
Hurting Taurus Man: Cruel Tactics Revealed!

Updated September 19, 2024

Hurting a Taurus man is easy if you know his weak spots. Taurus men are far more sensitive than they let on.

Be careful, though. If you hurt a Taurus man, he likely won’t forgive you. Don’t hurt him on purpose, and expect him to stay.

You can hurt a Taurus man by messing with his emotions, criticizing him, and insulting him. Taurus men tend to be sensitive and insecure, so picking at his insecurities will hurt him.

Avoiding a Taurus man and abandoning him will hurt him. This will play on his fears. Being disloyal will hurt him as well.

Don’t purposely hurt a Taurus man to make a point, though. Talk to him and work through things if you want to keep him in your life. Hurting him will likely push him away forever.

Mess with His Emotions

Taurus men are a lot more sensitive and emotional than they let on. A Taurus man might try to hide his true feelings, but you can get under his skin faster than you might think!

You can mess with a Taurus man’s emotions by making insensitive comments, then brushing him off and saying it was a joke if he calls you out. If he gets upset and you tell him he’s being too sensitive, that will get to him.

When a Taurus man is hurt already, messing with his emotions will be even easier. If he’s already feeling down, you can easily hurt him even more with an insensitive comment or by brushing off his feelings.

You can also mess with a Taurus man’s emotions by pretending to be more interested in him than you are. If you feign interest and pull away, that will hurt him more than anything else.

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Criticize His Work

If you want to know how to hurt a Taurus man, criticize his work. Taurus men get a reputation for being lazy, but they are hard-working people! They can have a good work ethic and will be insulted if you say they don’t.

Taurus men don’t always take criticism well, especially when you criticize something they’re proud of. If your Taurus man shows you something he’s worked on or created, he’ll be upset if you are overly critical of it.

If your Taurus man shows you his project and asks for a critique, he likely won’t be hurt when you give one. If he doesn’t ask, though, he might be hurt by your unsolicited criticism.

Sometimes, a Taurus man will show you his work to try and impress you. He might be looking for praise. He’ll be upset if you have nothing nice to say about something he’s created.

Insult His Looks

His appearance is sometimes one of a Taurus man’s insecurities. If he is insecure about his appearance, you will hurt a Taurus man when you insult him and point out his imperfections.

A Taurus man will likely be upset if you insult his looks, regardless of your relationship. If a stranger or casual acquaintance happens to pick at his insecurities, he will be hurt.

He’ll be more hurt if a loved one insults him, though. He won’t like it if his best friend insults his new haircut or his partner insults a specific part of his body he’s already insecure about.

Even if a Taurus man is proud of a particular aspect of his appearance, you can hurt him by insulting it. He might second-guess his confidence or wonder why people don’t seem to see what he sees.

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Avoid Him

Your Taurus man will be incredibly hurt if you avoid him. If you’re a friend or someone else he cares about, he’ll be upset if you ignore him.

If you give the silent treatment to a Taurus man, that might give him a taste of his own medicine. He does that sometimes, but he won’t like it at all if you avoid him.

Your Taurus man will be even more upset if he can’t determine why you’re avoiding him. He will likely overthink and make himself anxious, trying to come up with a reason for why you might be ignoring him.

If you aren’t sure what to do when a Taurus man is upset, the worst thing you can do is avoid him. That will just upset him further! If you’re trying to hurt him, brush off his feelings. Avoid him when he’s not at his best.

Make Him Feel Stupid

A Taurus man will be hurt if you make him feel stupid. He can handle a legitimate correction, especially if you’re nice about it, but he won’t like it if you call him out in a way that insults rather than educates him.

A Taurus man will be upset if you call him unintelligent outright, but you don’t need to do that to hurt his feelings. If he makes a mistake and you call attention to it in a rude way, that will upset him.

If a Taurus man is upset because you’ve made him feel stupid, he might want reassurance that he isn’t as stupid as he feels. You will hurt him if you don’t give that reassurance or keep making him feel stupid.

A Taurus man will be extra hurt if you’re someone he cares about or whose opinion matters to him.

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Abandon Him

If you’re in a serious relationship with a Taurus man and abandon him, he’ll be devastated. Abandonment is a major fear of many Taurus men. You can hurt him just by playing on this fear and making him think you might leave him.

Ignoring a Taurus man might trigger his fear of abandonment. Leaving suddenly without saying why will upset him. Even if you come back later, he’ll still be shaken up.

A Taurus man will be distraught if you actually abandon him. If you break up with him suddenly or leave him for another person, that will mess with him a lot. He will likely have trouble trusting someone again any time soon.

Cancel Plans Last-minute

Canceling plans at the last minute might seem like a minor thing to some people, but it will hurt a Taurus man’s feelings. If you want to upset him, blow him off and waste his time.

When you hurt a Taurus man by constantly canceling plans at the last minute, you’re telling him you don’t care about him or respect his time. Quality time with people he loves is important, and he’ll be sad when you don’t follow through on your plans.

A Taurus man will understand if there is an emergency and you genuinely need to cancel plans. He’ll likely be supportive and try to help you out. He won’t be as understanding if you blow him off for seemingly no reason.

If you constantly cancel plans, a Taurus man will feel like you don’t care about him. He’ll start to wonder why you bother to make plans with him in the first place.

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Lie to Him

Honesty is essential in any relationship with a Taurus man. He needs to know that he can trust the people he cares about, whether you’re his friend, family member, or partner.

If you lie to a Taurus man, you will hurt him. He would rather you be open and honest, even if it’s difficult than tell him a lie.

What happens if you hurt a Taurus man by lying to him? He might forgive a few white lies or honest mistakes, but he will eventually stop trusting you. If that’s not your intention, don’t lie to him. Only do this if you’re okay with him losing trust in you.

If you lie to a Taurus man about something significant, he’ll have trouble trusting you. You will hurt his feelings, but you’ll also ruin your relationship.

Try to Change Him

If you try to change your Taurus man, that will hurt his feelings. If you make it clear that you won’t ever truly love or trust him unless he changes his personality significantly, he’ll feel inadequate.

If a Taurus man loves you, he’ll want to make you happy. He won’t want to completely change who he is, though. He’ll be hurt if you expect him to change his values or critical aspects of his personality.

How does a Taurus man act when hurt? He might pull away and withdraw. He may also become moody. However he reacts, you’ll hurt him more if you invalidate his feelings. If you continue trying to change his behavior, that will hurt him more.

Your Taurus man will be willing to change toxic behaviors. He shouldn’t have to change who he is to earn your love. Expecting that will hurt him.

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Be Disloyal

Taurus men are incredibly loyal people, and they expect that same level of loyalty in return. If you’re in a relationship with a Taurus man, he will expect you to be faithful, reliable, and trustworthy.

You will hurt him deeply if you are disloyal to a Taurus man. If you two are in a monogamous relationship and you cheat, he’ll be devastated.

He’ll still be hurt if you are disloyal in more minor ways. If you share a secret of his or prove to be untrustworthy in another way, he’ll consider that a betrayal.

If you aren’t sure what to do when you accidentally hurt a Taurus man, the best thing to do is apologize. If you are disloyal, though, he might not forgive you. Only be unfaithful if you are prepared to deal with the consequences.

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