
Hurting Aquarius Man: Cruel Tactics Revealed!

Updated August 28, 2024

Hurting an Aquarius man is easier than you may think. Aquarius men hide hurt feelings but are sensitive.

You can trigger him if you understand his unique astrological profile.

Aquarius men are hurt by things that others don’t respond to. When you play mind games or make him insecure, you can devastate an Aquarius man.

An Aquarius man can be intense and independent. Men born under this sign act indifferently.

But they are easily hurt if you make them feel vulnerable. Make him feel embarrassed, and hurt his feelings.

Play Mind Games

You can hurt an Aquarius man if you play mind games with him. Men born under this sign are intellectual. They take pride in their intelligence and are creative and inventive.

Aquarius men can be deviant, but if you go to extremes, you can stay ahead of him. You can deceive an Aquarius man by playing with his mind.

Lead him on or keep him guessing. An Aquarius man panics when he feels he’s losing control of his mind. Gaslighting an Aquarius man is a potent way to hurt him.

If you use this tactic to play games with an Aquarius man, you may lose him forever. He doesn’t give people a second chance if they deceive them.

Aquarius men identify with their intelligence. You can hurt an Aquarius man if you pull the rug out from under him. Outsmart him and use his intelligence against him.

Make him anxious and paranoid. Exacerbate an Aquarius man’s suspicions. An Aquarius man can become upset when you get under his skin and make him question his sense of reality.

The simple secrets you can use to seduce and keep your Aquarius man (they work like magic)

Expose Insecurities

Another way to play with an Aquarius man and hurt his feelings is when you figure out his insecurities. Aquarius men act confident, but they feel awkward.

They have inferiority complexes and hide their Achilles’ Heel. When you know his insecurities, you can push him over the edge. An Aquarius man is hurt when he feels exposed.

Aquarius men are typically insecure about their feelings of alienation. They are proud of being different from the crowd but secretly harbor feelings of rejection.

An Aquarius man can be devastated if you play on his insecurities. He is anxious about social situations or feels out of place because of his unique perspectives.

If you want to know how to get rid of an Aquarius man, show him you know his sensitive nature. You can make an Aquarius man disappear before you expose his weakness because he’s terrified of others knowing his insecurities.

Use reverse psychology on an Aquarius man to baffle him. You can hurt him by bringing attention to his fears and past traumas. He may shut down and never return if he feels weak.

Compete with Him

An Aquarius man needs to maintain control to feel secure. You can hurt an Aquarius man by competing with him. An Aquarius man feels you intruded on him if you compete with him.

He is territorial about his unique hobbies and interests. If you compete with an Aquarius man, he becomes insecure. He feels you are trying to outsmart him.

An Aquarius man sees you as an adversary when you become competitive. If you challenge his authority and expertise in one of his fringe interests, an Aquarius man feels hurt and betrayed.

When an Aquarius man thinks you’re encroaching on his spotlight he becomes uncomfortable. Aquarius men can be giving and open. They welcome new people to embrace their unusual hobbies.

But if you approach his status as an expert or compete with him, he feels you are undermining him. An Aquarius man becomes upset. He becomes hurt when you get the status he earned.

How do Aquarius men act when jealous? You’ll see his possessive nature when you compete with him. An Aquarius man sulks and becomes angry when he feels jealous.

This one weird trick is the only way to attract a Aquarius man.

Challenge His Autonomy

An Aquarius man is devastated if he thinks you are challenging his autonomy. Men born under this sign are not as bossy as Aries or Leo. But they can be fiercely independent.

Men born under this sign must feel in control all the time. When you micromanage an Aquarius man, he rebels against you. You can make an Aquarius man upset if you encroach on his autonomy.

Aquarius men are devoted to their higher mission and won’t compromise for anyone. No matter how much he loves you, an Aquarius man never surrenders his autonomy.

He panics if you try to dominate an Aquarius man or infringe on his freedom. An Aquarius man is hurt if you challenge his sense of autonomy. Only stifle his independence if you want to hurt him.

A heartbroken Aquarius man doesn’t know how to deal with his feelings. An Aquarius man shuts down when you try to take control of his independence.

Push His Buttons

Aquarius men love instigating challenges. They enjoy pushing others’ buttons but can buckle under the stress of someone turning the tables on them.

An Aquarius man is hurt when you instigate and provoke his emotional side. He insists on maintaining a stoic demeanor and doesn’t want to feel vulnerable.

When you knowingly antagonize an Aquarius man, you can devastate him. You can hurt an Aquarius man if you ignore his boundaries.

Don’t give him the space he needs to decompress. Overstimulate his mind and ignore his limits. An Aquarius man may lash out and disappear, but he will also be hurt and confused.

An Aquarius man upset with you for pushing his buttons disappears. He won’t put up with this behavior for long. Men born under this sign can be pushed to their limits and lash out or disappear.

This is the #1 mistake women make with a Aquarius man...

Embarrass Him Online

Aquarius men spend more time online than any other zodiac sign. Men born under this sign have cultivated online personalities and cherish their virtual identities.

An Aquarius man feels free to be true to his authentic nature when he is in a chat or social media community. He values his online relationships and procures his reputation with care.

If you want to hurt an Aquarius man, embarrass him in an online community. Make an Aquarius man fall apart by interfering with his online reputation.

Join his online groups and social media networks. Get to know his friends. Develop credibility so others believe you. When the time is right, post embarrassing information or screenshots from private conversations.

An Aquarius man will lose control when you invade his online space and embarrass him. He doesn’t know how to defend himself against these attacks and will slink into the shadows to lick his wounds.

If you want to know how to make an Aquarius man feel bad for hurting you, seek revenge by tarnishing his online reputation. An Aquarius man doesn’t know how to react when you challenge his online identity.

Intrude on His Groups

You can hurt an Aquarius man online or in real life without going to lengths to embarrass him. One way to devastate an Aquarius man is to intrude on his social groups.

Aquarius men are social and love being part of organizations and groups. They are active in various communities and take pride in their collaborations with others.

When an Aquarius man needs a break from a relationship, he seeks refuge in his groups and organizations. He joins various clubs and volunteers.

If you follow him into these groups, an Aquarius man feels stifled. You have him cornered because he knows he can’t stop you from joining his clubs.

He is hurt because you get the attention he wanted. Your intrusion into his activities also makes an Aquarius man feel stifled and suffocated.

Aquarius men can become sad when someone takes over their group. They feel secure and comfortable in their clubs and social groups. If you intrude, he feels like you are usurping his role.

This magic will make your Aquarius man want a relationship with you.

Captivate His Friends

Aquarius men are easily hurt when they feel you are getting too closer to their friends. Aquarius men usually love introducing people and facilitating connections.

When an Aquarius man feels you are getting too close to his friends, he becomes jealous. If you know how to fascinate his closest friends, you can make him feel alienated.

An Aquarius man feels hurt and rejected when his friends are more interested in you than him. You leave him with no option to defend his territory because he doesn’t want to show how jealous he is.

When an Aquarius man has been hurt because his friends like you more, he has no one to talk to. He can’t confide in his friends because he has lost their sympathy.

You’ll see signs an Aquarius man is hurt when you become comfortable with his closest allies. He looks dejected and becomes depressed.

Use your charm and sense of humor to make an Aquarius man’s friends fall in love with you. When they become close to you, an Aquarius man feels pushed away.

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