A Sagittarius man using you might not be evident at first. You might not see the signs if you’re in the early stages and just having fun.
The signs will be clear if you’ve been dating for a while. He won’t want to take any relationship milestones with you.
If a Sagittarius man is using you, he won’t make you part of his life. He won’t meet your friends, and you won’t know any of his friends either. He might not even want to be seen in public with you.
If your Sagittarius man never plans dates, only hangs out when it’s convenient, or just seems to want sex, he’s using you. He wants one thing from you, which isn’t an actual relationship.
You won’t be a priority when a Sagittarius man is using you. He won’t care about your needs, and he won’t compromise with you.
1. He Won’t Meet Your Friends
If you’ve been in a relationship with a Sagittarius man for a while and he won’t meet your friends, that’s a red flag! He might be using you.
A Sagittarius man who cares about you might not want to meet your friends immediately, but he will eventually. He’ll happily go to parties with you and hang out with your friends. He might bring his friends along, too!
If your Sagittarius man refuses to meet your friends, something is going on. He might worry that they’ll notice something is wrong. He may not want to combine your lives any more than he has to.
Is your Sagittarius man painfully distant? Rekindle your love.
2. You’ve Never Met His Friends
One of the signs a Sagittarius man is playing you is that you’ve never met his friends. If he won’t even bring you over to his place when his roommates are home, that’s a red flag.
A Sagittarius man won’t want to incorporate you into his life if he doesn’t intend to stick around. If he’s using you for sex or another reason, he won’t want you to meet the people that matter to him.
If you’re in the early stages of dating, it might make sense that you haven’t met your Sagittarius man’s family or close friends. If he intends on seriously dating you, though, he’ll start bringing you to parties and introducing you to people in his life.
Ask your Sagittarius man why you haven’t met any of his friends if this is the case. If he’s using you, he’ll brush you off. If he’s not, he’ll be amenable to introducing you.
3. He Never Plans Dates
Will a Sagittarius man lead you on? Many Sagittarius men are direct and honest. They will be upfront about what they want from a relationship. That isn’t always the case, though.
One sign a Sagittarius man is using is that he will never plan dates. He won’t want to make plans with you. He might only hang out with you when it’s convenient.
A Sagittarius man using you might only want to meet up to have sex. He might invite you out occasionally, but only when it works for him. If you can’t fit into his schedule, he won’t be flexible and make time for you.
A tiny trick to snatch your Sagittarius man's heart?... even if he's cold and distant...
4. He Only Wants Sex
How do you know if a Sagittarius man is using you for sure? If he only ever seems to want sex, he’s using you! He’s not interested in an actual relationship.
Many Sagittarius men will just be upfront if they only want something casual. If your Sagittarius man wants to hook up but doesn’t want a relationship, he will usually tell you that.
If your Sagittarius man says he wants a relationship but only hangs out with you when he wants sex, that’s a red flag. He might be using you, even if he’s not intending to.
A Sagittarius man who cares about you and wants to be with you will continue to be with you even if you turn him down for sex.
If you open up and say it feels like all you do is have sex, he’ll listen and be willing to work on things. If your Sagittarius man is using you, though, his behavior won’t change.
5. He Won’t Be Seen in Public with You
One of a Sagittarius man’s red flags is that he won’t want to be seen with you in public. If he refuses to hang out anywhere other than your place, or he only wants to meet up at hotels or faraway locations, that’s a sign he’s using you.
A Sagittarius man won’t want to be seen with you in public if he’s dating other people or you’re his side piece. If he’s got a serious girlfriend, he will hide you. He won’t want her to find out.
He might not always be cheating, but a Sagittarius man using you might not want to be seen with you for other reasons. He may want you to avoid running into anyone he knows if he intends on ditching you.
He might be using you if he goes places with you but brushes you off when other people see you. If he introduces you as a “friend” or “acquaintance,” something is definitely going on.
This is the #1 mistake women make with a Sagittarius man...
6. You Aren’t a Priority
If a Sagittarius man is playing you and is only with you because he wants something from you, you won’t be a priority in his life.
You might not always be the top priority even when a Sagittarius man loves you, but you will be a priority. He’ll try to balance his schedule so he always has time for you.
If a Sagittarius man cares about you, he’ll be there when you need him. He’ll prioritize things like your birthday over other events happening in his life. If you’re sick, he’ll be willing to cancel plans to care for you.
A Sagittarius man who is playing you won’t prioritize you at all. He might miss your birthday because a concert he wants to go to is happening. He’ll cancel plans with you if something “better” comes up.
7. He’s Completely Inflexible
A Sagittarius man who is using you will likely be completely inflexible. He’ll only ever want to do what he wants and won’t care to listen to your opinions or desires.
If your Sagittarius man is using you for sex, he’ll only ever want to have sex. He’ll want to do the things he likes. He won’t care about your desires and might blow you off if you say you’d rather do something else for once.
If you want to know how to beat a Sagittarius man at his own game, be stubborn and refuse to compromise with him. If he’s used to you doing whatever he wants, this will stop him in his tracks.
This one weird trick is the only way to attract a Sagittarius man.
8. He Won’t Discuss the Future
If a Sagittarius man is serious about you, he will discuss the future with you. He might not make concrete plans immediately, but he’ll want to discuss potential futures and hypotheticals for your relationship.
A Sagittarius man who is using you will never discuss the future. He won’t even want to make plans for next week or month, let alone years into the future.
When a Sagittarius man is using you, he doesn’t intend on sticking around. He doesn’t imagine a future with you because he knows he’ll likely leave once someone better comes along or you get sick of him and end things yourself.
A Sagittarius man who is using you won’t want to make plans for the future, either. He won’t plan trips with you or make plans to be your plus one for the next family wedding.
9. He Seems Bored Around You
If your Sagittarius man seems bored around you unless you’re doing something he wants, he might be using you.
A Sagittarius man being bored now and then isn’t a red flag. If you’re getting a Sagittarius man’s mixed signals, where he seems incredibly interested at times and bored at others, he might just be easily bored.
If your Sagittarius man is always bored when you’re around, he’s likely not legitimately interested in you. He doesn’t care about you if he’s never interested in your hobbies or what you have to say.
Your Sagittarius man might only seem interested when you’re having sex, talking about his interests, or doing something he suggested. He’ll be bored when you suggest things or might brush you off completely.
If he is completely bored by you, he’s not with you for the right reasons. If a Sagittarius man cared about you, being with you would make him happy!
The simple secrets you can use to seduce and keep your Sagittarius man (they work like magic)
10. He Doesn’t Care About Your Needs
A Sagittarius man who is using you will not care about your needs. He won’t be generous, helpful, or supportive. He will only care about himself and his needs.
Even if a Sagittarius man is afraid of commitment, he’ll still care about your needs when he loves you. If he wants a serious relationship but wants to go slow, he’ll still ensure you’re happy.
If your Sagittarius man completely brushes you off when you tell him you need more from him, he might not care about you. If you say he’s not meeting your needs and doesn’t seem to care, he might be using you.
A Sagittarius man who loves you might fail to meet your needs sometimes, but he’ll do his best. He will listen when you tell him your needs and express remorse when he doesn’t meet those needs.
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