
Pisces Man Not Interested: 10 Signs He’s Not Into You!

Updated August 28, 2024

When a Pisces man is not interested, he doesn’t want to hurt you. He can seem vague and leave you guessing.

A Pisces man uninterested in you lets you down gently. Understand his signs and avoid heartache.

A Pisces man shows you he is no longer interested, but you may miss his cues. Women who understand a Pisces man’s romantic signals pick up on his signals.

But when you don’t know how to read a Pisces man, you can waste time chasing him when he’s not into you. A Pisces man flirts with others.

He escapes by ignoring you or drinking too much. He pushes you away by lying and alienating you.

1. He Ignores You

One of the first things a Pisces man does when he is not interested in you is to go cold. He shuts down to discourage you from chasing him. When your Pisces love ignores your texts, it’s a red flag.

Pisces men are responsive. They are obsessive and always want to be with you. But when a Pisces man doesn’t pay attention to you, something is wrong.

Pisces men ignore you when they are losing interest. An indifferent Pisces man shows you he doesn’t want a relationship with you. If you don’t get the hint, he may ghost you.

When you flirt with a Pisces man, and he changes the topic, he is showing you he doesn’t want a romance. You can tell he is not interested in you when he won’t act romantic.

The clearest signs a Pisces man is not interested in you involve ignoring you. He may avoid you casually or ghost you. Men born under this sign can be detached when they don’t want to be with you.

This one weird trick is the only way to attract a Pisces man.

2. He Flirts with Others

If a Pisces man brazenly flirts with other women around you, he is not into you. He normally wouldn’t disregard your feelings. But a Pisces man flirts with other women to show he is not looking for a commitment.

He uses this tactic to discourage you from chasing him. You may think your Pisces love is acting rudely, but he shows he cares by intentionally flirting with others.

A Pisces man acts like he’s attracted to other women to give you reasons to give up on him. When a Pisces man doesn’t want to be with you, he chases other women in front of you.

What makes a Pisces man lose interest? Men born under this sign can become indifferent if bored. They may burn out because they move so quickly in relationships.

3. He Drinks Too Much

When a Pisces man knows you like him, he becomes uncomfortable. He doesn’t want to give you the wrong impression but avoids confrontations.

Pisces men revert to escape tactics to avoid dealing with being assertive. Instead of risking that he may hurt your feelings, your Pisces love wants to avoid you and hide from your reaction.

A Pisces man drinks too much to hide his feelings. He can be passive to avoid facing challenging situations. You can tell a Pisces man is not interested when he overindulges in alcohol.

Follow a no-contact rule with a Pisces man when he has been drinking too much. If he sobers up, he may want to stay with you. But a Pisces man who avoids you with drinking won’t chase you if you step back.

If you’re wondering how to know when a Pisces man is not interested, pay attention to his behavior. He avoids you and drinks more than usual to show he’s not interested.

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4. He Acts Passive-aggressive

Another sign a Pisces man is not interested in you is when he acts passive-aggressively. Men born under this sign are often passive-aggressive. They don’t speak up for themselves.

But when he acts belligerent or resentful, your Pisces man is giving you a hint. He wants to show you he is not interested in a relationship. If he was in love with you, he shows he’s lost his attraction to you by being passive-aggressive.

A Pisces man continually jabs at you with sarcastic remarks when not into you. He can be frustrated and avoids talking to you directly. You may feel like you’re walking on eggshells around him.

If he used to like you but a Pisces man is no longer interested, he pushes you away. He uses passive-aggressive tactics to turn you off. A Pisces man who doesn’t like you can seem cruel.

One of the signs that Pisces hates you is when he is passive-aggressive and goes to extremes. He can be rude and condescending when he wants to discourage you.

5. He Ghosts You

A Pisces man strives to maintain a friendly relationship. But if letting you down gently doesn’t work, a Pisces man feels he has no choice but to disconnect from you.

When a Pisces man ghosts you, he doesn’t know how else to get his message across. He doesn’t want to hurt your feelings. Yet he assumes you haven’t been paying attention.

If his cues are too subtle, a Pisces man shows he doesn’t want a relationship in more extreme ways. He ghosts you or blocks you from all contact.

If a Pisces man doesn’t want a relationship, he won’t risk leading you on. He makes you change your mind, even if he must disconnect from you. Pisces men only ghost you if they feel they must.

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6. He Lies to You

A Pisces man may discourage you from chasing him by being rude or inappropriate. When a Pisces man lies to you, he’s showing he doesn’t want a relationship.

He lies to avoid hurting your feelings. A Pisces man who always has an excuse to avoid spending time with you is not attracted. He doesn’t want to be with you but is afraid to tell you directly.

When a Pisces man wants to be friends, he may lie to you rather than admit he isn’t romantically interested. He continually makes justifications for avoiding you but doesn’t cut you off.

A Pisces man not into you can be quick to ghost you if you push his boundaries. He wants to keep a distance if he isn’t interested in you. A Pisces man who doesn’t want to be with you is distant.

Is a Pisces man a womanizer? Men born under this sign love being in love. Yet they usually crave commitment. If a Pisces man ghosts you, he doesn’t want a relationship.

7. He Shuts Down

If a Pisces man doesn’t feel confident letting you down, he may go silent. A Pisces man shuts down when he’s unhappy but doesn’t want to break up with you.

When he knows you are interested in him, a Pisces man panics. If he doesn’t share your feelings he wants to avoid hurting you. But he may not feel comfortable telling you he doesn’t want a relationship.

Instead of being direct, a Pisces man may turn cold. He shuts down to keep you from getting ahead of yourself. A Pisces man discourages you from chasing him by distancing himself.

If you see signs a Pisces man is not over you, he may need space. Men born under this sign sometimes need breathing room. Men born under this sign run hot and cold.

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8. He’s Not Affectionate

Another sign a Pisces man doesn’t want a relationship is when he is not affectionate. Pisces men are typically warm and loving. They are gentle and affectionate with friends and loved ones.

But when a Pisces man is not interested in a relationship with you, he withholds affection. He avoids hugging you or lets go quickly. He may keep his hands in his pockets rather than touching you.

If you try to cuddle with a Pisces man and he backs away, he is not interested in a relationship with you. He doesn’t want a romance when he is distant and cold.

9. He Isn’t Compassionate

If your Pisces love interest acts indifferent or cold, he is giving you a hint. Men born under this sign are known for their compassion and empathy.

But if your Pisces love isn’t understanding, he doesn’t want a relationship. Men born under this sign are typically sensitive and charming.

A Pisces man not interested in a relationship withholds compassion. He can be judgmental and may criticize you. An apathetic Pisces man is deterring you from pursuing an interest in him.

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10. He Doesn’t Text

A Pisces man who doesn’t text back is showing you a red flag. He isn’t interested in a romantic relationship if he ignores your messages. When he never initiates conversations, he is not attracted to you.

When a Pisces man likes you, he is the first to reach out. He texts frequently when he cares. But a Pisces man not interested in a relationship is distant.

If you feel you must always initiate contact, step back. A Pisces man who doesn’t initiate is not looking for a relationship. He is not attracted to you if he puts no effort into chasing you.

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