
Distant Aries Man: Why is He Pulling Away?

Updated August 21, 2024

Are you dealing with a distant Aries man? When the man you love goes cold, you may feel devastated.

Aries men are passionate and attentive. When they pull away, you may question if the relationship is over.

An Aries man can be intense. His warmth and love are evident, and he showers you with attention. But when he pulls away, you may feel confused and panic.

Aries men become distant for various reasons. When an Aries man goes quiet, he’s showing you a sign. He may feel bored or uninspired.

When he becomes distant, it is not a reason to panic, but it is a reason to pay attention. Men born under this sign are impatient with women who don’t get their cues.

He’s Bored

An Aries man becomes distant when he’s bored. Men born under this sign are active and athletic. They need an adrenaline rush and are excited by women who keep them on their toes.

If you want to make a distant Aries man fall in love with you again, reignite the spark of desire that makes him come closer. He responds to inspiration and challenges.

Give him an obstacle to push his limits but show him the reward is worth the effort. Create drama or plan a trip or surprise to liven things up.

Your Aries man is distant because he has lost enthusiasm. When he’s bored, he needs you to push his boundaries. Men born under this sign can be enthusiastic when they are a catalyst for change and growth.

An Aries in a long-distance relationship loses interest. He operates from an out-of-sight, out-of-mind attitude. Aries men must see you and feel connected to you.

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He’s Found Someone New

Another reason an Aries man goes distant is a distraction. If he’s met someone new, he may be obsessed with learning all he can about the woman who has caught his eye.

An Aries man becomes distant from you when a new woman is on the scene. He is a cardinal fire sign which makes him attracted to novelty.

If an Aries man goes distant from you because of a new love interest, change something about your appearance. Invest in a new project or activity.

Bring new energy into your life, and you can get an Aries man to become fascinated with you again. Men born under this sign want to be with you when they have something new to look forward to. Bring exciting energy into the relationship.

If you’re wondering what to do when an Aries man is distant, you may panic and make critical mistakes. Aries men respond best if you are inspiring and uplifting.

He’s Offended

An Aries man may become distant when offended by something you said or did. Aries men have bold personalities. They talk openly and are assertive about their desires.

You may be surprised to learn Aries men are sensitive. They overlook others’ needs but often become offended if someone oversteps their boundaries.

When an Aries man is upset, he tries to hide it. He has a temper and can lash out and hurt your feelings. Aries men know they lose control when angry.

When they are offended but still like someone, Aries men stifle their reactions. Men born under this sign become offended and pull away when they are upset with you.

An Aries man’s hot and cold games are normal. Men born under this sign often burn out. They need space and then chase you again when they are intrigued.

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He’s Insecure

Aries men are insecure and have fears of being inadequate. Men born under this sign are often compensating with their bold and brash personalities.

When an Aries man’s fears are triggered, he panics. He may step back from a relationship because he doesn’t know how to deal with his subconscious feelings.

Aries men are insecure about their sexuality and physical strengths. Men born under this sign are easily provoked. They can be generous and shower you with attention to hide their self-doubts.

A long-distance relationship with an Aries man can be complicated. Men born under this sign can be needy and want attention, admiration, and praise.

If an Aries man turned cold, you may wonder if he has given up on you. Aries men need affirmation to feel secure in a relationship with you.

He’s Jealous

Aries men are often jealous. They can be territorial in relationships and show their possessive side if they think you like someone else. When an Aries man goes cold, he may be jealous of you.

When an Aries man thinks you’re encroaching on his territory, he may shut down. He stifles his feelings if he thinks you are winning over his friends or becoming more popular than he is.

Men born under this sign can back away from you when he feels you are too close to encroaching on his work or expertise. You can reassure an Aries man by building him up rather than competing with him.

One of the signs an Aries man is not interested in you is when he stops being jealous. Although an Aries man’s jealousy can make him shut down, he comes around. When he doesn’t want to be with you, he goes silent and is indifferent.

A jealous Aries man makes it challenging to commit. Men born under this sign can be under this sign can push people away out of possessiveness and envy.

This one weird trick is the only way to attract a Aries man.

He’s Feeling Stifled

An Aries man can shut down if they feel stifled. Men born under this sign can be quiet and pull away when they don’t feel heard. If you’ve been unconsciously restricting him, an Aries man may shut down.

Men born under this sign may feel rejected if you interrupt them. But even if you don’t support his dreams an Aries man can become shut down and insecure if you make him feel constrained.

Aries men need to follow their instincts. They act on their impulses and prefer being spontaneous to planning. Men born under this sign don’t want to be told what to do.

Aries man’s long-distance relationships are challenging because they want to involve you in their plans. Aries men become distant when they can’t see you regularly.

He’s Angry

An angry Aries man becomes distant initially. He tries to cool down and avoid lashing out. Men born under this sign can become angry easily and make rash decisions.

He becomes distant so he won’t say things he regrets. When an Aries man goes cold, he sometimes needs to cool off. But if his anger grows into resentment, he may disconnect from you.

Give an angry Aries man space. If he doesn’t come around after a few days, brighten his day. Cheer him up with surprises and nurture his strengths to help him get into a better mood.

An Aries man is clingy when he feels unsure of himself. He tries to impress you but when he becomes overwhelmed, men born under this sign shut down to regroup.

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He’s Resentful

An Aries man can be resentful when he doesn’t get his way. He has a strong ego and needs admiration. If you are too intrusive, an Aries man lashes out.

He holds onto grudges and his resentments erode his connection to you. An Aries man may refuse to deal with his feelings and let his anger fester.

When you sense a distance in relationships with an Aries man, you can heal the divide. You must ensure you aren’t fueling his grievances. Avoid being controlling or intrusive.

Disrespect is what turns an Aries man off when he shuts down. Men born under this sign can be distant when he has unresolved grievances with you.

He Needs Space

Aries men often need space when they become distant. Though your first reaction may be to pursue him, the last thing you should do is chase an Aries man.

Men born under this sign are independent. They are autonomous and can be carefree. Men born under this sign are charismatic and need room to make decisions uninterrupted.

If you give an Aries man a few days to collect his thoughts, you can preserve your relationship with him. Men born under this sign need breathing room in relationships or they become distant.

When an Aries man stops talking to you, avoid making assumptions. He may not be shutting down completely. Men born under this sign can be hot and cold when they feel micromanaged.

When an Aries man is busy he may be less communicative. Avoid pressuring him if he is distant. An Aries man goes quiet when he wants to be with you but needs time to himself.

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