
Leo Man Mind Games: Unleashing the Battle of Wits!

Updated January 23, 2025

A Leo man’s mind games are easy to play if you know what he’s doing. You can easily beat him at his own game.

Remain confident in yourself and your abilities, and you can definitely come out on top when you play games with a Leo man!

Leo men frequently play mind games. They play hard to get, and they toy with people’s emotions to get what they want. That doesn’t mean they are immune from getting played, though.

You can easily play games with a Leo man’s head by using his desire for attention against him. Ignore him, prioritize other people, and flirt with others in front of him.

Mess with a Leo man’s emotions, and you’ll mess with his head, too. Tease him and constantly compete with him so that he never gets a chance to rest.

Ignore Him When He Wants Attention

Playing mind games with a Leo man is sometimes as easy as just ignoring him!

Leo men crave attention, and there is nothing they hate more than being ignored. If your Leo man wants attention from you, and you ignore him, that will bother him.

Ignoring him when he wants attention will mess with a Leo man because he will wonder why you’re ignoring him. If there is no specific reason, he’ll drive himself crazy trying to figure out what he did wrong.

You can ignore a Leo man when he does do something you don’t like, but you don’t need a reason. If you’re trying to mess with him, ignore him for no reason.

He will think over all the reasons you could be ignoring him and try to change his behavior, but it won’t matter because you are just ignoring him for the sake of ignoring him.

This magic will make your Leo man want a relationship with you.

Constantly Compete with Him

If you want to know how to beat a Leo man at his own game, constantly compete with him. Never give him a moment’s peace and make everything a competition.

Many Leo men are naturally competitive. They might enjoy engaging in friendly competition. They may create competition with others to mess with them.

You can easily mess with a Leo man by creating competition with him, even when he’s just trying to relax or have fun. Too much competition might stress him out, especially if it’s not that friendly.

If you compete with him and win, it will mess with a Leo man’s head even more. If you create competition with him instead of trying to teach him or let him have fun learning a new skill, that will get to him.

Compare Him to Others

Do Leo men play mind games? They definitely do! If your Leo man is playing with you, and you want to give him a taste of his own medicine, start comparing him to others.

This will play into a Leo man’s competitive side in a way that will get to him. If you constantly compare a Leo man to other people in your life, you might start to make him feel inadequate.

If you’re dating a Leo man and want to mess with him, compare him to your exes or male friends. The comparisons will mess with him even more if he’s already jealous of these people.

A Leo man will not like it when you compare him to others, and he comes up short. It will get to him if you constantly praise other people for specific traits and then tell him he lacks those traits or needs to develop them more.

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Mess with His Emotions

Is your Leo man playing mind games? You can play games with him and get some revenge by messing with his emotions if he is.

Leo men are highly emotional people, and you can mess with a Leo man’s emotions if you try. Insulting and comparing him to others will toy with his feelings, but that’s not the only way.

You can also mess with a Leo man’s emotions by being unpredictable. If you sometimes laugh at a particular type of joke but tell him he’s ridiculous and stupid for telling the same kind of joke, that will confuse and upset him.

You can also mess with his emotions by not responding to his feelings the way he’d expect. If you judge him for opening up to you or get mad at him whenever he expresses sadness or anxiety, that will mess with him.

Tease Him

What is a Leo man’s weakness? One of his weaknesses is his own insecurity. You can play mind games with a Leo man by using his insecurities to tease him in a mean way.

There are types of teasing that Leo men like, of course. Your Leo man might love it when you tease him flirtatiously, but other types of teasing will mess with his head and emotions.

You can play games with a Leo man by teasing him in an insulting way. Act like you’re joking around with him, but say things that will poke at his insecurities and get under his skin.

If you do this right, you’ll hurt a Leo man’s feelings, but it will seem like that wasn’t your intention. If he gets upset, you can say you were joking with him.

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Outsmart Him

If you’re seeing many signs a Leo man is playing you, and you want to get back at him, outsmart him! Make him feel stupid, and that will mess with his head more than almost anything else.

Leo men hate it when other people make them feel stupid. They do not like being wrong, and it messes with them when other people go out of their way to call them out on their mistakes.

Pick at everything your Leo man says. If you think he’s wrong about something he’s stating as a fact, call him out on that. Do this in front of others if you want to embarrass him.

You can also outsmart a Leo man in an argument by getting him fired up. Remain calm and appear completely logical, but rile him up. That will mess with him, and you’ll likely win the argument.

Prioritize Other People

If your Leo man is playing hard to get and you want him to stop, prioritize, and pay attention to other people instead of him. He’ll realize that he’s pushing you away and potentially losing you.

Prioritizing other people when you should be prioritizing him will always mess with a Leo man. If he goes to you for support or needs help in an emergency and you choose to hang out with a friend instead, that will get to him.

A Leo man will not like it when he’s not your top priority, especially if you are in a committed relationship.

If you constantly choose other people over him, that will mess with him. He’ll start feeling inadequate and wonder why he’s unimportant to you.

Use these secrets to make your Leo man love you (they work like magic)

Flirt with Others in Front of Him

Flirting with others in front of a Leo man who likes you will mess with his head. Whether you’re in a relationship or he has a crush, this is a great way to play games with him.

A Leo man will get jealous when you flirt with other people in front of him.

You can make him feel like he’s being irrational if you insist that you’re not flirting. Call him out if you two aren’t together and say he’s being ridiculous when he gets upset.

If you’re getting a Leo man’s mixed signals, flirting with others in front of him is a great way to give him a taste of his own medicine. He might realize he needs to be direct with you. He may also stop playing and move on.

Spill His Secrets

Spilling a Leo man’s secrets is an easy way to mess with him, but be careful!

A Leo man will be upset if he trusts you with a secret and you tell someone else. He’ll wonder if he was wrong for trusting you. He might start to doubt his own instincts.

If you embarrass him with the secret you tell, that will get to a Leo man. It will mess with his head, especially if other people bring up the secret and tease him because of it.

How does a Leo man test you when he’s thinking about committing? He’ll want to see if you’re reliable. If you spill his secrets, you’ll show him that you’re not! Do not mess with a Leo man this way if you want him to trust you.

A tiny trick to snatch your Leo man's heart?... even if he's cold and distant...

Steal the Spotlight from Him

Knowing he wants to be in the spotlight is the key to understanding a Leo man. He loves it when all eyes are on him, and he will not appreciate it when you steal the spotlight from him.

If you want to mess with a Leo man, take the attention away from him. If you steal the spotlight at his party, he’ll be upset! That will mess with his head a lot.

A Leo man will be irritated when you constantly take the attention away from him. If he’s talking and you interrupt him and shift everyone’s attention from him to you, he won’t like that.

A Leo man will wonder why it’s so easy for you to steal the spotlight if you do this all the time. He’ll wonder why you’re so interesting that other people want to pay attention to you instead of him.

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