
Scorpio Man Testing You: 10 Ways to Pass His Trials!

Updated September 12, 2024

A Scorpio man testing you is common. Scorpio men often test potential romantic partners to ensure compatibility before committing.

Your Scorpio man might explicitly do things to test you and see if you have certain traits. He might also just be on the lookout for those traits.

Your Scorpio man wants to ensure that you’re the one. If he’s unsure you have the traits he’s looking for, he will put you in situations or ask questions to see if you have those traits.

A Scorpio man will test your loyalty and honesty. He wants to ensure you remain faithful to him and always tell him the truth if he commits.

A Scorpio man will also test your independence and commitment. He wants to know that you can take care of yourself but that you’re also able to commit to a relationship.

1. He’ll Test Your Loyalty

One thing a Scorpio man will test for before committing is loyalty. Some Scorpio men will conduct elaborate schemes to test for this, so be on the lookout.

How does a Scorpio man test you to see if you’re loyal? If you two are already supposed to be exclusive, he might have a friend flirt with you to see how you react.

If a Scorpio man is testing your loyalty in ways unrelated to cheating and fidelity, he might tell you a secret and then have a friend try to get that secret out of you.

The easiest way to pass this test is to see what loyalty means to your Scorpio man. You can’t be loyal to him if you don’t know what his expectations are! If you promise to be exclusive, don’t flirt with others.

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2. He’ll Test Your Sexual Compatibility

If you want a relationship with a Scorpio man long-term, one vital aspect of your relationship will be your sexual compatibility. A Scorpio man won’t want to commit if you aren’t compatible.

A Scorpio man can compromise and look past certain things. He can deal with it if you’re less adventurous or have a slightly lower libido. He can’t have a long-term relationship if you’re entirely incompatible, though.

Talk about your sexual preferences with your Scorpio man. He might test you by asking about specific kinks or bringing things up to try in the bedroom.

The best way to pass this test is to find where you and your Scorpio man align. You’ll have some differences, but if you discuss sex and explore as much as possible, it will be easier to find your similarities.

3. He’ll Test Your Honesty

A Scorpio man will likely test your honesty before starting anything serious with you. He wants to know that you are who you say you are. He doesn’t want to date a liar.

Scorpio men can play wild mind games to test someone’s honesty. Your Scorpio man might try to catch you in a lie, so be prepared!

It will be easy to overcome a Scorpio man’s mind games if you are an honest person. If you always tell the truth, you can pass this trial with flying colors!

Just as honest as possible with your Scorpio man. Even if you think he might not want to hear a particular opinion of yours, tell him anyway. Show him you are honest even when it’s difficult, and you’ll pass his test.

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4. He’ll Test Your Commitment

A Scorpio man will test your ability to commit to him before he takes significant steps like moving in together or getting married. He won’t want to move forward if he thinks you can’t commit.

To pass this test, you must show a Scorpio man you can commit. If you can commit to goals and follow through when you make promises, that will show that you can commit to him, too.

You might not be worried about commitment in the early stages of dating a Scorpio man. Start showing him that you can commit if that is something you want, though. You can’t pass this test if he thinks you only ever want something casual.

If you eventually want to settle down, be open about that! If your Scorpio man brings up marriage, be honest with him, but also let him see that it is something you want so he knows you can commit to him.

5. He’ll Test Your Interest

Why does a Scorpio man test you? One reason is that he’s afraid of getting hurt. A Scorpio man does not want to commit to the wrong person and end up heartbroken.

Your Scorpio man will test your interest in him early in your relationship. He wants to know that you like him and not just the idea of a relationship.

You’ll pass this test if you genuinely are interested in your Scorpio man. You have to show that interest! The best way to pass this trial is to be affectionate, supportive, and compassionate.

If your Scorpio man shows you his dark side, be patient. He might be testing you. He wants to see if you’ll still want to be with him even when you see his faults. If you do, you’ll pass this test.

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6. He’ll Test Your Ability to Keep Secrets

If you’re dating a Scorpio man, you must be able to keep a secret. If you can’t, that will be a red flag for him, and he won’t want to commit!

Your Scorpio man will test your ability to keep secrets. He might start by telling you insignificant secrets to see if you tell anyone else. If you do, you’ll fail, but he won’t be too upset because he didn’t trust you with anything significant.

A Scorpio man needs to know that he can confide in you. If he can’t tell you his secrets and trust that you’ll keep them, he won’t want to be with you long-term.

To pass this test, check with your Scorpio man before divulging his information to others. If he says something is a secret or asks you not to tell, keep it to yourself.

7. He’ll Test Your Independence

The best match for a Scorpio man is an independent and self-reliant person. He wants his partner to want to be with him, not need him. He’ll support and care for you anyway, but you must be able to handle yourself.

To pass any tests of your independence, show your Scorpio man that you can take care of yourself. Let him see that you’re okay being alone and don’t need him around constantly.

If your Scorpio man says he’s busy or wants space, give him space. If he goes somewhere without you, don’t bother him. You’ll pass his tests if you are an independent person who isn’t clingy or controlling.

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8. Just Be Yourself with Him

You should easily be able to pass all types of a Scorpio man’s tests if you genuinely are compatible with him. If you have the traits he’s looking for, you’ll have no issue showing him you’re the one for him.

Just be yourself, and don’t worry too much about whether or not he’s testing you. If something seems like a test, react naturally. Show your Scorpio man who you truly are.

It’s better to be yourself even if you end up not passing the tests or being compatible. It is better to know that you’re not compatible in a certain way than to pretend to be someone you’re not.

Reacting in specific ways to ensure you “pass” his tests will not end well. If he thinks you’re being deceptive, that will be it. Just be who you truly are, and let that be enough.

9. Don’t Let Him Trick You

A Scorpio man testing the waters before committing to a relationship isn’t bad. You can’t know certain things about a person until they’re in specific situations and you see how they react.

Don’t let a Scorpio man trick you with his tests, though. If he seems like he’s trying to manipulate you or make you do things that you usually wouldn’t, you should take a step back.

Don’t let your Scorpio man’s tests make you act out of character. If you are an honest, loyal person who is genuinely interested in him, let that shine through.

If a Scorpio man is looking for a specific reaction or trying to make you act poorly, he’s not ready for a relationship. He’s seeking an excuse to end things without being the “bad guy.” Don’t give him that excuse.

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10. Always Be Open & Honest

If you want to know how to pass a Scorpio man’s tests, the real key is being open and honest with him.

If you think he’s doing something to test you and you don’t like it, be open about that. Don’t twist yourself into knots trying to pass a test when you can talk with him instead.

Always be as honest as possible with your Scorpio man. That will show him that you have the traits he desires, but it will benefit you, too! You’ll have a better relationship when you’re completely honest with him.

If you know you can’t give him the reaction he wants or aren’t compatible with him in a certain way, be open about that, too. You two might be able to compromise, but it’s also better to end things earlier if you are genuinely incompatible.

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