
Taurus Man Upset: Navigating His Anger & Frustration!

Updated September 9, 2024

If a Taurus man is upset, you can’t always anticipate how he’ll act. His response will depend on why he’s upset and his relationship with you.

Some Taurus men will withdraw and hide, while others will become moody when they are upset.

Taurus men are incredibly sensitive but don’t always show that. When a Taurus man is upset, he might try to hide his feelings. He may withdraw, give the silent treatment, and refuse to ask for the support he needs.

A Taurus man might also seem moody when upset. He may not always be able to hide as well as he’d like! If you’re close to him, you’ll likely notice his emotions better than a stranger.

When he’s upset, a Taurus man might overindulge. He may try to distract himself. He might sulk instead of addressing his emotions.

He’ll Act Differently Based on How Close You Are

What happens when a Taurus man is upset? A Taurus man will act differently depending on why he’s upset. He’ll also act differently around other people based on his relationship with them.

If you’re not at all close to a Taurus man, he won’t express his anger the same way he would if you two were best friends or long-term partners.

A Taurus man might be more open about his emotions if you two are close and he trusts you. He might express himself more because he knows you will support him and that you can handle his feelings.

Some Taurus men are also more likely to show their tempers to people they aren’t close to.

They won’t care as much about lashing out and getting angry because they aren’t worried about ruining a relationship with someone they aren’t close to in the first place.

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He Might Withdraw

When a Taurus man is angry, he might withdraw. He won’t always confront you or directly ask for support when he’s upset.

A Taurus man might withdraw if he’s angry at you so that he has time to calm down. He might not want to talk about anything while he’s still mad, so he’ll take the time to calm down on his own before addressing anything.

A Taurus man might also withdraw if he’s worried about burdening you with his emotions. If he’s used to dealing with things on his own or doesn’t think you’ll support him, he will want to be left alone.

If a Taurus man withdraws, give him space, but make it clear that you will support and listen to him if that’s what he needs. Don’t just leave him to deal with everything by himself.

He’ll Seem Moody

Are Taurus men sensitive? They are, even though many try to hide their sensitivity. If something upsets a Taurus man, he might become extra sensitive or act moody.

A Taurus man is upset if he seems perfectly happy one moment and explodes in anger the next. He’ll be more likely to lash out over minor inconveniences and annoyances if he’s already mad about something else.

If your Taurus man is moody, get to the bottom of it. Encourage him to open up and tell you what is actually wrong. It’s likely that the small things he’s getting upset over aren’t his true reason for being upset.

A Taurus man will become moody if he tries to hide his emotions for too long. He needs to be open and honest about how he feels and work through things, or he’ll make things worse for himself.

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He May Give the Silent Treatment

Sometimes, when a Taurus man is mad, he will give the silent treatment. He might do this when upset with you instead of directly confronting you about whatever is wrong.

A Taurus man will give the silent treatment as a way of passive-aggressively showing he’s upset with you. He’ll want you to notice that something is wrong if he’s doing this, and he will ignore you until you reach out and apologize.

Other times, a Taurus man’s silent treatment is a sign that he wants to be left alone. He might want to calm down before talking to you about the problem.

If your Taurus man seems angry and is giving the silent treatment, reach out, but don’t push anything. Give him space if he wants to calm down before speaking with you. If he wants to talk, he’ll respond once you reach out.

He’ll Sulk

When a Taurus man is upset, he might sulk. He may sit around his house acting gloomy and annoyed. He’ll make it clear that he’s in a bad mood, though he won’t always come right out and say what the issue is.

You might notice that your Taurus man sits on the couch and pouts when he’s upset about something. If he’s angry over something he can’t change, or he’s just a bit irritated or annoyed, he might not lash out, but he will sulk.

Sometimes, the best thing to do when a Taurus man is upset and sulking is to encourage him to do something else. He might not want to talk, but he doesn’t need to wallow in his anger, either!

See if you can get your Taurus man to leave the house and do something fun or relaxing. That will usually be better for him than sulking.

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He’ll Distract Himself

How does a Taurus man handle rejection or other upsetting things? Sometimes, he will try to distract himself. Instead of dealing with the issue, he will ignore it and do something else.

Distracting himself won’t work forever, but this can be good for a Taurus man temporarily. He might need time to calm down and keep his mind off whatever upset him.

Eventually, he should deal with his problems, but temporary distractions can be healthy. If there is genuinely nothing a Taurus man can do because he’s angry about a situation out of his control, a distraction might be the best option.

If a Taurus man wants to distract himself, let him. Don’t push him to talk about things until he’s had time to calm down first. He’ll have to deal with his problems eventually, but it’s okay to put some things off until later.

He’ll Overindulge

It’s common for Taurus men to indulge as a way of distracting themselves when they are upset. This is not always bad, but it can be if a Taurus man overindulges and gets out of control.

Indulging a bit to cheer himself up can be a healthy coping mechanism, just like a temporary distraction can be helpful. Taurus men should be mindful, though. If they go too far or indulge instead of dealing with their problems, that will become an issue.

When a Taurus man is done with you for good and is dealing with a breakup, he’ll overindulge. He might go a little too far if he’s incredibly hurt and angry! He may overspend, overeat, and overconsume things like alcohol.

If you think a Taurus man is overindulging while upset, offer support or a different type of distraction. Don’t be pushy or judgmental, though.

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He Won’t Always Ask for Support

How long does a Taurus man stay mad? If a Taurus man doesn’t get the support he needs, he might stay angry longer than he would if he asked for help.

Taurus men don’t always ask for support. If a Taurus man is angry and needs to vent, he won’t always seek out a friend to talk to. He might try to deal with things himself, even if that isn’t always the best thing for him to do.

You should offer support to your Taurus man when he’s upset. If he’s moody, ask what you can do to support him and make him feel better.

A Taurus man might not always accept your support, but he’ll appreciate the offer. He’ll also remember the next time he’s upset that you will be there for him if he asks.

He’ll Need Comfort

When a Taurus man is angry or upset, he might need comfort. If his anger is just a cover for sadness, insecurity, or fear, he will need comfort from a loved one.

How do you comfort a Taurus man? That depends on your relationship with him and his individual needs. He might appreciate a hug or other signs of physical comfort if you two are close.

A Taurus man won’t always ask for comfort, just like he won’t ask for support. Try to offer it if you notice that he’s upset, though. If he’s frustrated, some calming words or a hug from a loved one might be what he needs to relax.

If your Taurus man turns down your comfort, don’t be offended. You can offer it, but there are times when he might be too angry to accept it. If he needs to calm down by himself, let him.

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He’ll Need Reassurance

If you’re unsure how to calm a Taurus man, try offering reassurance. If he’s angry at you, apologize and reassure him that you still care about him. Let him know you made a mistake but didn’t mean to upset him.

If a Taurus man is angry about something beyond his control, remind him that things will get better but that that’s no use making himself feel bad. Do what you can to help and reassure him that it will be okay.

Sometimes, a Taurus man needs to hear from someone else that his situation can be resolved. If he’s angry with a friend, hearing reassurance that they can work things out and remain friends might calm him down.

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