
Capricorn Man Red Flags: 10 Alarming Warning Signs!

Updated September 11, 2024

What are a Capricorn man’s red flags? Many of his worst traits are positive or neutral ones that get taken too far.

Don’t freak out if a Capricorn man displays one or two of these traits. Nobody is perfect, and he can get over certain negative traits.

A Capricorn man showing one or two of these traits isn’t always a red flag. He might refuse to open up at first, but he will as you get to know one another more.

A Capricorn man being hardworking is not a red flag, but his being a workaholic can be. If he works so much that he ignores you and won’t focus on anything else, that can be a bad sign.

If a Capricorn man is willing to work on these negative traits, he can overcome them. It’s a red flag if he refuses to do that, though.

1. He’s Inconsistent

A Capricorn man’s mixed signals can be a red flag. Usually, if a Capricorn man is interested in you, he’ll make that clear. He is typically straightforward and doesn’t want to waste anyone’s time.

If a Capricorn man is inconsistent or unpredictable, that’s a red flag. Something is wrong, or he wouldn’t be acting that way.

A Capricorn man who tells you one thing and then does another is lying to you. He might not be serious about you if he says he wants to commit to you but refuses to bring you out in public or introduce you to his loved ones.

Capricorn men are usually very consistent. They say what they mean. They follow through on their promises. If yours doesn’t, that’s a red flag. He might be lying or hiding something.

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2. He’s Secretive

One of the signs a Capricorn man is playing you is that he’ll be incredibly secretive. He won’t just be distant or reluctant to open up. He will actively try to keep things from you.

It’s a red flag if a Capricorn man is overly secretive about you and your relationship with him. He won’t introduce you to friends and family right away, but they should at least know about you if he’s serious about your relationship.

It’s also a red flag if a Capricorn man refuses to tell you anything about himself. If you’ve been dating for a while, he should start to open up more. He should share details about his job, family, and his interests.

If you know nothing about a Capricorn man you’ve been dating for months, that’s a red flag! Try to get him to open up more. If he refuses, he might be hiding something.

3. He Refuses to Open Up

Refusing to open up can be one of a Capricorn man’s negative traits. A Capricorn man not opening up immediately isn’t always a red flag. His refusing to open up after months of dating can be, though.

Many Capricorn men have a difficult time opening up to others. They don’t always know how to express their emotions fully. They hate being vulnerable and take a long time to trust people.

If a Capricorn man wants to be with you, he will at least try to open up. If he cares about you, as a friend or as his partner, he will start to open up and express himself.

A Capricorn man completely refusing to open up is a red flag. If he hides his emotions from you, won’t talk about his past, and makes it difficult to get to know him, that’s a bad sign for your relationship.

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4. He’s Pessimistic

What are a Capricorn man’s red flags? His pessimism can be one. While most Capricorn men try to remain realistic instead of mindlessly optimistic, some take it too far.

Pessimism is not “just being realistic,” and if a Capricorn man claims that, it’s a bad sign! If a Capricorn man is pessimistic, he’ll only ever see the bad side of a situation, never the good.

It’s not realistic to only focus on the bad. It’s a red flag if a Capricorn man can never see the good in any situation and if he tries to make you feel bad for being more optimistic than he is.

Sometimes, a Capricorn man’s pessimism is due to anxiety or insecurity. There might be legitimate reasons he’s so pessimistic, but that isn’t an excuse.

If a Capricorn man sees his pessimism as a problem, this might not be a red flag. If he believes nothing is wrong with his pessimism, then this is a red flag.

5. He’s Distrustful

A Capricorn man’s weakness in love is that he doesn’t trust easily, making it more difficult to connect with people and fall in love.

A Capricorn man’s inability to trust can be a red flag. If he has a hard time trusting people but still tries to, that’s not always a bad sign. If he actively distrusts people and refuses to build trust with others, that’s a red flag.

If a Capricorn man refuses to trust you, you’ll never build a strong relationship with him. If you have given him no reason not to trust you, and he still won’t, that’s a bad sign.

A Capricorn man should be open to building trust if he wants a healthy relationship. He will never be able to bond with someone if he doesn’t trust anyone.

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6. He’s a Workaholic

Capricorn men tend to be incredibly hardworking. They care about their careers and tend to be highly ambitious. All of those things are positive traits. However, Capricorn men sometimes take them too far.

One of a Capricorn man’s red flags in relationships is his tendency to become a workaholic. If a Capricorn man is so focused on his career that he neglects your relationship, that’s a red flag.

If a Capricorn man consistently neglects you and your relationship with him due to work, that’s a bad sign. It’s a red flag if he is incapable of finding balance and won’t even admit it’s a problem.

Your Capricorn man should want to make time for you. He might be busy, but you should still be a priority. If you’re not, that might be a sign he’s not serious about you.

7. He’s Unforgiving

A Capricorn man who is entirely unforgiving will not be able to form lasting relationships with people. There are, of course, some things that can’t be forgiven. If a Capricorn man won’t forgive you for anything, even honest mistakes, that’s a bad sign.

If a Capricorn man acts like he doesn’t care when you apologize and show genuine remorse, that can be a red flag. If he harps on your past mistakes, even ones you’ve made amends for, that’s a sign he is too unforgiving.

A Capricorn man sometimes needs to learn to be more patient and forgiving. People make honest mistakes. He isn’t perfect and shouldn’t expect anyone else to be, either.

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8. He Belittles Your Emotions

Being overly logical, to the point that he belittles expressions of emotion, is one of a Capricorn man’s toxic traits. Capricorn men sometimes brush aside feelings, and that will cause issues in their relationships.

If your Capricorn man criticizes and belittles you when you emotionally express yourself, that’s a red flag. Someone who genuinely loves and cares about you would be supportive, patient, and understanding.

If you open up to a Capricorn man and he makes you feel bad for how you express yourself, you should reconsider your relationship. Call him out on his behavior and let him know he’s in the wrong, not you.

A Capricorn man might not always realize how harmful his words are. That still doesn’t make them okay. If he cares about you, he would never want to belittle you. If he does, that’s a bad sign.

9. He’s Resentful

A Capricorn man being resentful is another red flag. If he is bitter about past relationships or because he thinks the world has been unfair to him, that might make being in a relationship with him difficult.

There is a difference between acknowledging that life has been challenging and being resentful. If a Capricorn man cannot get over his past, and it causes him to behave in a toxic way, then he is resentful.

If you are dating a Capricorn man who is still resentful over a previous relationship, you likely won’t be able to have a healthy relationship with him. If he’s hung up over an ex and mistreats you because of that, your relationship is doomed.

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10. He Won’t Make Time for You

A Capricorn man not making time for you can be a red flag. He might be busy. He may not always be able to be with you. He will want to spend time with you if he loves you, though.

A Capricorn man’s love language is typically quality time. Even if he doesn’t have much free time, he will still schedule time with his loved ones. He’ll do his best to make time for the people that matter.

If a Capricorn man won’t make time for you, that can be a red flag. If he always says he’s too busy but seems to make time for other people, he might not care about you.

Talk to your Capricorn man if he won’t make plans with you or if he starts canceling plans you have made. If he’s honestly just stressed and overwhelmed, he’ll talk to you.

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