
Scorpio Man Silent Treatment: 10 Ways to Break the Ice!

Updated September 20, 2024

A Scorpio man’s silent treatment is typically a sign he’s upset about something. You must make him feel better if you want to break the ice.

Scorpio men give the silent treatment on purpose to express anger, sadness, or frustration with people around them.

If a Scorpio man is giving you the silent treatment, proceed with caution. You want to break the ice. You don’t want to push him too much or seem clingy.

Apologizing will typically break the ice with a Scorpio man who is mad at you. If you know you’ve done something wrong, apologize. If you’re unsure what’s wrong, express concern, bring a gift, or offer to do a favor.

Respect your Scorpio man’s boundaries and be patient. If he genuinely wants space and to be alone, leave him be for a while.

1. Apologize

If a Scorpio man is ignoring you after an argument, you will likely need to apologize. If he’s giving you the silent treatment and you think it might be because you’ve upset him, say sorry.

Scorpio men typically have trouble apologizing, but they expect others to apologize to them. If you do something to anger your Scorpio man or make him sad, apologizing is the best way to ensure he stops giving the silent treatment.

If you’re unsure why you’re getting the silent treatment, reach out and say that you’re sorry if you’ve done something to upset him first. Once you know what you did, apologize properly and take responsibility for your actions.

Tell your Scorpio man you will apologize, but need to know what you did first. Encourage him to talk to you when you’ve done something to upset him instead of giving the silent treatment.

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2. Ask If He Wants to Be Alone

If your Scorpio man is suddenly distant, ask if he wants to be alone. Sometimes, he’s not giving you the silent treatment to make you feel bad or show he’s upset. He needs time alone to recharge.

A Scorpio man won’t always tell you when he wants time to himself. If he’s been socializing too much lately, he might just shut down and retreat. It will seem like he’s giving you the silent treatment, but that might not be his intention.

Ask your Scorpio man if he wants to be alone. Tell him that you are willing to give him space and leave him be but that you’re concerned and want to ensure he’s okay before doing that.

Your Scorpio man will appreciate it when you give him the space he needs. He might get better about asking for space instead of just giving the silent treatment.

3. Offer Support

If you want to know how to deal with an angry Scorpio man, offer support. He needs support, whether he’s mad at you and giving the silent treatment or upset about something else and ignoring everyone.

A Scorpio man giving you the silent treatment on purpose will appreciate it when you offer support. Text or call him to say you’re there for him if he needs you.

He might take you up on the offer, but don’t be worried if your Scorpio man doesn’t. If he genuinely needs to talk about something with you, he will. He’ll stop giving you the silent treatment if he’s just being petty.

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4. Express Concern

If you want to know how to get a Scorpio man’s attention when he’s giving the silent treatment, a great way to do so is to express concern.

If you have no idea why your Scorpio man might be ignoring you, don’t accuse him of being childish or giving the silent treatment. Instead, express concern and ask him if he’s okay.

If something is wrong, your Scorpio man will appreciate you reaching out. If he’s giving you the silent treatment as a test or because he’s being passive-aggressive, he’ll realize he’s gone too far and start talking to you again.

The key is to express concern without being clingy. Just message your Scorpio man asking if something is wrong or say he seems upset.

5. Show Affection for Him

When a Scorpio man ignores you, it might be because he’s reacting to you ignoring him first. If he feels neglected in any way, your Scorpio man might give the silent treatment to get your attention.

If this is the issue, show affection for your Scorpio man. Try offering a hug the next time you see him in person. Express affection verbally by complimenting your Scorpio man or telling him how much you love him.

A Scorpio man who feels neglected will appreciate the affection. Remind him how much you care. That might help break the ice.

Make an effort in the future to give your Scorpio man frequent affection so that he doesn’t feel the need to give you the silent treatment to get your attention. Show him that you love him and want him around.

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6. Say You Miss Him

If you want to know how to deal with a Scorpio man’s silent treatment when you honestly don’t know what the issue is, try reaching out and saying you miss him.

Sometimes, your Scorpio man isn’t ignoring you on purpose. He might legitimately be busy. He might also be waiting for you to reach out when he gives the silent treatment.

Tell your Scorpio man that you miss talking to him and seeing him. Let him know that you would love to hang out with him. Offer to take him on a date or hang out at one of his favorite places.

If your Scorpio man was waiting for you to reach out, this will break the ice. If he didn’t realize how long it had been since he last talked to you, he will feel bad and start talking to you again.

7. Do a Favor for Him

Sometimes, the best thing to do when a Scorpio man is mad at you is to do a favor for him. It will be hard to stay mad at you if you take care of some extra chores or make his life a little easier.

If your Scorpio man is giving the silent treatment after you said something hurtful, tidy up around the house. Run an errand for him or offer to take a few tasks off his plate if he’s extra busy.

Doing your Scorpio man a favor will help if you need to apologize to him. Even if he’s not ready to talk to you, he’ll appreciate the favor, which will help him forgive you and start talking to you again much sooner.

You can also message your Scorpio man and say you owe him a favor. He’ll likely reach out to take you up on the offer.

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8. Bring Him a Gift

When a Scorpio man stops talking to you, and you’re not sure why, a great way to break the ice is to bring him a gift.

Bringing your Scorpio man a gift will show him that you care. Try to get something thoughtful rather than a generic gift. Even if you get something small, ensure it’s something he likes.

If your Scorpio man is giving you the silent treatment because you upset him, he might accept your gift as an apology. If he’s passive-aggressive, he might realize he needs to talk to you about what’s wrong.

This is a great way to break the ice because your Scorpio man will see how thoughtful you are. It will be difficult to stay mad at you if that was the issue. He will appreciate the gift.

9. Respect His Boundaries

Sometimes, the best thing to do when a Scorpio man is ignoring you is to respect his boundaries and leave him alone. You should always respect his boundaries, and that might help to avoid the silent treatment in the first place.

If your Scorpio man says he needs space, give it to him. Do not continue to push for him to talk to you if he doesn’t want to. That will make him more likely to give the silent treatment in the future!

A Scorpio man who knows you won’t give him time alone will ignore you when he wants to be alone. One who knows you will give him the space he wants will discuss things with you first.

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10. Be Patient

If you’re trying to get the attention of a Scorpio man after a fight and he won’t talk to you, just be patient. He needs time to calm down sometimes. The silent treatment can be good if you both need to cool down and stop being so angry.

Sometimes, you can break the ice right away with a Scorpio man. He’ll start talking to you as soon as you apologize, bring him a gift, or reach out to express concern and support.

Other times, he won’t reply to you right away. Your Scorpio man might want time to think things over or calm down. If he wants space, he’ll take some time for himself and reach out to you later.

No matter what, be patient. Your Scorpio man will come back to you eventually, and you two can discuss whatever the issue is.

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