
Beat Leo Man at His Own Game: Play Smart, Win!

Updated September 20, 2024

Once you know how he plays others, you can easily beat a Leo man at his own game.

You can get the upper hand and outsmart a Leo man when you know how his mind works. You’ll be able to play with his mind and his heart.

It’s easy to fluster a Leo man when you know what to do. You’ll mess with him when you insult him, exploit his insecurities, and bruise his ego. That will all get to him.

Act more intelligent than your Leo man. Make everything with him a competition. If he’s being stubborn, don’t give in to him. Be even more stubborn.

Always appear confident and secure. This will mess with a Leo man even more, especially if you make him feel less confident. Ignore him in favor of others and never give him the spotlight and attention he desires.

Insult Him

Ignoring a Leo man is always an easy way to mess with him. If you do give him attention, ensure that it’s negative. Insulting a Leo man will get to him.

Some Leo men are kind, but others have no problem gossiping and criticizing others. If your Leo man frequently makes rude comments about you or others, turn things around on him.

Instead of praising your Leo man’s latest creative project, criticize it. If you frame things as helpful, that will get to him even more because others will likely insist that you did nothing wrong.

Leo men love praise. They seek it out constantly. If you want to beat a Leo man at his own game, don’t give him what he wants. Insult him instead. If you always say negative things when he’s fishing for compliments, that will get to him.

This magic will make your Leo man want a relationship with you.

Bruise His Ego

If you want to know how to play a Leo man, bruise his ego! A Leo man’s ego is often enormous but also fragile. If you know what you’re doing, you can get back at him by taking his ego down a notch or two.

You can bruise a Leo man’s ego in many ways. Insulting him will bruise his ego. Ignoring him and giving him the silent treatment will also do this.

A Leo man’s ego will also be bruised if you treat him like he’s unimportant. If you constantly cancel plans so you can hang out with other people, that will be a blow to his ego.

If a Leo man is frequently left out of group plans, he’ll start to feel like people don’t like him. If you act like you aren’t impressed by him at all, even when he’s trying to impress you, that will also get to him.

Steal the Spotlight

Many Leo men are attention-seeking. They love to be in the spotlight and hate it when others steal attention away from them.

A Leo man has no problem stealing the spotlight from others, though. If he wants attention, he’ll do anything possible to ensure all eyes are on him!

If you want to beat a Leo man at his own game, steal the spotlight from him. Refusing to give him attention when he wants it will mess with him. Stealing attention from everyone else will get to him even more.

A Leo man will be offended if everyone ignores him in favor of you. If you steal the spotlight during an important event for him, that will get to him even more! He’ll hate if you can steal the spotlight at his own party.

Is your Leo man not communicating with you? Here's the trick to reel your Leo back in.

Act Smarter Than Him

If you’re playing mind games with a Leo man, you must act smarter than him. If he’s already convinced you’re more intelligent, or you treat him as if he’s beneath you, that will get to him.

Leo men do not like it when others make them feel stupid. If you’re constantly correcting a Leo man and calling him out for being wrong, he’ll hate that!

If your Leo man always acts like he’s better or smarter than others, turn things around on him. Show him that you are the smarter one. Act like you don’t respect his views and opinions. Question everything he says.

Double-down & Be Stubborn

A Leo man’s mind games are sometimes simple. Sometimes, all he does is double down until everyone around him gives up. He’s used to getting his way simply by being stubborn.

Don’t allow your Leo man to do that, though. If you are having a disagreement, you should be the one to double down. Be stubborn and refuse to listen to his point of view.

This is one of the best ways to beat a Leo man at his own game. Do not back down, especially if your Leo man typically gets what he wants by being more stubborn than everyone else.

This will give him a taste of his own medicine. Be more stubborn than your Leo man and show him how it feels when someone won’t back down or listen to you.

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Exploit His Insecurities

Are Leo men insecure? They might act like they aren’t, but many Leo men are deeply insecure. It’s common for them to have fears of abandonment and being alone.

If you know a Leo man well, you will likely know his unique insecurities. If he’s been messing with you, you can get him back by exploiting those insecurities.

Ignoring a Leo man will often play on his insecurities. Insulting him and downplaying his skills will, too. Simply not giving him the praise and attention he desires will make him feel insecure.

Small things like leaving a Leo man on read or canceling plans at the last minute can also play on his insecurities.

Acting moody whenever he’s around will make him feel like you’re mad at him, making him feel insecure about your relationship.

Focus on Other People

If you want to know how to manipulate a Leo man, focus on other people! Shifting your attention to others is one of the easiest ways to beat a Leo man at his own game.

You can easily make a Leo man jealous by paying attention to other men. This is a great way to play hard to get and also to get back at him if he has been flirting with other women.

You don’t always have to give other people romantic attention to mess with a Leo man.

Focusing on your friends or coworkers can mess with him if he’s trying to get your attention.

He won’t like it if you always focus on other people when you go out together. He’ll hate it if you constantly text your friends while you’re supposed to be hanging out with him.

Is your Leo man painfully distant? Rekindle your love.

Make Everything a Competition

If a Leo man is testing you, he will likely try to compete with you. If you want to mess with him and give him a taste of his own medicine, make everything between you two a competition.

Never give your Leo man a moment of peace. Don’t let him relax around you. Set up competitions between you or between him and other people in your life. Do this constantly if you want to mess with him.

This is a great way to get back at your Leo man if he unnecessarily creates competitions all the time. If you want to have fun doing an activity together, but he doesn’t allow you to, turn things around on him.

Next time your Leo man wants to have fun, compete with him instead. Go out of your way to make it an unpleasant competition, too. If you beat him and then brag about it, that will mess with him!

Give Him the Silent Treatment

Do Leo men play mind games? Many of them do, even if their intention isn’t always malicious. For example, a Leo man might use the silent treatment to get someone’s attention.

You can use his games against a Leo man. A Leo man might always use the silent treatment, but he hates it when others use it on him! It will mess with him any time you do this.

You can give the Leo man the silent treatment when he’s ignoring you or when he upsets you, but it will mess with him even more if there’s seemingly no reason for your silent treatment.

A Leo man will wonder what he did wrong when you ignore him. If there isn’t an obvious answer as to why you might be giving the silent treatment, he’ll drive himself crazy trying to figure out why.

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Appear Confident & Secure

How do you make a Leo man regret losing you after a breakup? You should always appear confident and happy whenever he’s around. Act like you are not phased at all by your relationship ending. That will mess with him!

Leo men always try to appear confident, though some of that confidence is false. It will get to a Leo man’s head if you always appear confident, especially when he’s not actually feeling that way.

A Leo man will wonder how you do it if nothing seems to knock you off your feet. If you can easily get under his skin, but he can’t get under yours, that will mess with him even more!

Never let a Leo man see a single moment of insecurity from you. Act as if you are entirely secure and confident in yourself, especially if you’re messing with him.

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