A heartbroken Aquarius man tries to hide his pain. He doesn’t like showing vulnerability.
If you are careful and adapt to his needs as an Aquarius, you can heal his broken heart.
You may not know your Aquarius love interest has a broken heart. Men born under this sign are surprisingly detached.
An Aquarius man with a broken heart tries to act like nothing is wrong. He may be awkward and exaggerate happiness.
But if you understand his need for space and creative outlets, you can help him overcome his heartbreak. You can be the woman who helps him heal and let go of the past.
Go Slow
Proceed carefully when you are dealing with an Aquarius man. His heartbreak makes him more defensive than usual. A heartbroken Aquarius man shuts down if you put too much pressure on him.
Avoid being too direct. Proceed with caution and gently encourage an Aquarius man to open up about how he feels. A hurt Aquarius man swears off love.
Unlike other zodiac signs, Aquarius can go the longest without romance. He may shut down from relationships for years. If you are gradual and cautious, an Aquarius man learns he can trust you.
You can get an Aquarius man to lower his defenses and open up to you if you respect his boundaries. Take your time and never rush him for a commitment.
Follow a no-contact rule with an Aquarius man to encourage him to return. Pace yourself and ignore him every few days. An Aquarius man can be inhibited if he feels overwhelmed.
A tiny trick to snatch your Aquarius man's heart?... even if he's cold and distant...
Focus on Facts
You may want to get an Aquarius man to discuss emotions when you see how hurt he is. But if you step back and focus on facts, you’re more likely to get an Aquarius man to open up.
Men born under this sign can be emotional, but avoid talking about feelings. Instead of trying to analyze his deep desires and wounds, stick to surface-level issues.
Ensure an Aquarius man sees you are trustworthy. He is secure in discussing facts and objective information. If you become emotional, an Aquarius man feels overwhelmed.
He shuts down if you insist he deal with his pain and sadness. Avoid poking at his emotional wounds. Keep your Aquarius man interested by discussing objective, neutral topics until he’s ready to open up.
Follow His Pace
An Aquarius man shuts down if he feels out of control. If you want to help an Aquarius man get over his heartache, you must go at his pace. He may get over someone fast or drag out a heartbreak for years.
Aquarius men are rebellious. They resist whatever you try to tell them to do. When you want an Aquarius man to get over a heartbreak and give love another chance, you must be patient.
An Aquarius man who is not yet ready will ignore all your efforts. Show him you are not in a rush. Let him see he is in charge, and you wait for him.
A make Aquarius, when heartbroken, needs to set the tone of a relationship. You may assume he’s leading you on when he takes a few steps forward and backpedals.
But an Aquarius man is trying to create security. He doesn’t move in a straight line. An Aquarius man wavers rather than maintaining a clear path forward.
Is your Aquarius man not communicating with you? Here's the trick to reel your Aquarius back in.
Give Him Space
Give an Aquarius man space if you want to help him heal a heartbreak. You may think surrounding him with love and support changes his mind, but this is not the case.
Instead of being more open to love, an Aquarius man shuts down if he feels smothered. Your best course of action is to step back and act indifferent. When an Aquarius man thinks you’re not interested in him, he becomes more active.
He chases you to ensure you don’t get away. If he thinks you are carefree and independent, an Aquarius man is more likely to pursue you. He needs space to get over his ex and won’t respond if you are too persistent.
An Aquarius man, when stressed, lashes out. He says regrettable things and may shut down even if he likes you. But if you give him space, an Aquarius man becomes more obsessed with you.
If you know how to break an Aquarius man’s heart, avoid using these tactics unless you want to lose him forever. An Aquarius man doesn’t tolerate drama. If you intentionally hurt him, he disappears.
How do Aquariuses act when hurt? Men born under this sign don’t tolerate emotional pain. They shut down instantly if you break an Aquarius man’s heart.
Don’t Judge
An Aquarius man may be quirky and unusual. He has the most unorthodox personality of all the zodiac signs. When upset, an Aquarius man is exceptionally bizarre.
If you want to help an Aquarius man get over a broken heart, avoid judgment. Be open and accepting of anything he must say or do. Aquarius men seldom show their vulnerability.
If an Aquarius man lets his guard down and shows you his sensitive side, you are getting a rare glimpse into his private life. An Aquarius man whose heart has been broken is not going to be rational.
He may do embarrassing things and can regret disclosing his secrets the next day. When an Aquarius man goes through turmoil and pain, he may make dramatic changes and go through phases of trying to find himself.
If you think an Aquarius man always comes back you may be surprised to learn that men born under this sign are unique. They don’t always return after a heartbreak. Be open and accepting if you want to encourage him to reconnect with you.
Use these secrets to make your Aquarius man love you (they work like magic)
Encourage Creativity
An Aquarius man can be intelligent, creative, and artistic. He’s ahead of his time and can be challenging to understand. If you don’t know how to get to an Aquarius man’s heart, stop trying too hard.
Instead of trying to get him to open up, encourage him to be creative. When you inspire an Aquarius man, he sees past his wounds. He doesn’t want to wallow in sadness and grief.
An Aquarius man can use his creative gifts to channel his energy and pain. He wants to be productive and will use his innovative and creative gifts to transform his wounds.
An Aquarius man loves being playful and doesn’t want to be stuck ruminating over his losses and pain. You can lift his spirits if you help him see past his pain and become more creative.
What happens when an Aquarius man gets jealous? If he isn’t over his ex he may obsess over her new relationship. Encourage him to write stories or songs. Inspire him to use his artistic talents to process his feelings.
Be Relatable
An Aquarius man often feels alienated when he goes through a breakup. When you want to help an Aquarius man get past his hurt feelings, try to relate to him.
He takes pride in being unique and doesn’t want anyone to figure him out completely. But when you identify with his pain and show him you can relate to his feelings, an Aquarius man feels relieved.
He wants to feel heard and understood. Reflect his fears and desires back to him. An Aquarius man who has gone through a breakup needs to know that he can still connect with people.
If you know how to break up with an Aquarius man, you can maintain a lifelong friendship. Aquarius men love being friends for life. They can be eager to maintain ties long after a break up if you avoid drama.
This magic will make your Aquarius man want a relationship with you.
Listen Carefully
An Aquarius man who has been heartbroken makes many outrageous statements. Men born under this sign can be talkative and say things for shock value.
Avoid brushing off the things an Aquarius man tells you. An Aquarius man needs to see you are willing to listen intently. Focus on him when he talks. Avoid distractions like your phone or the television.
An Aquarius man doesn’t always want to discuss deep secrets and private issues. But when he does become serious, a man born under this sign must see that he has your complete attention.
Will an Aquarius man regret losing you after a breakup? If you inspire his creativity and help him express his individualistic nature, you can make an Aquarius man want to return.
Be Receptive
An Aquarius man who is hurt and depressed may have bizarre ideas and theories. He tries to rationalize his feelings and maybe all over the map. Be receptive to him without encouraging toxic behavior.
An Aquarius man needs to be with someone open-minded. If he is heartbroken, you can help him heal his hurt feelings if you are attentive and willing to listen.
You may not agree with everything an Aquarius man says, but if he is connecting with you during a time of vulnerability, be receptive to what he says. Avoid judgment, and don’t insist on commitment.
Walking away from an Aquarius man is the best way to balance your relationship without overwhelming him. Yet if an Aquarius man is heartbroken and needy, listen to him and be open and accepting.
This one weird trick is the only way to attract a Aquarius man.
Avoid Confrontation
Never confront an Aquarius man. When he is heartbroken, he is often overwhelmed. An Aquarius man may be more sensitive than usual. If you are too direct, he shuts down.
You can help an Aquarius man get over a broken heart if you take a relaxed pace to approach him. An Aquarius man must be with someone easygoing.
Don’t pressure an Aquarius man. Avoid judging his ex, and don’t corner him to get a commitment. A man born under this sign shuts down if you are demanding.
He must feel in control. When you are too dominating, an Aquarius man may become distant. He is already raw from heartbreak and needs time to reclaim his independence.
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