
Leo Man Text You: 10 Secrets to Spark His Interest!

Updated September 14, 2024

How do you make a Leo man text you once you get his number? Men born under this sign need specific text cues.

You can make a Leo man want to text you back if you hack his subconscious desires.

Congratulations, you’ve got a Leo man’s number. But if you’re feeling paralyzed with anxiety at the thought of where to begin flirting by text, relax.

Texting a Leo man is the easiest way to get him to let his guard down. He warms up to you when you appeal to his strengths.

Text him about his favorite interests and desires. Tell him jokes and dish out celebrity gossip.

1. Get to Know Him

A Leo man is attracted to you if you take the time to get to know him. Men born under this sign can be responsive if you show interest in their personality.

When a Leo man is interested in a woman, he tests the waters. If you get to know him, he relaxes. He enjoys texting women who invest in getting to learn about him.

A Leo man is flattered by women who ask questions with genuine interest. Men born under this sign are proud of their individuality. Make a Leo man open up if you focus on his personality.

You can make a Leo man open up about his interests and desires if you ask about his ambitions. Make him respond to your messages by being attentive to the unique traits that make him stand out.

Will a Leo man text you first? Men born under this sign are eager to initiate. But you must understand his personality to know how to reply. Show you are interested in his identity and he wants to be with you.

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2. Learn His Interests

A Leo man can identify with his recreational interests. He sees his hobbies as an extension of himself. Men born under this sign are devoted to development and self-actualization.

When a Leo man gives you his number, text him about his recreational interests. Ask about his hobbies. Read about his favorite topics so you can keep his attention.

A Leo man responds to your messages when you appeal to his love of creativity. Build his confidence, and a Leo man chats openly with you. He wants to share his interests with you when you are willing to pay attention to him.

If a Leo doesn’t text you, he may think you are focusing on yourself too much. This is ironic, considering a Leo man’s egotistical nature. But he is more receptive if you focus on his interests.

If you’re wondering what to text a Leo man to get him back, make him return by reminding him you care about his talents. Text him about his gifts for the visual and performing arts.

3. Discuss Celebrity Gossip

A Leo man wants to text you when you are on the cutting edge of news and celebrity gossip. Leos are attracted to wealthy and powerful people. They are easily star-struck by celebrity news.

When you text a Leo man to share the latest celebrity stories, you have his focused attention. The more drama, the better. A Leo man can’t resist being among the first to learn what is going on in the lives of rich and famous people.

A Leo man wants to be with you if you are a source for dirt on famous people. He loves chatting with you about who is dating who and the latest celebrity successes and failures.

If you want to know what to text a Leo man to get his attention. Men born under this sign can be responsive if you text them about celebrity news and gossip.

Is your Leo man painfully distant? Rekindle your love.

4. Tell Him Jokes

A Leo man is interested in texting you if you have a good sense of humor. You can make a Leo man respond to your messages when you tell jokes.

Send him texts that appeal to his sense of humor. Make him laugh, and a Leo man can be fascinated with you. A Leo man wants to engage in a long text conversation if you are funny.

You can entertain a Leo man through texts and keep his attention. He never gets bored with you if you have a sense of humor. A Leo man continues a text thread when you make him laugh.

Will a Leo man text you after a breakup? If he does, he wants to be friends. You can make a Leo man relax if you show him your sense of humor when texting.

5. Compliment Him

A Leo man wants to be with you if you take the time to compliment him. Make him feel good about himself, and a Leo man wants to text you back.

He responds to your messages when you flatter him. A Leo man wants to talk to you when he receives the praise and encouragement he desires.

Men born under this sign can be eager to keep a conversation going when you give sincere compliments. You can make a Leo man want to text you when you tell him what you like about him.

If you see signs a Leo man likes you, cater to his vain side. Text him compliments to encourage him to respond. He shows interest in you when you flatter him.

This magic will make your Leo man want a relationship with you.

6. Ask About His Day

Show an interest in a Leo man’s day if you want to encourage him to text you. When a man born under this sign sees you care about the details of his life, he feels significant to you.

He wants to be with you when you text him about himself. Leo men can be self-centered. If you only text him about yourself, he loses interest in you.

But if you text a Leo man to inquire about his day, he is eager to respond. Men born under this sign are interested in responding to you when you are curious about their work and mundane tasks.

If you want to know what to text a Leo man in the morning, start his day with a cheerful greeting. Text him throughout the day to see what is going on in his life.

7. Avoid Emotions

When you want a Leo man to return your texts, don’t overwhelm him with emotion. Leo men lose interest if you are too vulnerable. He loses interest if you smother him.

Text a Leo man without bringing up your sensitive feelings. Keep his interest by sticking with uplifting and lighthearted topics. Leo men are more responsive when you save heavy subjects for in-person conversations.

When you text a Leo man, avoid cornering him to find out how he feels. The harder you try to make a Leo man open up about his feelings, the more he pulls away.

Avoid projecting your feelings onto a Leo man. Men born under this sign can be overwhelmed by intense feelings. When you text him, don’t expect him to open up about his subconscious emotions.

What a Leo man dislikes in a woman is outpourings of emotion. Men born under this sign can be defensive if you ask about their vulnerable feelings.

This is the #1 mistake women make with a Leo man...

8. Don’t Respond Immediately

When a Leo man is interested in you, he usually texts first. Avoid responding immediately. Men born under this sign can be turned off if you are too eager.

Pause before you text him back. Wait until after you take a break from texting and a Leo man can’t resist you. Keep him on the edge of his seat ready for your reply.

If you text him back too quickly, a Leo man may become bored. You can make him lose interest in you if you are too responsive. Keep him waiting as you plan the perfect reply.

You must understand how to text a Leo man. Make him wait for you. Never rush to respond. A Leo man can be turned off if you show emotions.

9. Be Passionate

If you show your dramatic and passionate side, a Leo man stays hooked on you. He waits for every text you send when you convey your passions.

Men born under this sign can be more attracted to you if you are passionate. You can make a Leo man text you for hours if you are intense and assertive.

Your Leo love can be obsessed with you if you are energetic. When you text him, keep your texts optimistic. Be cheerful and inspire him. A Leo man wants to be with you if you ignite his passions.

If you’re wondering how long can a Leo man go without talking to you, men born under this sign can’t ignore you for long. Leo men can be obsessed with you and are passionate and devoted.

A tiny trick to snatch your Leo man's heart?... even if he's cold and distant...

10. Avoid Boring Him

One of the biggest mistakes women make with Leo men is missing their cues. They can become bored. When a Leo man is in love with you he gives you ample opportunities.

Men born under this sign can become bored if you don’t keep their curiosity. Their passions can motivate a Leo men. You can make a Leo man respond to your texts if you avoid boring him.

You must entertain a Leo man to keep him texting you back. Make him chase you for more by appealing to his interests. Leo men can be spontaneous.

Keep their attention without being too repetitive. Men born under this sign can become bored if you are not upbeat. Keep a man born under this sign on his toes.

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