
Distant Cancer Man: Why is He Pulling Away?

Updated August 30, 2024

A distant Cancer man is typically a sign something is wrong. If your Cancer man is purposely pulling away, something is up!

Your Cancer man won’t always tell you why he’s pulling away from you. You’ll have to look for signs to figure that out for yourself.

A Cancer man might temporarily distance himself if he’s in a bad mood. He may also want some time alone, and he’ll return to you as soon as he has time to himself.

Your Cancer man also might be confused about his feelings, or his feelings for you may have changed. He might be protecting himself, especially if you’re not meeting his emotional needs.

Your Cancer man will also give you the silent treatment and distance himself if he’s upset because of something you did or if you’re not giving him enough attention and affection.

He Wants Time Alone

A Cancer man pulling away is sometimes just a sign that he wants some time to himself. Cancer men need time alone to decompress and recharge. They don’t always know how to ask for that, though.

While a Cancer man distancing himself is typically a sign something is wrong, it’s not always cause for alarm. He might just be overwhelmed and need a break from socializing.

When a Cancer man needs time alone, give it to him! If you think he seems overwhelmed, ask him if he wants some time to himself. Be willing to leave him alone and let him relax for a while.

Once your Cancer man gets some time to himself, he should stop pulling away. He’ll return to his usual self once he’s recharged, and he will no longer distance himself from you.

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He’s Feeling Moody

A Cancer man acting distant when he’s feeling moody is common. He might not talk to you if he’s worried he’ll say something he regrets. If he wants time alone to calm down, he’ll distance himself until he feels better.

Cancer men get moody sometimes. They have a lot of emotions, and they feel things intensely. If a Cancer man isn’t expressing those emotions productively, he will become moody, depressed, and stressed out.

Your Cancer man might not always open up when he’s feeling this way. He will distance himself instead. He might do this because he doesn’t want to bother you. He may also not trust you enough to be open about his feelings.

If a Cancer man is distancing himself because he’s moody, he will return once he’s feeling better. He will stop pulling away as soon as his emotions are sorted.

He’s Confused About His Feelings

A Cancer man might distance himself and pull away from you when he’s confused about his feelings for you. If he’s unsure about whether or not he’s in love or whether or not he’s ready to commit, he might temporarily pull away.

Sometimes, a Cancer man needs time alone to sort through his feelings. He’s not always able to see things clearly when the person he’s confused about is around.

If a Cancer man disappears and reappears with seemingly no explanation, it might be because he was confused about his feelings and he’s figured things out. He won’t always tell you when this has happened, so it can be confusing!

How will you know this is what’s happening? You won’t always know until after he figures things out. He might distance himself, then come back and tell you he loves you. He might also pull away, then pull away further and end things with you instead.

This magic will make your Cancer man want a relationship with you.

You’ve Upset Him

If you upset a Cancer man, he might pull away from you. He might do this to give himself some time to calm down. He may also do this to protect himself or test you and see how you react.

Cancer men are deeply sensitive people. If you upset a Cancer man, he will react strongly. If you insult him, make an insensitive comment, or behave rudely toward him, he might pull away from you.

When a Cancer man pulls away because you’ve upset him, the best thing to do is apologize to him. If this is the main reason he’s pulling away, your apology will typically get him to stop.

No matter how much you try not to, you will upset your Cancer man sometimes. If you can quickly apologize and fix things when this happens, he will stop pulling away.

He’s Giving the Silent Treatment

If a Cancer man is suddenly distant, he might be giving you the silent treatment. Cancer men can be passive-aggressive at times. It’s common for them to give the silent treatment instead of addressing issues directly.

A Cancer man might give you the silent treatment for many reasons. He will do this if he needs more attention or affection from you. He will also do this if you’ve upset him or if you two have argued recently.

How will you know you’re getting a Cancer man’s silent treatment? He will pull away and go silent until you give him what he wants. If he pulls away but returns as soon as you give him attention, he is just giving you the silent treatment.

If he’s pulling away and does not come back after you reach out, give him attention, or apologize, then the issue is something else.

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He Needs More Attention from You

Sometimes, a Cancer man will distance himself because he wants your attention. If he feels ignored, he will ignore you back to see if you notice.

Your Cancer man won’t always ask for attention. He might not want to seem clingy. He might not feel comfortable asking for things from you. If he thinks you’ll reject him, he won’t ask at all.

If a Cancer man is pulling away because he wants more attention, he will stop pulling away once he gets what he wants. If you reach out to him, he will answer you. If you offer affection, he will be receptive to it.

Talk to him if your Cancer man distances himself instead of asking for attention. Let him know he can ask for what he needs instead of being underhanded about getting it.

He’s Hiding Something

A Cancer man will distance himself if he’s hiding something from you. Sometimes, this can be as simple and innocent as trying to hide a surprise. Other times, he might be hiding his true feelings or something more serious.

Why do Cancer men hide their feelings sometimes? While Cancer men can be open books in some ways, they can also be secretive regarding other things. They don’t want to be hurt, which can make them hide things.

Cancer men tend to be bad liars, too. Instead of lying or trying to keep a secret, a Cancer man might pull away and avoid you entirely!

If you think your Cancer man is hiding something from you, talk to him. If this is the problem, he’ll likely spill the beans when he’s called out about his behavior. He won’t lie to you.

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His Feelings Have Changed

When a Cancer man is no longer interested in you, he might not directly tell you that. He may subtly distance himself instead, at least at first.

Sometimes, people’s feelings change, and it’s not anyone’s fault. Cancer men don’t always handle that well, though. A Cancer man who was once in love with you will be upset if he falls out of love.

You might notice that your Cancer man starts to pull away emotionally when his feelings change. He might not end things with you or say anything about what is going on, but it will be obvious something is wrong.

Why does a Cancer man pull away instead of just ending things? He might not even know he’s pulling away. That might be a subconscious reaction.

Your Cancer man might choose to stick around and hope he can sort his feelings out, but he will act like he’s already pulling away from the relationship.

He’s Protecting Himself

If a Cancer man is fighting feelings and pulling away from you, it’s sometimes because he’s protecting himself. If he’s afraid of being hurt, he will distance himself even if he loves you.

A Cancer man might distance himself if he doesn’t feel safe or comfortable around you. He will pull away from you if he thinks you might hurt him.

Sometimes, a Cancer man is being defensive for no reason. He might have been hurt in the past and is just projecting that hurt onto this new relationship with you. Other times, he has very valid reasons for protecting himself.

Show your Cancer man that you are a safe, secure person. If you can do that, that might get him to stop pulling away from you.

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You’re Not Meeting His Needs

When a Cancer man is done with you because you’re not meeting his needs, he will distance himself from you. He will start pulling away instead of directly addressing the issue with you.

Your Cancer man will likely try to be patient at first when his needs aren’t being met. He won’t wait around forever, though.

If you consistently fail to meet his needs and don’t even acknowledge that you are falling short, he will pull away from you.

Reflect on how your relationship has been going if your Cancer man is pulling away. Have you been making a solid effort to meet his needs? If not, that might be the issue. Talk to him and see how to fix things before he pulls away entirely.

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