
Aquarius Man Red Flags: 10 Alarming Warning Signs!

Updated September 17, 2024

An Aquarius man’s red flags can deter you from wanting to be in a relationship with him. Aquarius men can be erratic and disruptive.

They show confusing signs and mixed signals. But they don’t always have bad intentions.

Aquarius men are notorious for showing red flags that turn women off. They can be frustrating and confusing in relationships.

Aquarius men act bizarrely. Sometimes, their red flags are typical aspects of their personalities. But other times, Aquarius men show red flags that they aren’t interested.

Aquarius men need patience. They aren’t like other men and rebel against traditions and rules. You must discern the difference between red flags and typical Aquarius men if you pay attention.

1. He’s Evasive

Aquarius men are aloof by nature. They are distant and can be unclear about what they want. Aquarius men are often open and authentic.

They are assertive, but don’t know how to express their feelings. An Aquarius man can be evasive when he is not interested in you. He doesn’t push you away, nor does he pursue you.

When an Aquarius man pushes you away, he may be interested in you. He is often uncomfortable with his feelings. But if he strings you along without showing interest, an Aquarius man is playing you.

Aquarius men avoid commitment. But an Aquarius man’s red flags include making vague plans. He talks about wanting to see you but doesn’t commit to a time or date.

What an Aquarius man needs in a woman understands his erratic moods. You must be patient with him. But an Aquarius man who leaves you guessing about his intentions is not interested.

You may see signs an Aquarius man is using you when he is vague about his intentions. He doesn’t want to commit but doesn’t want to lose you as a potential love interest.

Is your Aquarius man painfully distant? Rekindle your love.

2. You Catch Him Lying

Aquarius men are known for being honest. Men born under this sign can be transparent to a fault. They don’t want to mislead others and can be impulsive.

But if you catch an Aquarius man lying, it is a clear sign he is showing red flags. Lying is usually the tip of the iceberg. If an Aquarius man is dishonest, he shows other warning signs.

Pay attention to your instincts. When an Aquarius man contradicts himself, or you catch him being deceitful, it is no accident. Aquarius men are devoted to being open and honest.

When a man born under this sign lies, it is a warning sign he is up to no good. Men born under this sign don’t deceive you unless they have bad intentions.

When an Aquarius man calls you baby, he is flirting casually. But if he makes excuses and doesn’t take your concerns seriously, he is showing you warning signs.

Aquarius red flags for a woman or a man are similar. People born under this sign are particularly distant when they don’t want a relationship. They can be challenging to read.

3. He Talks About His Ex

Aquarius men don’t hold on to the past. They move on from losses and can be quick to start over. But when an Aquarius man talks excessively about his ex it is a red flag.

Men born under this sign don’t pine over former lovers. When they sever ties in relationships, don’t make excuses. Aquarius men talk about their exes when they are not over the past.

Though men born under this sign are typically future-oriented, they can be stuck in the past if they are unhealthy. Aquarius men who hold on to the past will sabotage a relationship.

You may be wasting your time with an Aquarius man who talks about his ex. Be honest about your expectations. Suggest he returns when he is ready for a new relationship.

What body type does an Aquarius man like? He typically ignores looks and pays attention to personality. But an Aquarius man who is attracted to people who remind him of his ex is still grieving.

The simple secrets you can use to seduce and keep your Aquarius man (they work like magic)

4. He Wants to Be Friends

An Aquarius man wants to be friends before he commits to a relationship. His desire to be friends isn’t always a red flag, but it can be.

If an Aquarius man still describes you as a friend after getting to know you for over a year, he is not interested in you. An Aquarius man will not settle down if he has not committed after being friends for this long.

An Aquarius man who keeps you in the friend zone is never going to change his mind. Aquarius men begin as friends before they evolve into lovers.

But if an Aquarius man is still insisting on being friends after maintaining a sexual relationship for a long time, he is giving you a signal. This behavior is a red flag and indicates he is not going to develop feelings for you.

5. He Only Wants Sex

An Aquarius man who only wants sex is showing you a red flag. He is not likely to develop deeper feelings if he becomes accustomed to seeing you as a friend-with-benefit.

An Aquarius man who is eager to become sexually active is typical. You can make an Aquarius man lose romantic interest in you if you give in to sexual fantasies too soon.

Aquarius men can distance themselves from their feelings. If he is sexually attracted to you but shows no interest in spending time with you when sex is not involved, you can assume he is not interested in a relationship.

An Aquarius man testing you acts bizarrely. He may keep you on the edge of your seat as you wonder what he is trying to show you. He keeps the relationship sexual if he is not interested in romance. This is a red flag that he doesn’t take you seriously.

If an Aquarius man never initiates communication unless sex is involved, he is not interested in you. You may be wasting your time. He may give you false hope, but his actions indicate his intentions.

This magic will make your Aquarius man want a relationship with you.

6. He Scares You Away

Aquarius men have over-the-top personalities. They can be overwhelming and extreme. If you think an Aquarius man is showing you all his worst traits to deter you from pursuing him, it’s a red flag.

Aquarius men test you. They push your buttons and say things to shock you. A man born under this sign acts this way so he can see if you are serious about him or if you are superficial.

Yet an Aquarius man who actively tries to scare you away is showing you he doesn’t like you. He is either demonstrating his disinterest or showing a red flag that he has poor boundaries.

Regardless of his motivation, an Aquarius man who pushes you away in this way is not a healthy communicator. He is using passive-aggressive tactics to dissuade you.

7. He Ignores Boundaries

Aquarius men push you and go to extremes. An Aquarius man who ignores boundaries altogether will be trouble. A healthy Aquarius man pushes the envelope.

He is innovative and can be overbearing, but he recognizes your boundaries. If an Aquarius man ignores your boundaries and continuously makes you uncomfortable, he is showing you a red flag.

A man born under this sign who disregards your boundaries isn’t trying to help you grow. He’s dominating you and ignoring your limits. Best to leave a man who does this alone.

What happens when you reject an Aquarius man? When you act disinterested, an Aquarius man chases you. But if you set limits and he oversteps he may be immature and intrusive.

A tiny trick to snatch your Aquarius man's heart?... even if he's cold and distant...

8. He’s Never Serious

An Aquarius man who is never serious is immature. Men born under this sign can be quirky. They have bizarre senses of humor and can be funny yet irreverent.

But if an Aquarius man makes a joke out of everything and never takes you seriously, beware. An Aquarius man who is never serious is showing you a red flag.

He is going beyond hiding his feelings and delving into the extremes of wearing a mask. He may lack maturity or is not ready to handle conflict.

Among the signs an Aquarius man misses you is he jokes and makes light of the situation but then changes his tune. When he feels he’s in danger of losing you, his sincerity shows.

9. He’s Disrespectful

A typical Aquarius man says surprising things. He may seem rude because he is impulsive and doesn’t follow the rules of decorum. But if he is disrespectful to you or your friends, it’s a red flag.

An Aquarius man who openly and intentionally disrespects you is a problem. If you tell him why he is wrong and he doesn’t do anything to address his behavior or acknowledge his mistakes, he is not ready for a relationship.

An immature Aquarius man may bully you or use his disrespectful behavior to maintain control. He is toxic if he acts this way and is not in the right mindset for a serious relationship.

Is your Aquarius man not communicating with you? Here's the trick to reel your Aquarius back in.

10. He Ignores You

Aquarius men often go silent. When he needs space, he backs away. But if an Aquarius man sees you in public and walks in the opposite direction, he is ignoring you.

An Aquarius man ignoring you for excessive periods is not interested in you. He’s showing you a red flag related to passive-aggressiveness.

He is not mature enough to set boundaries or address a conflict. A man born under this sign pushes others away and sabotages relationships if he is unhealthy.

Don’t make excuses for an Aquarius man who ignores you. He isn’t in a hurry and it’s unlikely he didn’t see you. An Aquarius man who ignores you is being rude intentionally.

An Aquarius man’s health issues may be to blame for his sudden change in behavior if he ignores you. But if an Aquarius man repeatedly acts like he doesn’t know you, it is a bad sign.

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