. He needs reassurance that you are trustworthy.

Avoid pushing him away. Don’t chase a Libra man to get him to open up about his feelings. A man born under this sign needs to feel comfortable with you, but doesn’t want to feel overwhelmed.

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