
Beat Taurus Man at His Own Game: Play Smart, Win!

Updated September 17, 2024

You can easily beat a Taurus man at his own game as long as you know what games to play!

Taurus men can be hard-headed, but you can outsmart one by refusing to give in and let him get the best of you.

Pay attention to the games a Taurus man plays if you want to know how to beat him. Not all Taurus men play games, but the ones that do can win through sheer willpower and stubbornness.

If you want to beat a Taurus man, take control. Be more stubborn than him, and do not let him get the best of you. Never let him relax, so he’s not at his best.

Ignore your Taurus man, make him jealous, and play on his insecurities. Get under his skin, and it will be harder for him to beat you.

Bring Out His Jealous Side

If you want to know how to play mind games with a Taurus man, one thing you can do is bring out his jealous side.

Taurus men are the jealous type. They can get incredibly territorial and possessive over their partners and close friends. They get insecure and worry about the people they love leaving them.

If your Taurus man is slow to commit or you want to get a bit of revenge for something he’s done to you, purposely bring out his jealous side.

You can do this by flirting with other men or comparing a Taurus man to them. Don’t go too far, though!

Some light flirtation will get his attention and make him jealous. That will be enough to mess with him, so you don’t need to do anything drastic.

Is your Taurus man painfully distant? Rekindle your love.

Take Control

You must take control if you want to know how to beat a Taurus man at his own game. You cannot let him have power over you and your feelings, or else you’ll never get the best of him.

You must have control over yourself and also be able to take control of your Taurus man. If you are entirely in control of every situation you find yourself in with him, a Taurus man will never be able to get the upper hand.

How can you take control? Start by being mindful and aware of what you are doing at all times. If you get distracted, a Taurus man might be able to sneak in and gain control. Don’t allow that to happen.

Being confident and assertive will help you to gain control over a Taurus man. If he’s feeling insecure, self-conscious, or not confident in himself, it will be easier to control him. If you can distract him, you can outsmart him, too.

Be Distrustful

You can mess with a Taurus man and beat him at his own game by refusing to trust him. Taurus men tend to be distrustful, but they tend to think of themselves as trustworthy.

Your Taurus man might be hurt and confused if you refuse to trust him. If he’s doing everything he can to be a trustworthy and reliable person, he’ll wonder why you won’t trust him.

Will a Taurus man play you? He might. Be distrustful if you want to mess with him and beat him at his own game. Even if he’s not playing you, refuse to trust him. Question his intentions constantly.

Even if your Taurus man legitimately isn’t doing anything to prove himself untrustworthy, refuse to trust him. Do not open up or rely on him for anything. This will mess with his head.

This is the #1 mistake women make with a Taurus man...

Ignore Him

Ignoring a Taurus man can mess with him and help beat him at his own game. If your Taurus man is ignoring you, turn things around on him!

Ignoring a Taurus man will make him feel bad, especially if he enjoys spending time with you. If he hasn’t been spending time with you or has been avoiding you for some reason, give him a taste of his own medicine.

If you’re playing hard to get with a Taurus man, it’s usually better not to ignore him entirely. You need to express interest and give him a reason to chase you. Ignoring him will mess with him, but it won’t make him chase you.

Your Taurus man will feel bad when you ignore him. If he’s been giving you the silent treatment or acting distant, he may realize that he messed up, and he’ll stop ignoring you.

Doubt His Abilities

If you want to know how to outsmart a Taurus man, you can do so by doubting his abilities and intelligence. You can make him second-guess himself if you constantly second-guess him.

You can beat a Taurus man at his own game by criticizing everything he does, questioning everything he says, and expressing doubt about his knowledge and skills.

If a Taurus man seems confident about something, bring down that confidence. Confuse him and call into question everything he says. Never take something he says at face value.

Even if a Taurus man is skilled with something, express doubt. Compare him to people who are better than him, or act unimpressed no matter what he does.

Show him that you don’t trust him or his abilities, which might cause him to doubt himself.

This magic will make your Taurus man want a relationship with you.

Play on His Insecurities

You can quickly get the upper hand with a Taurus man by playing on his insecurities. If you can make him feel insecure, messing with him in other ways will be easier.

You’ll stress a Taurus man out when you play on his insecurities. He won’t be able to relax around you. He won’t be in control of himself, and he will start to slip up.

How you play on a Taurus man’s insecurities will depend on what those are. If he fears abandonment, ignore him constantly and blow him off. If he’s insecure about his looks, make critical comments about his appearance.

If you already know what makes your Taurus man insecure, it will be easier to play on those insecurities. Be careful, though. If you do this too much, he will lose trust in you. Don’t do this just to get some petty revenge.

Refuse to Commit

If you want to know how to play a Taurus man, refuse to commit to him. Lead him on, show interest, and make it seem like you might commit, then fail to follow through.

Taurus men are often slow to commit, but they take commitment seriously. Your Taurus man will likely take a long time to truly settle down with you, which can be frustrating if you’re ready to settle down now.

If you refuse to commit despite showing signs that you’re ready to do so, that will confuse a Taurus man. He might start to doubt your relationship. He may feel like he potentially wasted time if he’s ready to commit, but you won’t.

You can give your Taurus man a taste of his own medicine, but be careful. He will leave eventually if you absolutely won’t commit. If you’re slow, it might mess with him, but he won’t continue your relationship if there’s no hope.

Is your Taurus man not communicating with you? Here's the trick to reel your Taurus back in.

Never Let Him Relax

You’ll mess with a Taurus man and be able to easily outsmart him if you never let him relax. If he’s already stressed, it will be easier to beat him at his own game and do other things to get under his skin.

If your Taurus man already seems stressed out, bother him and make things worse. Don’t let him take a breather. Add more tasks to his plate. If he wants to be alone, refuse to leave him be.

If you’ve been playing a Taurus man’s waiting game for too long, put more pressure on him.

If he’s refusing to commit and there’s no legitimate reason why, push him a bit more and don’t let him relax until he gives you an answer one way or the other.

If your Taurus man is overwhelmed, you’ll easily be able to outsmart him. He won’t be at his best, and that will make it easy to beat him.

Be Stubborn

Taurus men are incredibly stubborn, which can cause issues with their relationships. If you want to turn things around on him, be more stubborn than he is.

Some Taurus men are used to getting what they want because they are hard-headed. Do not give in when your Taurus man is being stubborn. Instead, double down and get your way.

Do Taurus men play hard to get? Some of them do! If your Taurus man is doing this and you want revenge, be stubborn and do not give in. Don’t chase him. Make him go after you.

The simple secrets you can use to seduce and keep your Taurus man (they work like magic)

Be Selfish

If you want to know what to do if a Taurus man is playing you, turn things around on him. If he’s being selfish and inconsiderate, be selfish too! Do not give him what he wants.

Taurus men can be selfish. They don’t always think about how their actions affect other people. If you also act selfishly, you’ll give a Taurus man a taste of his own medicine.

Your Taurus man might realize how poorly he’s acted if you behave selfishly. If he does call you out on your behavior, turn things around on him. Tell him he acts selfish, and you don’t see why you shouldn’t as well.

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