
Cancer Man Mad: What Happens When He’s Furious?

Updated January 24, 2025

When a Cancer man is mad, you’ll know! Some Cancer men try to hide their anger, while others fully embrace it.

Either way, Cancer men can’t actually hide how they feel. When a Cancer man is angry, he’ll act out.

Cancer men are highly emotional people. If a Cancer man is angry, he won’t be able to hide it. He might lash out or act mopey and moody until he calms down.

A Cancer man might get emotional and cry when he’s angry. He might also rant and rave. If he’s angry because you did something to hurt him, he might distance himself from you until you apologize.

Some Cancer men are passive-aggressive about their anger, while others are more outright. They can be forgiving, but they can also hold grudges for a long time.

He’ll Be Incredibly Moody

A Cancer man might seem moody when angry, sad, frustrated, or any other “negative” emotion. You won’t always be able to tell what specific emotion he’s feeling, but you’ll notice that he’s emotional.

Why is a Cancer man so moody? Cancer men have a lot of emotions. They feel things intensely and don’t always regulate those emotions as well as they could.

When a Cancer man is upset, he will become moody. He might not tell you that he’s angry. He may even try to hide his feelings, though he typically won’t be able to. You’ll be able to tell that something is wrong.

Your Cancer man might mope and sulk when he’s angry. Instead of seeming mad, he might seem sad or upset. He doesn’t always express his anger in a way that is noticeable as anger.

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He Might Lash Out

If a Cancer man is angry, he might try to hide it, but he might also lash out. Sometimes, he lashes out because he can’t hold in his emotions any longer.

Cancer men lash out when angry for a variety of reasons. Some always lash out when angry. Others rarely lash out and might only do so when they’ve reached their breaking point.

What happens when a Cancer man lashes out? He might yell, make rude comments, or seem especially aggressive. He might pick a fight with you even if you’re not the one he’s mad at.

A Cancer man lashing out will likely be alarming, especially if he’s usually more shy or soft-spoken. Typically, the best thing to do is to give him space to calm down. He might need to lash out a bit to get it out of his system.

He’ll Get Emotional

When a Cancer man is upset, he will likely get emotional. Even if he’s furious, he might react to his anger by crying or having other emotional reactions that you might associate with sadness rather than anger.

Cancer men, as a whole, are highly emotional people. They feel things deeply and intensely. Some of them are better at controlling those emotions than others.

When a Cancer man is furious, he might have a harder time managing his emotional reactions than usual. Even if he usually handles something calmly, his anger might make him extra sensitive and emotional.

Don’t be surprised if your Cancer man cries during an argument or becomes upset while telling you why he’s angry. If he’s angry, he might also have larger emotional reactions to minor conveniences due to how upset he already is.

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He Might Be Passive-aggressive

When you hurt a Cancer man’s feelings, he might not always tell you immediately. Sometimes, he will react in a passive-aggressive manner when he is angry at you.

One common form of passive-aggressive behavior from a Cancer man is the silent treatment. Instead of lashing out or talking to you about his anger, he will completely shut you out. He’ll ignore you even if you’re talking right in front of him.

A Cancer man might also make backhanded comments related to whatever he’s angry about. If he’s angry because you haven’t been doing your fair share of chores, he might say something like, “Good job finally doing the dishes.”

He may also indirectly talk about whatever you’ve done to make him angry. He might make vague statements about things he dislikes or say he finds something annoying without directly addressing the fact that you are the one he’s annoyed with.

He Wants You to Validate His Feelings

If you want to know what to do when a Cancer man is mad, sometimes you must validate his feelings. You might not always be able to fix whatever he’s angry about, especially if he’s not mad at you.

If your Cancer man is ranting and raving, he’s not necessarily looking for a solution to his problems. If the situation he’s mad about is beyond his control and yours, he’s likely just looking for some validation.

How can you validate your Cancer man’s feelings? Tell him that you understand why he’s angry. Let him know that it’s okay to be upset and that you don’t judge him for feeling the way he does.

Don’t tell your Cancer man to calm down or get over it when he’s mad. Be kind, understanding, and compassionate. Usually, that is what he wants from you.

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He’ll Rant & Rave

What happens when a Cancer man is angry at you? Instead of talking to you directly, he might rant at someone else to work through his anger. He might rant at you when he’s angry at someone else or about a situation beyond his control.

Sometimes, a Cancer man needs to talk through his anger. Instead of lashing out at the person he’s angry with, he might speak to a third party and rant about everything bothering him.

A Cancer man typically isn’t looking for you to solve his problems when he rants at you. He might want validation or just someone to listen to him. He wants to work through his anger before talking to whoever he’s angry at.

He Might Distance Himself

A Cancer man might distance himself from you if he’s mad after an argument. If he knows he tends to lash out, he might choose to spend some time alone to allow himself to cool off.

When your Cancer man distances himself, this isn’t always cause for alarm! He might just be too angry to talk things through right now. This may be his way of controlling his emotional reactions to things.

When a Cancer man is done with you for good, he likely won’t ever stop distancing himself. He will continue to pull away until your relationship ends. If he’s just temporarily angry, he will eventually return to you.

If your Cancer man is angry and needs space, give it to him. Temporarily distancing himself and taking some time alone is not the same as the silent treatment. It might be good for you both to have some time apart when emotions are running high.

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He’ll Expect an Apology

How long will a Cancer man stay mad at you? That depends on why he’s angry. Typically, a Cancer man will calm down and forgive you once you’ve apologized for whatever you did to upset him.

If a Cancer man is furious with you, he will likely expect an apology. He might not always demand one after a minor disagreement or genuine misunderstanding, but he will if you do something to make him angry.

If your Cancer man has distanced himself and is refusing to talk to you because of how mad he is, reach out to apologize. That might be just the thing he’s waiting for.

How do you apologize to a Cancer man? Start by owning up to what you did wrong. Let him know you understand how he feels and realize you’ve made a mistake.

He Can Hold Grudges

A Cancer man who is mad might hold a grudge. While Cancer men can be forgiving, they aren’t always! Some Cancer men will harbor anger against someone who has hurt them for months or years.

How long does a Cancer man hold a grudge? That will depend on why he’s mad. He can hold a grudge for a long time when he wants to.

If you two have a minor argument and you apologize, he likely won’t hold a grudge against you. If you do something to seriously betray him, though, he might have a grudge for life.

If a Cancer man is still angry at you after you’ve apologized, he’s holding a grudge. If he still seems angry after the situation has been resolved, or he continues to bring it up after you thought things were over, he isn’t over it yet.

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He’ll Forgive, but Won’t Forget

If an angry Cancer man is ignoring you and you apologize, he will likely forgive you. He will stop ignoring you so that you two can work through whatever problem you’re having.

While they can hold grudges, Cancer men are capable of forgiveness. If a Cancer man loves you and wants to be with you, his anger will fade. He will forgive you, especially if you’ve genuinely apologized to him.

A Cancer man forgiving you doesn’t mean he’ll completely forget about what you did, though. If you really did something to anger him, he might remember that for a long time.

If you repeat the same action, a Cancer man will bring up the last time you did it. You cannot expect him to completely wipe the slate clean, even if he says he forgives you.

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