
Gemini Man Silent Treatment: 10 Ways to Break the Ice!

Updated September 6, 2024

A Gemini man’s silent treatment is typically not something to freak out over. It’s not always a sign something is wrong.

Gemini men give the silent treatment as a way of being passive-aggressive. A Gemini man might also go silent without realizing he’s ignoring you!

If a Gemini man is giving you the silent treatment, it’s sometimes best to ignore it. Don’t overreact. Instead, give him space. Do something fun by yourself and then post on social media about it.

If you reach out to your Gemini man, text a joke or send pictures. Keep the conversation light-hearted and talk about things he finds interesting.

You can encourage a Gemini man to open up if you think something might be wrong. If you think he’s ignoring you because he’s upset with you, wait until he’s ready to talk.

1. Post on Social Media

If a Gemini man is ignoring you, don’t freak out. Don’t worry about it too much, even if you think he’s intentionally giving you the silent treatment.

One easy way to break the ice with your Gemini man is to post on social media. Even if he’s ignoring you, he’s likely still paying attention to social media sites. He will notice your social media posts.

Posting on social media will likely get your Gemini man’s attention. If you post about doing something fun and exciting, he’ll notice. He might regret ignoring you, especially if you do something he’s interested in.

If your Gemini man isn’t intentionally ignoring you, seeing you on social media might get him to reach out. He’ll probably comment on your post, especially if he’s intrigued by whatever you posted about.

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2. Text a Joke

If your Gemini man is suddenly distant, text a joke. This is a great way to break the ice without getting upset or accusing him of anything.

Gemini men sometimes get busy. Your Gemini man might not be giving you the silent treatment on purpose, so don’t assume he is! Instead, remain calm and play around with him a bit.

If a Gemini man is intentionally ignoring you, a joke can still break the ice. If you text a joke that goes right along with his sense of humor, that might be enough to make him stop being mad at you.

If a Gemini man sees your joke and laughs, that will break the ice. He’ll respond to you and let you know that your joke amused him. He will realize that giving you the silent treatment is silly.

3. Send Some Photos

If a Gemini man is not responding to texts, try sending him some photos instead. That might be what you need to do to get his attention.

A Gemini man might not be giving you the silent treatment on purpose. If he’s been getting a lot of texts from people, he might not notice that you’re texting him unless you send something that stands out.

If you’re out doing something fun, snap a few photos. Text them to your Gemini man and show him what you’re up to. That will get his attention.

Your Gemini man might see your photos and immediately respond, especially if he wants to meet up with you and join in on the fun you’re having. If you send a few pictures of you, he might see your face and realize he misses you too.

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4. Have a Friend Reach Out

If a Gemini man stops talking to you and you can’t seem to break the ice with him, have a friend reach out to him for you.

A Gemini man might open up to a friend in ways he won’t open up to you, especially if he’s giving you the silent treatment because he’s upset with you. If a friend of yours reaches out to him, he might talk to them about what is going on.

If your Gemini man is ignoring you because he’s mad at you and doesn’t know how to approach the issue, talking to a friend might help with that. They will be able to coach him on what to do.

If your Gemini man ignores all your mutual friends when they reach out, you’re not the problem. He’s not giving you the silent treatment. Something else is up, and he’s ignoring everyone.

5. Invite Him Somewhere

When a Gemini man is upset, he might give everyone the silent treatment. If you want to break the ice and cheer him up, invite him to do something you know he’ll enjoy.

A Gemini man might also give you the silent treatment if he feels neglected by you. If you haven’t seen him much recently, and he’s suddenly pulling away, that might be the issue.

Going out and doing something fun with your Gemini man is a great way to break the ice. If you invite him to his favorite club or to see a concert, he won’t turn you down. He’ll want to have a good time.

If your Gemini man does turn you down, something might seriously be wrong. Express concern and tell him you’re there for him if he needs anything.

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6. Don’t Overreact

The worst thing to do when a Gemini man gives the silent treatment is freak out and get upset with him. Even if he’s giving you the silent treatment on purpose, do not overreact.

Keep calm if a Gemini man is giving you the silent treatment. If you freak out at him, you’ll make it worse. If you get angry at him or accuse him of ignoring you on purpose, he will probably continue giving you the silent treatment.

If a Gemini man isn’t giving you the silent treatment on purpose and you freak out, he’ll be turned off. He might think that you’re clingy or controlling if you do that.

If he is intentionally ignoring you, overreacting won’t make a Gemini man stop giving you the silent treatment. He might just be glad that he’s bothering you as much as he wants to.

7. Ask If He Wants Space

Why does a Gemini man go silent? Sometimes, it’s because he wants space and doesn’t know how to ask for it.

Gemini men might be incredibly social, but they still need time alone. A Gemini man will want space from you sometimes, especially if you spend a lot of time together.

If your Gemini man is giving you the silent treatment, ask if he wants space. Be willing to give him space if that’s what he wants. If space is what he needs and you keep pushing him, he’ll continue ignoring you.

If a Gemini man knows you will give him space when needed, he will be open about it when he wants some time to himself. Instead of just giving the silent treatment and ignoring you, he will talk to you and tell you what is going on.

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8. Do Something Fun Without Him

How long will a Gemini man ignore you? If he’s just being petty and passive-aggressive, he might stop ignoring you as soon as you do something fun without him.

A Gemini man who is giving you the silent treatment to make you feel bad will realize it’s not working as soon as he sees you doing things without you.

Go out to your Gemini man’s favorite club or bar. Go to a concert or another fun event your Gemini man would love. Post about it on social media to ensure he knows what you’re up to, too.

When your Gemini man sees you off having a good time without him, he’ll regret giving you the silent treatment. He will reach out to you so you two can have some fun together next time.

9. Talk About Something Interesting

If you think your Gemini man is ignoring you in a conversation, it might be because whatever you’re talking about isn’t interesting enough for him.

A Gemini man might give you the silent treatment if you bore him. If you want him to talk to you, you’ll have to break the ice by discussing something he finds engaging.

A Gemini man’s mixed signals can be confusing. He might give you the silent treatment one moment, then be happy to chat with you the next. The reason might be that he’s only interested in you when you’re talking about something he likes.

Reach out to your Gemini man and ask about one of his interests. If he responds, he wasn’t ignoring you because of anything you did. He needs you to talk about things he finds engaging.

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10. Encourage Him to Open Up

A Gemini man pulling away when he’s upset is common. If you don’t want a Gemini man to give you the silent treatment when he’s upset about something, encourage him to open up to you.

You should encourage your Gemini man to open up when he’s not giving you the silent treatment. If he knows you will listen to him when he’s upset, he’ll be more likely to go to you instead of giving you the silent treatment.

If a Gemini man knows you will talk through things with him when he’s upset with you, he won’t give you the silent treatment. If he knows that you want him to confront you when you do something that angers him, he will try to do so.

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