
Scorpio Man Mad: What Happens When He’s Furious?

Updated August 28, 2024

If a Scorpio man is mad, you’ll know. He might try to hide it sometimes, but his mad mood will be apparent.

A Scorpio man might withdraw, act passive-aggressive, or lash out when angry. How he reacts depends on what’s wrong.

Scorpio men can be intense when mad, but they don’t always express their anger the same way. Some Scorpio men have wild tempers, while others can control themselves but will still be moody.

A Scorpio man might be highly emotional when angry. His anger can be explosive. He might lash out, especially if he’s been keeping his feelings to himself for too long. He may say things he regrets.

Scorpio men often stay mad for a long time. If he’s worked up, it will take a while for a Scorpio man to calm down.

His Reaction Depends on Why He’s Angry

What do Scorpio men do when angry? They don’t always react the same way. Their reactions will depend on why they’re angry, who they’re angry at, and a variety of other factors, such as their mood before something made them mad.

If your Scorpio man is mad about a situation beyond his control, he might sulk and withdraw. He may want to vent and talk about what’s wrong, but he might also want to be alone.

If your Scorpio man is angry at you, he might act passive-aggressive. He may also give you the silent treatment. He might act normal around others but be moody when you’re around.

A Scorpio man who typically hides his anger might suddenly explode over something small if his feelings have been bottled up for too long. A Scorpio man who typically expresses his anger healthily might talk things through instead.

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He Might Withdraw

What happens when a Scorpio man gets mad? Sometimes, he will explode, but other times, he will withdraw entirely from everyone around him.

If a Scorpio man knows he has a nasty temper, he might distance himself from people when angry. He won’t want to bother people with his anger or say something he regrets.

Sometimes, a Scorpio man withdraws because he wants to calm down. Withdrawing is not the same as ignoring others or giving the silent treatment. He might need to withdraw before he can talk things through.

If a Scorpio man is angry and says he wants space, listen to him! Let him be alone for a while and talk to him when he’s feeling more calm.

He Might Be Passive-aggressive

When a Scorpio man is mad at you, he might not always tell you what’s wrong. Scorpio men can be direct, but they aren’t always as direct about their feelings as they should be.

Your Scorpio man might act passive-aggressive when he’s mad at you. He will do things that make it obvious he’s upset, then insist nothing is wrong or refuse to tell you what the problem is.

Sulking is a common passive-aggressive technique that Scorpio men use. If your Scorpio man seems moody but refuses to talk to you about why, he’s acting passive-aggressive. He’s probably mad at you and wants you to notice something is wrong.

Your Scorpio man might also try subtly getting “revenge” for whatever you did to make him mad. He might make rude comments or bring up upsetting topics to make you uncomfortable. This is also passive-aggressive behavior.

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He Might Give the Silent Treatment

A Scorpio man’s silent treatment is a common reaction to anger. If your Scorpio man is upset with you, he won’t always tell you. He might not act passive-aggressively toward you, either. He might ignore you entirely.

You’ll know the difference between a Scorpio man withdrawing and a Scorpio man giving you specifically the silent treatment.

He might be avoiding his phone if he doesn’t read his texts. If he leaves your message on read while replying to other people, that’s the silent treatment.

A Scorpio man who is mad at you might pointedly ignore you when he sees you in public. He’ll talk to everyone else and act normal around them but avoid you entirely.

His Anger Can Be Explosive

A Scorpio man’s temper can be explosive, especially if he tries to bottle up his feelings for too long. If he ignores his emotions for too long, he’s likely to explode with anger the next time something sets him off.

A Scorpio man’s anger is intimidating. Some Scorpio men have cold, quiet anger, though. Not all of them have explosive tempers, at least not always.

If a Scorpio man typically ignores his anger and refuses to address it healthily, he’s likely to explode. When this happens, watch out!

A Scorpio man is a mean opponent if you’re arguing with him. When he explodes, he’s likely to say things that will cut to the core. He’s more likely to explode with words, but those words can hurt just as badly as if he got physical.

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He Might Lash Out at You

If a Scorpio man is in a bad mood already and you do something to anger him, he might lash out at you. He might lash out even if you’re not the one he’s truly mad at.

One of the reasons some Scorpio men will withdraw when angry is because they know they tend to lash out. A Scorpio man in a bad mood might have less control over his emotions than usual.

Lashing out is more common if a Scorpio man is not in the best mood when something annoys or upsets him. He’ll lash out at the easiest target or just the next person that comes along.

If he is perfectly calm and content and you do something to annoy him, a Scorpio man might brush it off. He might lash out and be rude to you if he’s already upset.

He Might Say Things He Regrets

If a Scorpio man has anger issues, he’s likely to say things he regrets. When he explodes in anger or lashes out at the people around him, he will probably say something to hurt their feelings and make them upset as well.

A Scorpio man does not always mean what he says when angry. Sometimes, he says cruel and insensitive things during arguments. If you upset him and he lashes out, he might say something perfectly designed to hurt you.

Once a Scorpio man is no longer angry, he might regret what he said to the people around him. He will regret it if he upset someone he wasn’t even mad at!

This is one of the reasons a Scorpio man will withdraw when he’s angry. He won’t want to accidentally say the wrong thing to someone who doesn’t deserve it.

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He’ll Get Highly Emotional

A Scorpio man might get highly emotional when angry. It’s not uncommon for Scorpio men to cry due to anger, especially if they are incredibly frustrated or have been holding things in for a while.

It’s also common for Scorpio men to use anger to hide other emotions. If your Scorpio man is acting mad, he might be feeling sad, scared, or upset.

Sometimes, the best way to handle an angry Scorpio man is to be calm, patient, and understanding. Don’t get mad and yell, even if your Scorpio man is lashing out. Instead, be loving yet firm with him.

Let your Scorpio man know that you are happy to listen to him. Validate his feelings, but tell him there are better ways to express them. That might help.

His Anger Can Be Sudden

What makes a Scorpio man mad? You might not always know what will set a Scorpio man off. Some Scorpio men are good at bottling things up and hiding their emotions.

A Scorpio man’s anger can be sudden sometimes, though. If he typically bottles things up, he might seem perfectly fine one moment, then angry the moment he can no longer keep his anger in.

Your Scorpio man might not always give you a warning that something might upset him. If he thinks he can brush it off, he will try to. If he is used to dealing with this anger alone, he won’t tell you he’s starting to get upset.

If your Scorpio man suddenly seems angry, he’s probably been bottling things up for a while. His anger will be sudden to you, but it won’t always surprise him.

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He’ll Stay Mad for a Long Time

How long does a Scorpio man stay mad? Scorpio men can hold grudges far longer than anyone else! A Scorpio man might stay mad for a long time, depending on why he’s angry in the first place.

A Scorpio man’s anger typically won’t go away on its own. He will need to actively focus on calming down. He’ll have to acknowledge his anger in the first place and work on getting through it.

You’ll likely need to apologize if a Scorpio man is mad at you. He won’t truly calm down without an apology. He definitely won’t forgive you without one.

Don’t be surprised if your Scorpio man is still upset days after something or someone makes him angry. It takes a long time for him to work through his emotions, especially ones as intense as anger.

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