
Leo Man After a Breakup: Navigating Life Forward!

Updated August 31, 2024

A Leo man after a breakup will likely be emotional, even if he doesn’t show you how he truly feels. He won’t always handle things well.

Leo men are incredibly prideful. A relationship ending will wound his pride, regardless of who ended things.

Leo men often get upset after a breakup, though they try to save face and pretend everything is okay. A Leo man will likely feel lonely and abandoned when his relationship ends.

A Leo man might pretend everything is okay. He may rebound quickly and party a lot. He’ll act like everything is fine, but that likely won’t actually be the case.

Your Leo ex probably won’t want to stay friends. If he does, that’s a sign that he might try to come back to you later. A Leo man won’t always get over his ex!

He’ll Be Emotional

If you break up with a Leo man and he was not expecting it, he will likely be emotional. He might try to hide it from you, but he’ll definitely be upset.

A Leo man will be emotional about a breakup, especially if you’re ending things. How much of that emotion he actually shows will depend.

If you catch a Leo man off-guard, you might get a dramatic reaction from him. He may cry, get angry, or beg for another chance. If he isn’t expecting you to end things, he’ll be more openly emotional than if he knew a breakup was coming.

A Leo man might hide his emotions after his initial reaction. He may be devastated by your breakup, but he’ll try to keep his emotions in check when you’re around. It might be humiliating to get upset in front of you.

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He Might Feel Abandoned

How do Leo men act after a breakup? If you end things with your Leo man, he will likely feel abandoned. He might act hurt and betrayed. He may be angry with you, too.

If a Leo man is committed to you, he will be upset when you end your relationship. He might feel like you should have tried harder to maintain things and keep them going.

Regardless of why you end things with your Leo man, he’ll feel like you’re abandoning him. Even if you want to stay friends, he’ll believe you’re just giving up on him and leaving him behind.

A Leo man’s feelings of abandonment can be intense when someone breaks up with him. He’ll feel rejected no matter what you do. Even if you try to end things amicably, he will feel like you’re leaving him behind.

He’ll Need Support from Friends

A Leo man will need a lot of support from his friends after a breakup, even if he’s too prideful to seek out that support.

If you have mutual friends with your Leo man, encourage them to contact him. Don’t intervene too much, but tell them what’s happening. If you know he’s upset, see if some friends can talk to him and cheer him up.

If you have a no-contact rule with a Leo man after a breakup, respect that. You might be tempted to reach out and see if he’s okay, but you shouldn’t. If he needs support, he has friends he can go to.

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He Might Pretend to Be Okay

While your Leo man might be upset when you initially break up with him, he may also pretend everything is okay.

Leo men are natural performers. Even if your Leo man isn’t a professional actor, he likely has plenty of acting skills. He will pretend to be okay even if he’s not.

A Leo man’s pride will be wounded if you were the one who ended things. He won’t want people to know he’s upset because that will bruise his ego even more! He will act like he’s completely fine with the breakup.

If you see your Leo ex out having the time of his life right after a breakup, don’t take his actions at face value. He likely is upset, but he won’t show his true feelings to the world.

He’ll Save Face in Front of His Ex

Will a Leo man regret losing you? He might, but he won’t tell you that! A Leo man will always try to save face in front of his ex after a breakup.

Even if a Leo man’s life is falling apart after your breakup, he won’t want you to see that. If you run into your Leo ex, he’ll smile and try to appear as if everything is going well.

Your Leo ex will always try to look his best when you’re around. He won’t want you to see how much he’s struggling. If he’s having a hard time, he will try not to show you any of that.

A Leo man might even go a little overboard when trying to save face in front of you. He might act like he’s not affected by your breakup at all. Chances are, it’s all a mask that he’s putting on.

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He’ll Rebound Quickly

Even if a Leo man is still in love with his ex, he’ll seem to rebound quickly. You might see your Leo ex at the club with a new girl on his arm immediately after your breakup!

Leo men usually have no problem hooking up with someone new after a breakup. Your Leo ex might date around or sleep with many people shortly after your breakup.

A Leo man is unlikely to get into a serious relationship too soon after a breakup. He might have a date with a new girl every night for a week, but he won’t have a serious girlfriend any time soon.

He Won’t Want to Stay Friends

One thing to expect after a Leo man breaks up with you is that he might not want to stay friends. Some Leo men will stay friends with their exes, but others would rather leave the past in the past and move on.

A Leo man won’t want to stay friends if you break up because of infidelity or betrayal. If you two aren’t getting along and you’re fighting all the time, your Leo ex probably won’t want to try and be friends with you.

Your Leo ex will also not want to stay friends if you end things with him and he still loves you. Being around you but not being able to be with you will hurt too much. He’d rather not see you at all.

If a Leo man does want to be friends after a breakup, be wary. He might be trying to sneak back into your life to convince you to give him another chance.

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He’ll Party a Lot

A Leo man will likely party a lot after a breakup. This is one of the ways he’ll relieve his stress over his relationship ending and try to make himself feel better.

When a Leo man is done with you, he might be relieved! His partying might be a sign that he’s just enjoying his freedom. If you held him back or didn’t like it when he partied, he will love being single and able to do what he wants.

If you see your Leo man out partying more than usual after a breakup, don’t worry about it. It’s not your issue, even if he goes a little overboard. Let him enjoy himself, and he can deal with the consequences if he parties too much.

He’ll Treat Himself

A Leo man will also likely indulge himself a lot after a breakup. He’ll treat himself to make himself feel better.

If there was anything a Leo man didn’t do during your relationship because you didn’t like it, he’ll start doing it as soon as you end things! If you hated it when he spent money on unnecessary luxury items, he’ll go on a shopping spree.

Just like with his partying, don’t worry about a Leo man treating himself. It’s not your issue, even if you think he’s being impulsive and irresponsible.

Ignoring a Leo man after a breakup is usually the best thing to do. He can take care of himself, and he has friends for the times when he can’t. Just let him treat himself and do what he needs to do to get over things.

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He Might Come Back Later

Will a Leo man come back after a breakup? If you end things and he still loves you, a Leo man might try to win you back. He may also return if he ends things impulsively and realizes he made a mistake.

A Leo man won’t always want to admit he was wrong, though. He might come back into your life but not tell you why. He may also stick around, but pretend like he’s not not trying to win you over, even if that’s what he’s doing.

One of the signs a Leo man wants you back is that he’ll constantly make excuses to talk to and see you. If your Leo man suddenly starts reaching out a lot, he might regret breaking up.

Your Leo man won’t always come back for a relationship, though. He might want some emotional support, or he may want sex. Be sure what his motives are before you take him back.

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