
Aquarius Man Crush Signs: How to Know if He’s Into You!

Updated August 30, 2024

An Aquarius man’s crush signs are challenging to decipher. You must understand his unique traits.

When you follow his unconventional signals, you will know when he has a crush.

Aquarius men are unpredictable. They take pride in their independence and prioritize their interests.

Aquarius men hide their feelings. You know a man born under this sign has a crush when he shows subtle cues that he is interested in you as more than a friend.

When an Aquarius man likes you, he tests the waters. Men born under this sign can be awkward when they are in love.

He Becomes Bashful

An Aquarius man shows you he likes you by becoming shy and awkward. He becomes bashful when he has a crush on you. An Aquarius man blushes when he talks to you.

He can’t look you in the eye and may smile when nothing is funny. He acts shy and endearing. Aquarius men are never hesitant to speak their minds.

But when a man born under this sign has a crush on you, he lowers his voice. He chooses his words carefully around you. You may think he’s trying too hard.

An Aquarius man’s bashful behavior is sweet. He’s charming but you may feel awkward to see how insecure he becomes. When a man born under this sign has a crush on you, he tiptoes around you.

He doesn’t want to say the wrong thing and give away his feelings. An Aquarius man with a crush on you can seem childish. He cares about you but shows it indirectly.

One of the signs an Aquarius man has a crush on you is his shy behavior. He Averts his eyes and acts sensitive. He may become so bashful as to pull away from you.

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He Avoids You

An Aquarius man avoids you when he has a crush. He does the opposite of what you would expect. When he wants to chase you, he pushes you away.

Aquarius men feel overwhelmed and anxious when they lose control. Being in love makes an Aquarius man feel powerless. He hides from his feelings by avoiding you.

When an Aquarius man has a crush on you, he shuts down. He doesn’t pursue you openly, initially. His first move is to shut down and become distant.

Though it sounds paradoxical, one of the signs an Aquarius man secretly likes you is when he becomes distant. Men born under this sign avoid you when they have a crush.

Why do Aquarius avoid their crush? Men born under this sign avoid you when they like you because their intense feelings overwhelm them. They need time away to process their feelings.

They fear losing independence when they care about you. When an Aquarius man likes you, he wonders if his feelings are sincere. He needs time to sort through his intense attraction.

He Texts You More

When an Aquarius man has a crush on you, he goes quiet initially. But when he’s ready to open up again, he does so through text. He begins texting you more frequently.

He doesn’t always have something profound to say. An Aquarius man shows he has a crush by texting you with small talk or to check-in. He finds excuses to message you.

You can tell an Aquarius man has a crush on you when he regularly ends up in your DMs. He doesn’t text at the same times every day. Instead of keeping a schedule, an Aquarius man texts you when he’s thinking about you.

His seemingly random texts arrive at various times and without warning. But when he is developing a crush on you, an Aquarius man responds to you faster and texts you more often.

You’ll see signs an Aquarius likes you through text when you ride out his erratic behavior. After the turmoil, your Aquarius love interest becomes focused. He becomes more chatty.

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He Makes Bizarre Jokes

Aquarius men make strange jokes when they have a crush on someone. They have an unusual sense of humor and don’t bother to hold back.

When an Aquarius man likes you as more than a friend, he uses his sense of humor to amuse you. He tries to win your heart by making you laugh.

You can tell an Aquarius man likes you when he cracks jokes and makes irreverent comments. An Aquarius man wants to get your attention and can be bizarre and unconventional.

When he shares his unusual sense of humor, Aquarius men hope you align with their jokes and perspective. Men born under this sign push boundaries and can seem quirky.

But their bizarre nature is part of what attracts others to men born under this sign. Aquarius men show you they have a crush when they make you laugh.

He Stares

Aquarius men can’t help gazing longingly when they have a crush on you. A man born under this sign may stare at you when he likes you.

His intense stare may make you feel uncomfortable. An Aquarius man steals glances at you when he likes you. When you notice an Aquarius man staring at you, he has a crush on you.

He gets lost in thought and doesn’t realize he has been watching you. You may think it’s creepy when an Aquarius man stares. But this is a positive sign.

When he watches you, it means he is studying you. An Aquarius man shows he has a crush by gazing at you. He observes your mannerisms and tries to figure out what you like.

An Aquarius man giving compliments and staring at you indicates he likes you. He may have a crush but doesn’t say it immediately. An Aquarius man secretly likes you for some time before he opens up.

This magic will make your Aquarius man want a relationship with you.

He Laughs Too Hard

An Aquarius man shows you he likes you by laughing too hard at your jokes. When a man born under this sign has a crush he may laugh erratically at your stories.

They go to extremes and seem to be trying too hard. You may think he’s being superficial. Yet Aquarius men often exaggerate their reactions because they have intense energy.

Aquarius men laugh too loud or with passion when you tell a moderately funny joke. You know he has a crush when he uses an exaggerated reaction to respond to your jokes.

How do Aquarius act when they have a crush? Men born under this sign go to extremes. They give intense reactions to everything you say. You may find it annoying but his hysterical laughter is a sign he likes you.

He Gets Jealous

An Aquarius man becomes jealous when he develops a crush on you. His possessive side shows and he may question your relationships with male friends.

You can tell an Aquarius man has a crush on you when he acts insecure. He tests your loyalty and wants proof that you are sincere. He may read too much into your signals.

An Aquarius man is usually carefree. He doesn’t care who you talk to and believes it’s best to live and let live. An Aquarius man with a crush on you gradually reveals his jealous nature.

He becomes uncomfortable when you pay attention to other men. He can become obsessed with you and becomes anxious about your other friendships.

One of the signs an Aquarius man likes you as more than a friend includes his tendency to become jealous. He doesn’t stifle your actions but he becomes possessive when he likes you.

This one weird trick is the only way to attract a Aquarius man.

He Picks Arguments

An Aquarius man picks fights with you when he likes you. Like a child on the playground who teases you when he has a crush, your Aquarius love interest does the opposite of what you’d expect.

He finds reasons to instigate arguments to get a reaction from you. An Aquarius man with a crush on you gets under your skin. He does this intentionally to get a response.

An Aquarius man who picks on you for a reaction enjoys the attention you give him. Yet he has the distance of an argument to hide behind.

He uses disagreements to distract from his deeper feelings. An Aquarius man with a crush on you stirs the pot by picking fights so he can have your focus and undivided attention without being vulnerable.

When an Aquarius man is sexually attracted to you, he can be more emotional than usual. You may see his sensitive side come through when he has a crush.

You may think you’re seeing signs an Aquarius man is not into you when he picks fights. But his constant arguments can indicate he likes you.

He Acts Sincere

An Aquarius man with a crush on you acts sincere. His words become more heartfelt. He doesn’t hide behind jokes and playful banter as much as when he sees you as only a friend.

An Aquarius man follows through when he likes you. He acts genuine and can be caring and thoughtful. He shows his considerate nature and is more attentive to you.

When an Aquarius man likes you as more than a friend, he shows it with a change in tone. He becomes more serious and strives to show you he cares.

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He Follows You Online

An Aquarius man who likes you watches your online footprint. He follows your social media profiles. He may not interact every time he sees your posts.

But the more he has a crush on you, the more an Aquarius man interacts with your posts. He shifts from liking to giving heart reactions when he is serious about you.

He comments more frequently and begins tagging you in posts to get your attention. An Aquarius man with a crush on you interacts with you more frequently on social media.

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