
Cancer Man Silent Treatment: 10 Ways to Break the Ice!

Updated September 10, 2024

A Cancer man’s silent treatment is typically a sign something is wrong. Cancer men don’t always deal with conflict directly.

If you can figure out why he’s giving you the silent treatment, you’ll be able to break the ice with your Cancer man easily.

The silent treatment is a common passive-aggressive tactic that Cancer men use. Sometimes, a Cancer man will give you the silent treatment when you’ve upset him or he needs more attention.

Your Cancer man might not always tell you something is wrong. Instead, he’ll go quiet and expect you to figure out what’s going on. You’ll need to approach him to resolve things.

A Cancer man might give you the silent treatment when he’s mad at you. He may also do this when he’s upset about something else, though. He might retreat instead of going to you for support.

1. Be Prepared to Apologize

Do Cancer men give the silent treatment when they’re angry at you? Many of them will do this. It’s common for Cancer men to give the silent treatment instead of directly addressing an issue.

Cancer men can sometimes be conflict-avoidant. A Cancer man might retreat instead of telling you that you did something to upset him. Sometimes, he wants you to notice and apologize all on your own. Other times, he wants to give himself time to calm down.

Either way, you should be prepared to apologize to your Cancer man. If you two have argued recently, or you think you might have done something to hurt his feelings, tell him that you’re sorry.

How do you apologize to a Cancer man? Start by acknowledging what you did wrong and how it made him feel. Tell him you’re sorry for hurting him and promise to do better.

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2. Ask How He’s Doing

Sometimes when a Cancer man ignores you, it’s not because he’s mad at you. He may be upset about something else and feel too overwhelmed to reach out and ask for support.

An easy way to break the ice with your Cancer man is to ask how he’s doing. Your Cancer man might see your message and immediately decide to pour his heart out to you.

You can push a little more if you ask how he’s doing and your Cancer man brushes you off. Let him know that he seems overwhelmed or stressed. Ask him if he’s upset about something.

Let your Cancer man know you want to know how he’s feeling. Make it clear that you’re not just making small talk. That might get him to open up to you.

3. Express Affection

Ignoring a Cancer man when he’s giving you the silent treatment is usually not a good idea. If he’s giving you the silent treatment because he wants more attention from you, he’ll continue to ignore you until he gets what he wants!

Expressing affection is sometimes all you need to do to get a Cancer man to break his silent treatment. If he’s ignoring you to get your attention, being more affectionate and loving will give him what he’s looking for.

Remind your Cancer man that you care about him. Express your love for him by being physically affectionate if possible. If you can’t see him in person, send a few messages expressing your love and affection for him.

If your Cancer man isn’t intentionally ignoring you, some affection won’t hurt! He might realize he’s being distant, and he’ll appreciate you reaching out with love instead of anger.

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4. Bring a Gift

Bringing a gift to your Cancer man might help to break the ice. This can accompany an apology if he’s mad at you, but giving a gift in other situations might also help!

This is a great way to show your Cancer man you care about him. You don’t need to break the bank or give him anything elaborate. Something as simple as bringing him his favorite treat will make him feel better.

This might not be all you need to do in some cases. Bringing a gift can sweeten the deal and help a Cancer man to open up to you more, though.

5. Check-in with Him

If you want to know how to deal with a Cancer man’s silent treatment when you’re unsure why he’s gone quiet, try checking in with him.

Sometimes, all you need to do to break the ice with your Cancer man is reach out and check in with him. Let him know that you are genuinely worried and want to see how he’s doing, and he might cease his silent treatment.

Tell your Cancer man that you noticed he was quieter than usual. If he’s seemed moody, ask him if he’s sad or angry about something. Ensure he knows you noticed something was wrong, even if you don’t know what it is.

Knowing that you care enough to reach out might be what a Cancer man needs from you. Tell him that you’re there for him if he needs you. That will likely get him to stop ignoring you.

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6. Do a Favor for Him

Sometimes when a Cancer man pulls away, it’s because he feels taken for granted. If your Cancer man does a lot for you, and you don’t typically do as much in return, that might be why he’s giving you the silent treatment.

Try doing a favor for your Cancer man if he’s ignoring you. Do some extra chores around the house, run an errand for him, or cook him dinner.

If your Cancer man feels overwhelmed, he will be grateful you’re taking some work off his plate. He will likely stop ignoring you so that he can thank you.

When your Cancer man sees that you are willing to help him the way he helps you, he won’t want to ignore you. He’ll break his silent treatment quickly.

7. Remain Positive

Your Cancer man won’t always open up immediately when giving you the silent treatment. He might need some time to calm down if he’s mad at you.

If you can’t get your Cancer man to speak to you immediately, try to remain positive. If you have an upbeat attitude, that might bring your Cancer man back to you soon enough.

Giving a Cancer man space and thinking good thoughts might be all you need to do to make him break his silent treatment. He might need time alone if he’s not responding to anything else.

How long should you give a Cancer man space? If you’ve reached out multiple times and made it clear communication is open, wait for your Cancer man to come to you.

If he’s giving the silent treatment because he needs space, your Cancer man will respond as soon as he’s gotten the space he needs. It likely won’t be too long.

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8. Compliment Him

If a Cancer man is distancing himself because he’s feeling insecure, complimenting him might be what he needs to open up more.

Say something nice to your Cancer man the next time you see him. If you don’t see one another in person often, text him a few compliments instead.

If you are kind to your Cancer man while he’s giving you the silent treatment, he will stop ignoring you. If he wants attention, this will give him what he wants!

If he’s ignoring you for another reason, he will likely feel bad when he sees how kind you’re being, and he’ll start talking to you again.

When a Cancer man ignores your text, don’t get angry. Don’t continuously message him, either! Instead, wait a while to see if he responds. If he doesn’t, reach out with a compliment and kind words instead of accusing him of ignoring you.

9. Have a Friend Talk to Him

When a Cancer man is done with you for good, he won’t always tell you immediately. He might distance himself until you break up with him, or he figures out how to deal with things.

He might open up to a friend about what is happening. If you have exhausted all your options and a Cancer man still won’t talk to you, see if a mutual friend can reach out to him.

Your friends might be able to convince him to speak with you or at least give you an idea about what is going on with him.

If your Cancer man ignores everyone, something is wrong, but it likely has nothing to do with you. If he talks to friends but not you, that is a sign he is upset with you.

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10. Discuss Your Own Feelings

You won’t always know how to react to a Cancer man’s silent treatment. You’ll likely feel upset if you don’t know why he’s ignoring you! Sometimes, expressing your feelings will get him to start talking to you again.

Sometimes, a Cancer man is not trying to make you feel bad when he gives the silent treatment. He might want space or not know how to address a problem with you directly.

Other times, Cancer men give the silent treatment on purpose to make you feel guilty for something.

Tell your Cancer man how you feel, whether or not he is aware of what he’s doing. Let him know there are better ways to ask for space or deal with conflict.

If he sees how bad he’s making you feel, he might stop giving you the silent treatment.

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