
Scorpio Man Likes You: 10 Clear Signs of Attraction!

Updated September 3, 2024

Some of the signs a Scorpio man likes you can be subtle. If you know what you’re looking for, you’ll be able to find the signs, though.

A Scorpio man won’t be able to hide his feelings completely. Something will always give him away.

When a Scorpio man likes you, he’ll be curious about you. He will listen to everything you say to him. He will pay attention to you and learn as much about you as possible.

If your Scorpio man wants you to know he likes you, he’ll pursue you. He will protect you and constantly ask you to hang out with him. He will always want you around.

A Scorpio man who likes you will make you feel good. He will do anything to make you happy, even if he’s not ready to reveal his feelings.

1. He’s Curious About You

How do you know if a Scorpio man likes you? He will likely be curious about you. He’ll want to get to know you better and learn as much about you as possible.

When a Scorpio man likes you, he’ll ask many questions about you. He might ask you about yourself directly.

If your Scorpio man is always asking about your personal life or asking follow-up questions related to things you reveal about yourself, he probably likes you.

Your Scorpio man will also show his curiosity in other ways. He’ll ask mutual friends about you. He will look at your social media as well. He’ll pick up clues about you and your interests in any way he can.

If a Scorpio man continues to ask about you, that’s a good sign! That means he still likes you after everything he’s learned and wants to keep learning more.

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2. He Can’t Look Away

One of the signs a Scorpio man is attracted to you is that he won’t be able to look away. If you constantly catch your Scorpio man staring at you, he probably likes you!

A Scorpio man’s gaze can be intense, so you’ll feel his eyes on you even if you don’t catch him looking your way. When a Scorpio man likes you, it might feel like his eyes are always on you.

You might notice that your Scorpio man always looks at you, even if someone else in the group is talking. When you’re talking, he will have his eyes locked on you.

If you want to show a Scorpio man that you also like him, don’t look away when you catch him staring. Instead, hold his gaze. This is a great way to flirt with your Scorpio man and subtly show some interest in him.

3. He Gets Jealous

How do Scorpio men act when they like someone? Scorpio men are the jealous type, and they’ll get jealous over someone they aren’t even dating sometimes.

If your Scorpio friend seems jealous when you flirt with other men, he probably likes you. He might try to hide his jealousy if he doesn’t want it to be obvious, but you’ll pick up the signs if you’re paying attention.

For example, a Scorpio man might become moody and sulk if you flirt with others in front of him.

If you talk about a date you went on recently, he may suddenly seem upset for no reason. He might change the subject so he doesn’t have to hear about it.

If your Scorpio man seems jealous when you hang out with others, it’s because he wants to hang out with you. He’ll be jealous you’re not spending time with him!

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4. He Wants to Make You Feel Good

When a Scorpio man likes you, he wants to make you feel good. He will go out of his way to make you smile and laugh when he’s around. If you’re feeling down, he’ll try to cheer you up.

If your Scorpio man constantly does favors for you, he might like you.

If you have a Scorpio coworker who frequently brings you coffee or takes some extra work off your plate, even though he doesn’t do that for others, he might have a crush.

Your Scorpio man will do his best to cheer you up when you’re down. If he is compassionate and supportive, he probably likes you. He might like you as a close friend, but his feelings are likely beyond that.

If just being around you can make your Scorpio man feel good, too, he likes you! That’s a sign that he has strong feelings.

5. He Tells You Secrets

One of the signs a Scorpio man likes you and trusts you is that he will tell you his secrets. He really likes you if he starts opening up and sharing secrets with you!

Scorpio men are not open books. They keep a lot of things to themselves. They don’t open up easily, even to friends.

If your Scorpio man starts telling you secrets, he likes you. He is comfortable enough with you to open up and trust you with things he likely doesn’t tell anyone else.

When your Scorpio man tells you a secret, keep it! You want to show him that he can trust you. This is an excellent way for you two to bond, especially if you like him too.

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6. He’s Protective of You

Even if a Scorpio man is secretly in love, he won’t be able to keep his feelings a complete secret. One obvious sign that he has feelings for you will be that he’s protective of you.

You might notice that your Scorpio man always stands close to you when you’re in a crowd. If strangers approach, he might stand in front of you or block them from getting too close to you.

Your Scorpio man will defend you when he likes you. He’ll set the record straight if someone says rude things about you! He would never let anyone spread rumors about you or say untrue things.

Being protective is one way a Scorpio man shows he cares. If he likes you, he won’t put you in harm’s way. He might be extra cautious when you’re around, even if he’s usually reckless regarding his safety.

7. He Actively Listens to You

How does a Scorpio man show affection? One way he shows he cares is by listening. If your Scorpio man goes out of his way to actively listen to everything you tell him, he likes you.

You’ll know a Scorpio man is actively listening because he will make eye contact and lean into you.

He’ll also make verbal acknowledgments that he’s listening. He might ask follow-up questions or for clarification if he’s confused about something you’ve said.

If a Scorpio man doesn’t like you, he won’t listen to you. Scorpio men can be good listeners, but only when they choose to be! If your Scorpio man chooses to listen to you, he likes you.

This magic will make your Scorpio man want a relationship with you.

8. He Pursues You

If a Scorpio man really likes you, he will pursue you. He’ll flirt with you and make his interest in you clear. Scorpio men know how to take the initiative in relationships when they want to.

A Scorpio man might take a while to start pursuing you. He may want to get to know you better or get a better idea of whether or not you’ll be interested before he does anything.

Once he decides to pursue you, his interest will be clear. He’ll compliment and praise you. He’ll try to impress you.

He will bring you gifts and pamper you. You won’t have to wonder if a Scorpio man is flirting with you because he will be incredibly forward.

If a Scorpio man likes you but is hiding it, he won’t be obvious with pursuing you. He will still do things to endear himself to you, though! He’ll try to impress you, but he’ll be more subtle.

9. He Has Deep Conversations with You

If you’re dating a Scorpio man and you’re wondering whether or not he’s genuinely interested, focus on the types of conversations you two tend to have. If he’s comfortable having deep, personal conversations with you, he likes you.

A Scorpio man will not discuss specific topics with everyone. He likes you if he’s willing to talk about uncomfortable subjects with you.

When a Scorpio man has deep, personal conversations with you, that’s also a sign he trusts you. He’s not just physically attracted to you. He likes being around you and trusts you enough to talk about the hard stuff.

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10. He Always Wants You Around

One of a Scorpio man’s love languages is quality time. If he always wants you around, he likes you! He wouldn’t want to spend time with you if he didn’t.

If your Scorpio man constantly invites you to do things with him, he likes you. Even if he doesn’t specifically ask you on a date, he’s showing interest in you.

A Scorpio man who likes you might want to be around you even if he doesn’t want to be around anyone else. Hanging out with you might not be as draining as socializing usually is for him.

When your Scorpio man likes you, he won’t care what you do together. He’ll want to spend as much time with you as possible.

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