
Cancer man

Cancer Man Apology: Is an Apology on the Horizon?

Will a Cancer man apologize if he hurts you? Men born under this sign can’t tolerate being around people who are hurt. If he feels responsible, he apologizes. The secret to getting a Cancer man to say he’s sorry is to show him that he is to blame for your pain. Avoid letting a Cancer […]

Cancer Man Hiding His Feelings: Does He Wear a Mask?

Does a Cancer man hide his feelings? When a Cancer man likes you, he can’t hold back forever. He tries to stifle his vulnerable side to avoid getting hurt. Though he acts tough on the outside, Cancer men can be romantic and tender. Men born under this sign eventually reveal how they feel about you. […]

Beat Cancer Man at His Own Game: Play Smart, Win!

Cancer men are elusive in love. They are distant and fear betrayal. You can beat a Cancer man at his own game by understanding his secret desires. Cancer men are master manipulators. They are emotional and intuitive. They keep their love interests at arm’s length. Cancer men are notorious for playing games. They test you […]

Cancer Man Love Easy: Are They Quick to Fall in Love?

Cancer men are deeply emotional people. They feel things intensely, love included! They do sometimes fall quickly. When this happens, it will usually be noticeable right away. There are Cancer men who resist falling in love, though. A Cancer man who has been hurt before won’t want it to happen again. A Cancer man who […]

Cancer Man Sexuality: Unveiling His Hidden Desires!

Cancer men tend to be incredibly caring lovers. They are romantic, passionate, and gentle. They do their best to take care of their partner in the bedroom. A Cancer man needs a partner who will care for his needs too. He is sensitive and needs a partner who understands that. He wants to feel comfortable. […]

Cancer Man After a Breakup: Navigating Life Forward!

When a Cancer man loses a love, his world falls apart. Cancers are emotional and must learn to cope with losing a partner or risk sinking into despair. Cancer men are susceptible to depression and isolation after a breakup. One of the best things you can do if you’re a Cancer man is to work […]

Sleeping with Cancer Man Too Soon: Regret or Romance?

Cancer men sometimes like to take it slow in relationships. They won’t be too quick to jump into bed. Instead, they want to focus on developing a bond and connecting with their partner. Cancer men don’t usually like casual sex. He is looking for love! He prefers to have sex with someone whom he has […]

Cancer Man Jealous & Possessive: Is His Love Toxic?

Cancer men are known for being jealous lovers. They are insecure and become territorial in love. Cancer men crave security but often feel out of place in relationships. They use emotional manipulation to keep their love interest with them. An insecure Cancer man has toxic behavior in relationships. He must work on building his confidence […]

Cancer Man Friend Zone: Your Path From Friend to Lover!

Cancer men are shy in love. They may friend zone a love interest because they are unsure of their feelings. Don’t despair if you end up in a Cancer man’s friend zone. Men born under this sign must warm up to someone before they let their guard down. Cancer men eventually fall in love if […]

Cancer Man Coming Back: Is a Reunion in Your Future?

Will a Cancer man come back after a breakup? Men born under this sign often return. If you’re longing for a reunion with your Cancer love, you must be patient. Cancer men need space and validation. They want to return when you act disinterested. A Cancer man pushes you away but regrets losing you. Cancer […]

Cancer Man Silent Treatment: 10 Ways to Break the Ice!

The silent treatment is a common passive-aggressive tactic that Cancer men use. Sometimes, a Cancer man will give you the silent treatment when you’ve upset him or he needs more attention. Your Cancer man might not always tell you something is wrong. Instead, he’ll go quiet and expect you to figure out what’s going on. […]

Kiss Cancer Man: Tips to Leave Him Begging for More!

Cancer men are private regarding certain kinds of physical affection, so try to kiss your Cancer man in private. You can give him a quick, sweet kiss in front of others, but save your steamy, passionate kisses for when it’s just you two. When you kiss your Cancer man, be gentle. Be affectionate and romantic. […]

Cancer Man Slow to Commit: Navigating His Hesitations!

Cancer men take commitment seriously. They can be anxious and insecure, though. A Cancer man doesn’t want to commit to the wrong person and have his heart broken. Prove your loyalty if you want a Cancer man to commit to you. Make him feel secure in your relationship. Reassure him and tell him that you […]

Chasing Cancer Man: Does Pursuing Him Pay Off?

A Cancer man who is shy or insecure won’t always chase you. He needs to know that you’re interested in him first, or he won’t make a move! You’ll usually need to make the first move with him. The key to chasing a Cancer man is going at his pace. Be open about your feelings […]

Cancer Man Not Interested: 10 Signs He’s Not Into You!

Typically, Cancer men are sensitive, warm, and affectionate people. They don’t want to hurt anyone’s feelings, but they also don’t want to lead someone on if they are genuinely uninterested. A Cancer man won’t always outright reject you, though. He might give hints that he’s not interested. If you aren’t picking up on those hints, […]

Cancer Man Text Response: Make Him Reply Fast!

A Cancer man won’t always text you first, so you’ll likely need to take the initiative. Send him a sweet message and show affection. You can also ask how he’s doing. Showing interest in your Cancer man and his interests will ensure a faster response. If you talk about something he likes, he’ll be more […]

Cancer Man Communication: Master the Art of Connection!

Cancer men long for connection and understanding. But men born under this sign are not the best communicators. They are emotional and often shut down when they need to be open. Cancer men can be moody and labile. They sidestep criticism and expect you to read their minds. Cancer men can be impatient and offended […]

Cancer Man Mind Games: Unleashing the Battle of Wits!

Cancer men can be incredibly manipulative when they want to be. Don’t underestimate him if you want to play mind games with him. He’s better at messing with people than you might think. Cancer men typically play games by appealing to people’s emotions. They make people jealous, play on their insecurities, and use their emotional […]

Woman Attracts Cancer Man: Be the Queen of His Heart!

If you want to attract a Cancer man, show him how emotionally mature you are. Be thoughtful and considerate of his feelings. Be sensitive to his needs. Be compassionate and understanding. You should be optimistic, sweet, and lively to attract a Cancer man. He will love your positive energy, especially if you have a beautiful […]

Distant Cancer Man: Why is He Pulling Away?

A Cancer man might temporarily distance himself if he’s in a bad mood. He may also want some time alone, and he’ll return to you as soon as he has time to himself. Your Cancer man also might be confused about his feelings, or his feelings for you may have changed. He might be protecting […]

Cancer Man Dominant: Is He the Alpha in Relationships?

Cancer men seldom act dominant, but they are not always submissive. They have nuanced personalities. Their dominant side emerges in certain circumstances. Cancer men are submissive most of the time. But under specific situations, they show a dominant nature. They are not natural leaders. Yet Cancer men can be protective and take charge of home […]

Cancer Man Crush Signs: How to Know if He’s Into You!

Cancer men show specific signs when they have a crush on you. Men born under this sign act awkward when they have a crush. Pay attention, and you’ll notice changes in a Cancer man’s behavior when he likes you. He shares memories with you and cooks your favorite meals. When a Cancer man has a […]

Make Cancer Man Obsessed: Unlock His Unyielding Desire!

Some Cancer men fall quickly, while others hold back and take their time. Either way, you can make a Cancer man obsessed with you by showing him that you could be “the one” he’s been looking for. Be caring and compassionate toward your Cancer man. Reassure him when he feels insecure. Be a gentle, loving […]

Cancer Man Mad: What Happens When He’s Furious?

Cancer men are highly emotional people. If a Cancer man is angry, he won’t be able to hide it. He might lash out or act mopey and moody until he calms down. A Cancer man might get emotional and cry when he’s angry. He might also rant and rave. If he’s angry because you did […]

Cancer Man Stop Texting: Is He Losing Interest?

Do not jump to conclusions if your Cancer man fails to respond to a text or two. Cancer men are sometimes unreliable texters, even though they are reliable in many other ways! You can check in with your Cancer man if you think something might be wrong. If he’s just busy or forgot to reply, […]