
Pisces Man Jealous & Possessive: Is His Love Toxic?

Updated October 6, 2024

Is a Pisces man jealous and possessive in relationships? Pisces men seem carefree and compassionate.

You may not suspect a Pisces man to be the jealous type. Men born under this sign are surprisingly manipulative.

A Pisces man can be jealous. From the moment he falls in love, a Pisces man fears losing you.

He can be possessive and feels insecure when he likes you. Men born under this sign are known for hiding their jealous streak.

But he can’t conceal his possessive side for long. A Pisces man inevitably shows you his sensitive nature.

He Hides Jealousy

Pisces men are perfectionists. They project an image of being the ideal partner. Men born under the sign of Pisces can be jealous, but they don’t let it show initially.

Pisces men realize jealousy is not a good look. They can feel guilty when their jealousy shows. Pisces men strive to subdue their insecurities.

When your Pisces love is serious about you, he tiptoes around his jealous nature. Rather than show his discomfort with your friendship with other men, he asks you irrelevant questions about your relationships.

He watches your social media to see how you interact with other men. A Pisces man who likes you can become jealous but doesn’t want to let it show when around you.

He can be insecure about your time with friends but doesn’t want to look controlling. He maintains a relaxed facade while secretly obsessing about your relationships.

Regardless of how jealous and possessive Pisces gets, he downplays his insecurities. He acts like nothing is wrong. But a Pisces man shows you he is jealous eventually.

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He’s Manipulative

When you see a sweet and romantic Pisces man, you may think he can do no wrong. But Pisces man have a secret manipulative side. Far beneath the surface, a charming Pisces can be deceitful.

Pisces men use their manipulative skills to control your feelings for him. When a Pisces man cares about you, he strives to keep you wrapped around his finger.

He deals with his jealousy by manipulating you. Pisces men want to keep you obsessed with them. They fear you will fall for someone else and leave them feeling abandoned.

When a Pisces man acts manipulative, he is not being cruel. He intends to protect his sensitive feelings. He wants to be with you and fears you’ll leave him if he doesn’t maintain control.

You may think a Pisces man is heartless when he manipulates you. One of his most toxic traits is his tendency to gaslight you. He uses your feelings against you to maintain the upper hand.

A Cancer man possessive of a Pisces woman can be overprotective. But when a Pisces man is jealous of a Cancer woman, he uses her emotions against her.

He’s Passive-aggressive

Pisces men are notoriously passive-aggressive. They hide their hurt feelings but find ways to share their resentments. They make underhanded comments to show you they are upset.

When a Pisces man is jealous, he doesn’t confront you directly. He knows you may shut down if he is jealous of your friends. But if your Pisces man acts belligerent, he’s feeling insecure.

He is jealous of you and wants to get even. A Pisces man won’t pick an argument. He craves peace and harmony but finds sneaky ways to show you he is uncomfortable.

A Pisces man in love’s possessive side can interfere with your relationship. He can undermine your trust in him by showing you he is insecure. He uses snide comments to show you he’s unhappy.

Is a Pisces man protective? Men born under this sign mean well. They strive to make you feel comfortable and secure. But they become resentful and passive-aggressive if they are jealous.

A tiny trick to snatch your Pisces man's heart?... even if he's cold and distant...

He’s Sensitive

One of the reasons a Pisces man is susceptible to jealousy is his sensitive nature. Pisces men are easily hurt. They take things personally and can read too much into what you say or do.

When you talk about a friend, your Pisces man assumes the worst. He loses sleep at night wondering if you are interested in someone else. He agonizes over benign statements, wondering if you have a hidden agenda.

A Pisces man can be far more sensitive than he shows. He can be empathetic, yet he often misreads your signals. His insecurities can cloud a Pisces man’s judgment.

Pisces men need a patient partner who understands their tendency to become possessive. Men born under this sign can be jealous when something triggers their sensitive feelings.

Pisces men look for cues to affirm their biases and fears. If a Pisces man doesn’t feel confident in himself, he can project his anxieties onto you. His sensitive nature makes him question your loyalty.

He Makes Assumptions

Pisces men make assumptions based on their desires and feelings. When a Pisces man is upset, he jumps to conclusions when you respond to a text from your friends.

He sees you texting and thinks you are hiding something from him. If you don’t get back to him immediately. You can make a Pisces man feel jealous unintentionally if you pay attention to others.

He assumes you are cheating on him when you don’t pay attention to him. Men born under the sign of Pisces need constant attention and reassurance.

Is a Pisces man controlling? Men born under this sign can be manipulative. They seek security and control by commanding your full attention.

This one weird trick is the only way to attract a Pisces man.

He Has No Boundaries

A Pisces man has no boundaries and often confuses his emotions and your emotions. He can seem possessive because he assumes that he speaks for your interests.

Men born under this sign see you as an extension of themselves when they care about you. They are among the least independent signs of the zodiac.

Pisces men can get entangled in your private life. They feel entitled to your attention and may feel hurt if you have other close relationships. They want you to focus on them and no one else.

A Pisces man who likes you can become anxious and possessive when he realizes you have other friends and loved ones. You can lose his trust if he gives in to his possessive side.

You may wonder, why would a Pisces man make me jealous? Men born under this sign may play mind games to make you insecure. They want to make you jealous so you won’t take them for granted.

He Craves Your Attention

Your Pisces love interest may crave your attention. He feels abandoned if you have other obligations. When you don’t reply to his messages instantly, a Pisces man feels rejected.

He becomes jealous and possessive if you spend time with friends and don’t include him. Your Pisces love expects to have your undivided attention.

He needs you to listen when he discusses his long list of woes and grievances. You can hurt a Pisces man’s feelings if you don’t work on nurturing his feelings.

He seeks comfort and security in relationships. When a Pisces man likes you, he needs so much of your energy you may feel exhausted. Boundaries are essential with a Pisces man, but he is offended by your boundaries.

A Pisces Moon man’s jealous side is more pronounced than anyone else’s. Men with the Sun and Moon in Pisces are compassionate. They are insecure and their sensitivity is triggered easily.

They can be obsessive when they fear you may find someone else. A Pisces man focuses on being in your life and having your full focus when he likes you.

Use these secrets to make your Pisces man love you (they work like magic)

He Shadows You

A Pisces man shows his jealousy by sticking to you like glue. Pisces men shadow you and follow you around when in love. They may not trust you when they aren’t around.

But Pisces men can also follow you obsessively because they can’t stand being away from you. A Pisces man strives to prove himself to you and can be unwilling to leave your side.

He feels insecure when he’s in love. A Pisces man can be jealous and wants to ensure everyone knows he is with you. He fears you will be swept off your feet by someone else’s charm if he’s not around.

Pisces men can be overbearing. They spend all their free time with you when they like you. A Pisces man in love thinks he’s being romantic when he shadows you.

Look at a Pisces man’s compatibility chart and you’ll see his best match is other water signs. Pisces men need sensitive, empathetic partners. Yet he shadows his best match out of insecurities.

Pisces jealous of Cancer questions her time away. He may follow her around to ensure she isn’t deceiving him. A Pisces jealous of Taurus won’t get away with these antics. Taurus detests Pisces’ clingy nature.

A Pisces man’s ideal woman tolerates his insecurities. She is patient with him when he goes through his possessive phases. Comfort a Pisces man and you can reassure him of your trustworthiness.

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