
Libra Man Ignoring You: Reclaim His Attention Now!

Updated January 17, 2025

Is a Libra man ignoring you? Get him back on track before it’s too late.

Understanding his subconscious needs helps ensure your Libra man doesn’t stray. Motivate him to focus on you again.

If a Libra man is ignoring you, be patient. You can turn him off if you chase him persistently. Come on too strong, and you can push a Libra man away.

A man born under this sign can be discouraging. He runs hot and cold when he likes you. Learn to keep him motivated, and you can keep him focused on you.

Get active and join a club if you want a Libra to stay obsessed with you. Take classes or learn new skills.

Pull Away

A Libra man can be eager to please you. But men born under this sign are sensitive. They often feel overwhelmed and pull away when a relationship is serious.

If a Libra man stops responding promptly, distance yourself from him. He gets the hint when you seem cold. A Libra man becomes interested in you when you are distant.

Men born under this sign can be passionate about you when you act disinterested in them. Distance yourself from a Libra man and he chases you again.

Don’t chase a Libra man when you want him to take you seriously. Men born under this sign can be turned off if you are too forward. Make a Libra man wait for you. He warms up to you again.

Is your Libra man painfully distant? Rekindle your love.

Get Your Hair Done

Sometimes, a Libra man needs to remember why he was attracted to you in the first place. Use your creative instincts and refresh your style. When you change your appearance, you can make a Libra man feel excited about you again.

Get your hair done and take risks to experiment with a dramatic new look. When your Libra man sees you, he falls in love again. He may be ignoring you out of complacency.

A bored Libra man may ignore you because he is used to you. You can motivate him to chase you again when he sees you with a new hairstyle.

Are you wondering what to do when a Libra man ignores you? Men born under this sign can be hooked on you when you appeal to their love of beauty. You can get his attention by refreshing your look.

Will a Libra man come back after ghosting you? Men born under this sign are lured back to you. Go to his gym or favorite cafe. When a Libra man sees you with a new haircut, you spark his interest again.

Change Your Style

After you’ve got a new hairstyle, make your Libra man focus on you if you refresh your style. Get a new wardrobe, a Libra man wants to be with you.

He shows a renewed interest in you when you adapt your style to the latest trends. Show off your creative side when choosing new outfits, and you can make a Libra man chase you.

He won’t ignore you if you have romantic new outfits to get his attention. You can make him double-take when he sees you enter the room.

If you’re wondering what to do when a Libra man ignores you, a new style can make him fall for you. He can be magnetically attracted to you when you reinvent yourself.

Is your Libra man not communicating with you? Here's the trick to reel your Libra back in.

Be Creative

Your Libra man is an artist at heart. If you amplify your creative side, your Libra man won’t look away. He refreshes his focus on you when you are creative.

A Libra man sees you are his perfect match when you express your creative side. He can be swept off his feet when he discovers you share his love of the arts and humanities.

Make a Libra man feel comfortable with you by working on an art project with him. Involve him in your writing process, you can get him to warm up to you again.

If a Libra man suddenly ignores you, the relationship may be too predictable. Men born under this sign need encouragement to come out of their shells.

Show him you have a knack for painting or photography, and a Libra man comes out of the woodwork again. He can be passionate when sharing creative ideas with you.

Join a Club

Libra men are social and love being with people engaged in their communities. Join a club and delve deeper into your recreational interests to spark a Libra man’s passion.

He stops ignoring you and can be more likely to chase you if you are popular. When you keep busy with various commitments and are actively pursuing your interests, a Libra man stops ignoring you.

He can be indifferent and may dismiss you when you are too available. By joining various groups, you can make a Libra man obsessed with you again.

When a Libra man takes ages to reply, you can get him to respond if you are active in different clubs. He is excited to join you in social gatherings when you go out with your friends.

The simple secrets you can use to seduce and keep your Libra man (they work like magic)

Take a Class

A Libra man wants to be with you when you match his intellectual interests. He chases you when you further your education. Take a class on a topic you desire.

You can make a Libra man come around when he’s distant. Take an art class or learn an instrument. Make a Libra man chase you by fueling his interest in discussions about your new interests.

Take a class, and your Libra man misses you when you’re busy. You can make him take interest in you again when you are open to learning. Libra men are fascinated with you when you broaden your mind.

When you’re wondering how to get a Libra man to stop ignoring you, appeal to his curiosity. You can make him chase you again if you invest in your future by studying your favorite topics.


Libra men are imaginative. They fantasize about going to new places and learning from various cultures. You can appeal to your Libra love’s curiosity if you travel.

Libra men are fascinated with independent women who aren’t afraid to board an airplane at the last minute. Show him you are spontaneous and eager to travel.

When you sense a Libra man is ignoring you, get him to stop avoiding your texts. One of the fastest ways to spark his interest in you again is to post photos of your trips abroad to social media.

A Libra man is suddenly distant when he is bored by routines. Take off to explore new places and invite him to travel with you. You can make a Libra man want to be with you again if you encourage his love of seeing new places.

This is the #1 mistake women make with a Libra man...

Make Him Jealous

If you make a Libra man jealous you can get his attention, but he may not respond favorably. A Libra man can be inspired to chase you again, but he may ghost you.

Libra men can go to extremes if you make them jealous. They can be temperamental when you trigger their insecurities. Men born under this sign can be hurt easily.

If you go too far making him jealous, you may ruin your chances with a Libra man. Men born under the sign of Libra may gain a new perspective if they think they have competition.

When a Libra man ignores your texts, you may incite his interest by casually mentioning another man’s name. Tread lightly when you make a Libra man jealous. He may lose interest in you.

Be Passionate

A Libra man ignoring you may make you reconsider your relationship. Rather than giving up on him, show your Libra love you are his perfect match.

Let a Libra man see how passionate you are. He responds to you when you are charming and intense. Be sensual and refuse to let a Libra man get away from you.

When a Libra man is distant, he needs a reminder of how spicey your relationship can be. Men born under this sign are inspired when you turn them on.

A Libra man disappears and comes back when he needs space. Ignite his interest by waiting for him to chase you again. A Libra man won’t stay gone for long.

This one weird trick is the only way to attract a Libra man.

Stop Texting First

Your text style may undermine the relationship with your Libra man. If you aren’t careful, you may do too much to chase him. Stop texting him first and a Libra man is eager to chase you.

Give him several days to realize how much he misses you. When a Libra man doesn’t text you, you may be tempted to reach out to him. But he can be lazy in love.

If you make his life too easy, a Libra man stops pursuing you. He won’t be attracted to you if you chase him. Let him text you first. Your Libra man may need time to work through his insecurities, but he reaches out when you make him wait.

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