
Aries Man Ignoring You: Reclaim His Attention Now!

Updated September 5, 2024

An Aries man ignoring you may indicate he’s no longer interested. But you can capture his attention again.

Aries men need reminders that you are unlike anyone else. Make him notice you by appealing to his desires.

An Aries man ignoring you may throw you into despair. Don’t panic when he shuts down.

Aries men frequently run hot and cold. You can make an Aries man return if you understand his unique personality.

Give an Aries man what he secretly longs for and you can keep him from losing interest. An Aries man needs excitement and adventure to feel fulfilled.

Compete with Him

When an Aries man ignores you, the first step to getting his attention is to spark his interest. You may want to be accommodating and placate him.

But if you are too eager, your Aries love interest becomes bored. If you compete with him, you can make an Aries man return to you. Make an Aries man obsessed with you.

Challenge him to play a board game. Invite him to a trivia night date. An Aries man can be fascinated by your strength and charm. An Aries man, when you ignore him, can gain interest.

But the first step to getting an Aries man to focus on you is to appeal to his desire for a challenge. Make an Aries man want to prove himself to you.

Get an Aries man to focus on you by challenging him to a playful game or competition. If you win every round, your Aries love interest feels defensive. But he loses interest if you make the game too easy and let him win all the time.

You must be willing to show him he’s met his match. Don’t make an Aries man go on the defensive, but give him a run for his money. An Aries man stops ignoring you when he needs to prove himself.

An Aries guy ignoring you doesn’t feel challenged enough in the relationship. He’s gotten too comfortable and needs drama to feel comfortable.

Is your Aries man painfully distant? Rekindle your love.

Make Him Laugh

You can bring an Aries man around if he’s been quiet if you appeal to his sense of humor. Aries men love to be around entertaining people who make them laugh.

Aries men can be like children. They save responsibilities and prioritize fun and games. Make an Aries return by appealing to his sense of humor.

Text him a joke or riddle. Entertain him with silly humor. Aries men love slapstick humor. Invite him to see a comedy and an Aries man associates you with laughter and pleasure.

If you’re wondering what to do when an Aries man ignores you, the best way to get his attention is to make him forget his problems and laugh with you.

One of the signs an Aries man is not interested anymore is when he loses his sense of humor. When he no longer laughs at your jokes, it’s an indication you are losing your appeal for him.

Take Risks

An Aries man ignoring you may be complacent about your relationship. He becomes disinterested when your relationship is predictable.

Take risks and try new things if you want to invigorate your connection with an Aries man. Get a dramatic haircut or make a significant change to get his attention.

An Aries man can make you feel more empowered and bold. You can make an Aries man pay attention to you if you take dramatic chances and show off your courage.

An Aries man becomes enamored with you when you show him you aren’t afraid of a challenge. You can make an Aries man obsessed with you if you take chances and live life to the fullest.

Do Aries ignore their crus? An Aries man may downplay his feelings for you. But if you are courageous and bold, an Aries man shows you he can’t get enough. He acts obsessed with you.

Make an Aries man want to be with you by going out on a limb to get his attention. Men born under this sign can be energetic and optimistic. They assume everything will work out favorably.

When you are too cautious, an Aries man becomes bored. He loses interest in you unless you have a carefree side. Show him you are willing to take risks.

This one weird trick is the only way to attract a Aries man.

Be Playful

If you show an Aries man you have a carefree and playful side, he pays attention to you. An Aries man doesn’t judge you negatively if you act silly around him.

His inner child emerges if an Aries man is around a woman he likes. Encourage him to forget his worries and play to his desires for excitement.

An Aries man stops ignoring you if you are always around friends. He assumes you’re having fun and doesn’t want to miss out. When an Aries man thinks you are spontaneous and independent, he pays attention to you.

You can break an Aries man’s silent treatment if you are creative. Turn mundane tasks into a game. Fill his day with riddles, jokes, and laughter. Be carefree if you want an Aries man back.

When an Aries man stops talking to you, vent to your closest friends about your hurt feelings. Avoid projecting emotions onto your Aries love interest. He can become overwhelmed easily.

Challenge Him in Sports

One of the best ways to challenge an Aries man is to meet him on the basketball court or tennis court. Challenge him to a sports match and show him your athletic side.

Make an Aries man focus on you when you meet him on his territory. Aries men are athletic. They are comfortable on the playing field and love proving themselves.

They can be eager to show their passionate and energetic nature. Aries men are thrilled by active women. When you make an Aries man break a sweat, he is aroused by you.

You can make an Aries man want to be with you if you can keep him on his toes on the playing field. When you appeal to an Aries man’s desire for a challenge you can make him return to you.

What happens when you ignore an Aries man is he becomes more interested in you. If you make an Aries man feel excited around you, he wants to be with you again.

Is your Aries man not communicating with you? Here's the trick to reel your Aries back in.

Tease Him

One of the sneaky ways to make an Aries man pay attention to you is to tease him. An Aries man responds well to flirtation and games. Play hard to get and trigger his chase instinct.

Make an Aries man notice you by appealing to his plucky nature. Men born under this sign love feisty women. You can get an Aries man to let his guard down.

He pays attention to you when you tease him sexually. Never deride an Aries man. Sincere mockery makes him shut down on you. An Aries man is susceptible to joking and sexual innuendoes.

You can get farther with an Aries man if you give him playful and flirty glances. Play with his tie when you talk to him. Be coy and occasionally look away from him.

Make Him Jealous

One of the worst things you can do with an Aries man is take him for granted. A man born under this sign wants to be with you if you spark his desire.

Make an Aries man jealous if you want to make him pay attention to you. An Aries man stops ignoring you if you show him he has competition.

Let an Aries man know you have options and he takes his relationship seriously. An Aries man becomes passionate about you when he thinks he runs the risk of losing you to someone else.

You play with fire when you make an Aries man jealous. If you push too hard, he feels insecure and shuts down. When an Aries man feels like his options are hopeless, he doesn’t bother continuing the relationship.

If you want to know how to make an Aries man regret losing you, take risks to make him jealous. When an Aries man sees you living your best life, he wishes he was with you.

Use these secrets to make your Aries man love you (they work like magic)

Give Him Space

Aries men may need time alone when they doubt a relationship. If an Aries man ignores you, back away and let him see what it feels like to not be with you.

An Aries man takes your relationship seriously when you step back. The more space you give him, the more likely an Aries man is to chase you.

He stops ignoring you when he has time to reflect on the relationship. He realizes he’s been taking you for granted. When an Aries man snaps out of his malaise, he pursues you again.

An Aries man can be more likely to follow his heart if he has space to come and go as he pleases. When an Aries man feels pressured to be with you, he shuts down.

When an Aries man disappears and comes back, he needed breathing room. Don’t panic when Aries men lay low. They periodically take breaks from relationships.

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