
Scorpio Man Crush Signs: How to Know if He’s Into You!

Updated August 23, 2024

A Scorpio man’s crush signs are obvious if you know what you’re looking for. He can’t hide a crush, even if he’s trying to.

Pay attention to how your Scorpio man acts around you if you think he has a crush. His behavior will definitely give him away.

When a Scorpio man has a crush on you, he will pay more attention to you than anyone else. He’ll stare at you. He’ll listen to every word you say and pay attention to your social media, too.

A Scorpio man with a crush will be thoughtful and caring. You’ll see his soft side. He will reach out to you frequently, answer your texts quickly, and always be happy to talk to you.

Your Scorpio man will try to make you laugh as often as possible. When he has a crush, seeing you smile will make him happy.

He Stares at You

How do Scorpio men act when they have a crush? One obvious thing a Scorpio man will do is stare at you. He might try to look away, but you’ll catch him sometimes anyway!

A Scorpio man’s gaze is intense, so you’ll likely feel his eyes on you when he stares. The next time you feel like you’re being watched, look around for him. He might be staring at you.

When a Scorpio man has a crush, he might not even notice that he’s staring at the object of his affection. His eyes will just be drawn to you when he has a crush. He can’t help it!

Your Scorpio man will gaze at you intensely when you talk, but he won’t stop there. He might look your way even if someone else is speaking. He’ll look at you across the room. You’ll always catch his eye when you show up to an event, too.

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He Leans in Close When You Talk

A Scorpio man with a crush will lean in close when you talk. Whether you’re talking specifically to him or a group, he’ll stand close and make it clear that he’s listening to you.

A Scorpio man flirting will also lean in close when you talk. He’ll make direct eye contact and stand as close to you as possible. If he’s okay with making his crush obvious, he’ll have no issue flirting a bit while he’s close to you.

Your Scorpio man will lean in toward you even if he’s not trying to flirt, though. Just like his staring, this can sometimes be a subconscious thing.

He will naturally lean in close when you’re talking, and he’s engaged with whatever you’re saying.

He’s an Excellent Listener

One of the signs a Scorpio man is interested in you is that he will always listen to you. Even if he’s not the best listener with other people, he will be with you. He’ll hang on every word you say.

Scorpio men have the potential to be excellent listeners. They don’t listen if they’re not interested in the person talking! You’ll know your Scorpio man has a crush if he always listens to you, no matter what you’re talking about.

You could be discussing the most boring topic, and a Scorpio man with a crush will actively listen. You’ll know he’s listening, too. He will ask follow-up questions, make direct eye contact, and remember everything you say.

A Scorpio man with a crush will hang on your every word. It honestly won’t matter what you’re talking about. He will love listening to you.

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He Pays Attention to Your Social Media

A Scorpio man’s love language tends to be physical touch, but you likely won’t see that if he has a crush and you two aren’t close yet. What you will see from him is an intense focus on you.

One way your Scorpio man will show he’s focused on you is by paying attention to your social media. If your Scorpio man reads and likes all your posts, he might have a crush on you!

A Scorpio man with a crush might not always add you on social media, but he will look at your profiles. He may scroll back through all your posts and pictures, too, so be aware of that!

If your Scorpio man comments on every post you make, he likes you. This is a common way he’ll interact and show interest, even if he’s not ready to reveal his crush yet.

He Answers Your Texts Quickly

One simple way to tell if a Scorpio man likes you is to pay attention to how quickly he answers your text messages. If he seems to respond instantly whenever you message him, he likely has a crush!

A Scorpio man with a crush might wait around for you to text him. He’ll notice your messages immediately, even if he’s not purposely watching his phone for you.

He will respond quickly and try to keep your conversations going so you’ll message him more.

Just seeing your messages will make a Scorpio man happy, too. If you hear from friends that he lights up whenever you message him, he has a crush! He will love talking to you as often as he can.

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He Smiles at You Frequently

If a Scorpio man likes you but is hiding it, he still won’t be able to hide the fact that you make him smile. If he smiles a lot more when you’re around, or you frequently catch him smiling at you, he probably has a crush.

Scorpio men can seem stoic and intimidating at times, but they aren’t always like that. When a Scorpio man is with his friends and loved ones, he’ll smile much more.

When a Scorpio man has a crush on you, he might constantly smile at you. Pay attention the next time you walk into a room.

If your Scorpio man has a crush, he will likely smile as soon as he realizes you’ve shown up to an event he’s at. Just seeing you will make him smile. He’ll keep smiling if you approach him and strike up a conversation.

You See His Soft Side

Another of the signs that a Scorpio man has feelings for you is that you will see his soft side. Even if he’s usually distant and intimidating with others, he’ll be kind and gentle around you.

Scorpio men can be kind and compassionate people. They just aren’t openly like that. They have an intimidating mask, but it will slip when a Scorpio man is around his crush.

Your Scorpio man will be genuinely kind to you when he has a crush. He will gladly do you favors and help you, even if you two aren’t close yet. He will be sweet and compliment you more, too.

A Scorpio man will also show you how considerate and thoughtful he can be. He might have a crush if he reaches out when you’re in a bad mood or always seems to know the right thing to say to cheer you up.

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He Reaches Out

Are Scorpio men shy around their crush? Many of them are not. A Scorpio man will probably reach out and try to talk to you more when he has a crush, even if he doesn’t want to reveal that crush yet.

When a Scorpio man has a crush on you, he’ll check in with you frequently. If you seem down or just more quiet than usual, he’ll want to make sure everything is okay with you.

A Scorpio man with a crush might call and text you more frequently than anyone else. Even if he’s usually not big on texting, he will be with you. He will want to talk to you as often as possible!

If your Scorpio man reaches out “just because” he has a crush. He likes you if he always seems to have an excuse to talk to you.

He’s Playful Around You

When a Scorpio man has feelings for you, you will see many sides of him. You’ll see his softer side, and you’ll also see how playful he can be!

Scorpio men often seem intimidating when you first meet them. Their resting face can be solemn, and they seem no-nonsense if you don’t know them well. They aren’t like that all the time, though!

When a Scorpio man has a crush on you, he’ll loosen up around you. He will show you sides of him that others don’t always see. He’ll have no issue playing around, teasing you, and being silly sometimes.

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He Tries to Make You Laugh

One of the clear signs a Scorpio man likes you is that he will try to make you laugh. If he constantly jokes around with you and goes out of his way to make you smile, he might have a crush!

You will see a Scorpio man’s silly side when he has a crush on you. You’ll know he’s trying to make you laugh because he might act ridiculous in front of you, even if he never acts like that around anyone else.

Your Scorpio man will learn what types of humor you enjoy when he has a crush. He’ll start telling jokes specifically designed to make you laugh.

You might notice that he looks at you when he cracks a joke. He’s looking for your response.

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