
Ignore Aries Man: Make Him Chase You with Silence!

Updated September 15, 2024

What happens when you ignore an Aries man? Women try to get Aries men to chase them by acting indifferently.

Ignoring an Aries man is a slippery slope. Balance reassuring him with being distant.

What happens when you ignore an Aries man? Men born under this sign can be temperamental. They need attention and praise. But they can become bored.

Occasionally ignoring an Aries man can give your relationship the boost you need. Men born under this sign can become motivated to chase you when you go quiet.

Keep an Aries man fascinated with you by sporadically ignoring him. If you chase an Aries man, he loses interest in you.

Keep Busy

The easiest way to ignore an Aries man is to stay too busy to obsess over him. If you have an active social life and a full calendar, you can make an Aries man long for you.

You won’t miss an Aries man as much if you use an active and busy life to distance yourself. An Aries man chases you when you are busy. He wants to keep up with you when you are distant.

Men born under this sign can be obsessed with you if you always seem just out of their reach. Make an Aries man wonder where you are, and he chases you.

If you commit to a no-contact rule with an Aries man, you may feel agony as the minutes slowly tick away. But you don’t have to feel the pain of waiting for him to call you.

Invest in recreational interests and spend time with friends. You can keep an Aries man devoted to you if you are preoccupied with other things. You have an excuse for ignoring him if you are busy with appointments and commitments.

This magic will make your Aries man want a relationship with you.

Silence Notifications

Aries men are charming and hard to ignore. But if you want him to take you seriously, silence your phone. You can make an Aries man seek your attention if you step back.

Women often need help taking their minds off their Aries love interests. But if you silence your notifications for a day or two, you can make an Aries man want to be with you.

Men born under this sign maintain interest in you when you keep a distance. When you try to keep an Aries man at arm’s length but can’t get him out of your mind, turn off your notifications.

An Aries man who texts you and doesn’t get a reply becomes upset. He wonders if you’ve lost interest in him. He may text you repeatedly and feels more excited than usual when you respond.

Commit to No-contact

When you fall in love with an Aries man, be prepared to take breaks from him. The best way to keep the romance alive is to periodically detox from his attention.

Women make the mistake of falling head over heels in love with men born under this sign and become overwhelmed. Aries men grow tired of the constant attention and need space.

You can avoid sabotaging a relationship with an Aries man if you periodically disavow contact for a few days. Follow a no-contact rule with an Aries man to spark his passion.

Ignoring him for several days after spending time together gives him the break he needs. He doesn’t feel overwhelmed by you but also doesn’t feel neglected.

Keeping an Aries man happy by giving him the attention he craves is essential. Aries men need to alternate constant attention with days of no communication.

Is your Aries man painfully distant? Rekindle your love.

Be Unavailable

You don’t have to jump to answer the phone whenever an Aries man calls you. He is excited to see you respond enthusiastically to his texts, but your absence makes his heart grow fonder.

Men born under the sign of Aries can become fascinated with a woman who is not always around. Make him wait for you. Don’t pick up on the first ring.

Let his calls go to voicemail. Wait twenty minutes to an hour before responding to his calls. Follow passionate weekends together with a few quiet days.

Avoid making yourself too available if you want an Aries man to become excited when he sees you. His face brightens and you see the delight in his eyes when an Aries man sees you.

Disappearing on an Aries man occasionally can make him want you more. Aries men take women for granted if they are too available all the time. Ignoring an Aries man’s text makes him want you.

Make Him Miss You

No matter how much you love your Aries man, you must make him miss you. Men born under this sign need to be with someone independent and carefree.

When an Aries man wants to be with you, he chases you zealously. But when he finally gets what he wants, an Aries man loses interest in you.

You can avoid having an Aries man become bored if you make him miss you. Give him space to think about you. Inspire an Aries man to fantasize about you when he hasn’t seen you in a while.

You may think, I blocked an Aries man, now what? But men born under this sign are proud. If you block him, he takes it personally and may disappear.

Avoid an Aries man strategically to make him want you back. Don’t close the door on an Aries man unless you never want to see him again.

Leaving an Aries man alone makes him miss you. You must keep an Aries man in chase mode. Men born under this sign are passionate about pursuit.

This is the #1 mistake women make with a Aries man...

Make Him Curious

You can stimulate an Aries man’s desire for you without disconnecting from him. In addition to ignoring an Aries man, you can get him to chase you if you spark his curiosity.

Make an Aries man wonder what you are doing. He loves spending time with people who inspire his sense of wonder. Aries men can be curious about people who stand out from the crowd.

Focus on your career and achieve success. Pursue unusual interests and an Aries man wants to spend more time with you. Use riddles and hints to captivate him.

An Aries man chases his curiosity and follows his instincts. If you want to make him pursue you, intrigue an Aries man. He won’t be able to forget about you.

When you see signs an Aries man is not interested anymore, you must step back. Stop responding to an Aries man and don’t initiate contact. Give him a few days to wonder what you are doing.

Give Him a Time Limit

When you ignore an Aries man, be strategic. Don’t make him think you are uninterested in him. Aries men who feel neglected won’t pursue you.

You must give an Aries man a time limit or you may keep him at a distance for too long. Aries men lose interest if they think you are playing with them.

Make an Aries man excited about your relationship by setting time limits. Avoid limiting an Aries man. Put yourself on a schedule and commit to only contacting him at specific times.

Spread your attention thin. Make an Aries man pursue you rather than chase him to get his attention. Men born under this sign. You can make an Aries man long for you if you push him away at times.

You’ll know how to make an Aries man regret losing you if you are unavailable. Limit the time you spend with him and he works harder to get your attention.

This one weird trick is the only way to attract a Aries man.

Maintain the Upper Hand

Keep the upper hand in a relationship with an Aries man without letting him know you are in control. Aries men must feel they are in charge.

You can keep an Aries man in love with you if you control the pace. Use boundaries and limit your attention. Keep an Aries man waiting for you rather than always waiting on him.

You will see a dramatic change when you step back from an Aries man. Men born under this sign can be mesmerized with you if you are not always available when he wants to see you.

Ignore an Aries man to get him back. If he seems disinterested in you, an Aries man may be taking you for granted. Stepping back can make an Aries man invest in a relationship.

Occasionally ghosting an Aries man can make your Aries love interest focus on you. Men born under this sign run hot and cold. They go silent without warning. You must know how to beat an Aries man at his own game to keep him focused on you.

When an Aries man is disrespectful, you must be prepared to set boundaries. Let him know you are busy and have other options. Aries men can be eager to chase you if you seem hard to get.

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