When a Scorpio man is angry, things can get intense! You might see your Scorpio man’s dark side when he’s mad.
Some Scorpio men can control their anger better than others. That doesn’t mean they can completely hide it, though.
Scorpio men are incredibly emotional. They are better at hiding it than Cancer or Pisces men, but their emotions still get the best of them.
If your Scorpio man is angry, you’ll know something is up. He might insist nothing is wrong, but you’ll be able to tell that he’s hiding something. If he hides for too long, his anger will likely explode.
When a Scorpio man is angry at you, he might give the silent treatment. He may pull away when he’s mad about other things, too, especially if he’s worried he’ll do something he regrets.
His Emotions Are Intense
What happens when a Scorpio man gets mad? A Scorpio man’s emotions can be intense at times! He might try to hide his anger or deal with it healthily, but it might still be obvious that something is wrong if he’s really mad.
Scorpio men deal with their emotions in many ways. Some will try to hide their anger, but the intensity of those feelings will make them come out anyway, no matter what.
If a Scorpio man is more upset about something than you would be, keep in mind that he feels things very strongly. His emotions are intense and powerful, even if he knows how to keep them under control.
There will be times when a Scorpio man can’t control his emotions. If he’s angry, he might explode and act out. If he’s been hiding things for too long, those feelings will build up and be even more intense than they already are.
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His Temper Can Be Explosive
Some Scorpio men have explosive tempers. This is more common with Scorpio men who try to hide their emotions. If your Scorpio man doesn’t have a healthy outlet for his anger, it will explode and cause problems.
A Scorpio man probably won’t explode every time he gets angry. He might keep his feelings in instead. He may act passive-aggressively or release his anger in a way that is less obvious, too.
If a Scorpio man keeps things in for too long and doesn’t express his anger, he will explode. He might start to yell during an argument or suddenly become angry over a seemingly minor thing.
You won’t always know how to handle an angry Scorpio man, especially if he has an explosive temper! Sometimes, the best thing to do is give him space to cool off. You can’t have a rational conversation if he’s out of control.
Anger Often Hides Other Emotions
Sometimes, the best thing to do when a Scorpio man is mad is to encourage him to open up and talk to you.
His anger sometimes hides sadness or insecurity. If you get him to speak to you about why he’s angry, you might discover he’s feeling something else entirely.
Scorpio men might feel things intensely but don’t always want to acknowledge that. It might be easier for a Scorpio man to express anger than to admit that he’s depressed, lonely, or insecure.
If your Scorpio man seems to be angry after a death in the family, he’s hiding his sadness with anger. He won’t always cry or allow himself to wallow in his despair. Instead, he’ll get angry.
All you can do is try to support your Scorpio man. Tell him that you are there for him. If he talks to you, listen. You might discover that he isn’t angry at all and needs to work through other emotions.
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He Might Pull Away
Some Scorpio men will pull away from the people around them when angry. Your Scorpio man might do this when he’s angry at you, but he may also pull away even if his anger has nothing to do with you.
He might pull away if you try to talk to a Scorpio man after a fight. If he’s angry with you and hasn’t properly calmed down, he might be worried he’ll say something he’ll regret. To avoid that, he will distance himself temporarily.
Your Scorpio man might withdraw even when he’s not angry at you. If he’s worried you’ll notice his bad mood or that he’ll say something rude because of his frustration, he will keep his distance.
When a Scorpio man pulls away due to anger, you can reach out and offer support. Try to give him space, though. Don’t continuously try to talk to him if he wants to be alone.
He Might Be Passive-aggressive
If your Scorpio man is mad at you, he might act passive-aggressively. Some Scorpio men know how to be direct about confrontation, but others will act out without actually addressing the problem.
Passive-aggressive behavior is a common way of expressing anger without directly addressing the issue. If your Scorpio man is making rude comments to you, sulking, or acting out while denying anything wrong, he’s passive-aggressive.
Your Scorpio man might also try to get back at you for making him angry. He may do things to annoy and irritate you so that you feel the way he does.
Your Scorpio man might not always realize he’s being passive-aggressive. He might be moody for some reason and take that out on you without consciously deciding he’s going to act that way.
Either way, encourage your Scorpio man to open up and talk about what is wrong. Tell him that you’re happy to apologize if you’ve done something to upset him but that you have to know what you did wrong first.
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He May Give the Silent Treatment
Your Scorpio man might give you the silent treatment when he’s angry. This is different from simply pulling away and trying to get some space. It’s usually one of the ways he passive-aggressively expresses anger.
Your Scorpio man might pointedly ignore you when he’s angry at you. If he’s giving you the silent treatment, he’ll purposely leave text messages on read. He’ll ignore all your calls.
He might even walk away while you’re in the middle of speaking to him in person.
A Scorpio man’s silent treatment will end eventually. Try reaching out to offer an apology if you think he’s angry at you. That might be enough to get his attention.
When a Scorpio man is done with you for good, he’ll let you know. He will break up with you or end your friendship if you do something unforgivable. If he’s just temporarily giving you the silent treatment, he needs space, and he’ll come back eventually.
You’ll See His Dark Side
You will likely see the dark side of a Scorpio man when he’s angry. Even if he tries to hide it and control himself, you’ll see him when he’s not at his best.
A Scorpio man can be a very caring and compassionate person. When he’s angry, you’ll see a totally different side of him. He will be rude, moody, and insensitive.
Scorpio men often say things they regret when they are angry. Your Scorpio man might insult you in the middle of an argument. If he’s frustrated, he might make insensitive remarks and do things that hurt your feelings.
Ideally, a Scorpio man should try to express his anger healthily, but that won’t always be the case. Things can get ugly when he’s angry, especially if he doesn’t know how to deal with it.
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He Holds Grudges
How long does a Scorpio man stay mad? Scorpio men can hold some of the worst grudges. Your Scorpio man has the potential to stay mad for weeks, months, or even years if you two don’t deal with his anger properly.
Scorpio men sometimes hold grudges instead of letting things go. You might not even know that your Scorpio man is upset and holding a grudge sometimes. He might bring up something you’ve done to upset him long after you thought he was already over them.
Do Scorpio men hold grudges far longer than they should? They do. Your Scorpio man might remember an insensitive comment you made years ago and bring it up the next time you two argue.
Holding grudges can be one of a Scorpio man’s red flags. If he refuses to let go of anything, that’s a bad sign. He needs to learn how to let go of his anger and move on, or he’ll never be able to have a healthy relationship.
He Won’t Forgive Easily
If your Scorpio man is angry at you, you need to apologize. He will expect you to, even if he isn’t always the best about apologizing!
You’ll need to learn how to apologize to a Scorpio man properly, too, if you want him to forgive you. Scorpio men do not forgive easily, even when you apologize.
If you want a Scorpio man to forgive you, you must accept responsibility for whatever you’ve done to anger him. You can explain your actions but don’t make excuses. Let him know that you realize his anger is partially on you.
Talk things through with your Scorpio man. Ask what you can do to make things up to him. Promise to do better in the future and follow through with changed behavior.
This can help, but it won’t ensure that a Scorpio man forgives you. If he’s furious about something you did, he’ll need time to think things over and calm down.
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