
Aries Man Hard to Get: Is He Playing Hard to Catch?

Updated August 23, 2024

Is an Aries man hard to get? Men born under this sign can be challenging in relationships.

When an Aries man cares about you, he doesn’t commit instantly. He continues to elude you.

An Aries man can be confident, passionate, and sexy. He pursues you with passion and intensity when he likes you. But when you seem interested in him, he backs down.

Why does an Aries man play hard to get? Aries play hard to get when they want to avoid being smothered. Men born under this sign fear being overwhelmed in relationships.

You can make an Aries man commit but you must understand his unique characteristics. An Aries man wants to be with someone who respects his need for space and adventure.

He Enjoys the Chase

Aries men enjoy the thrill of the chase. Men born under this sign can be eager to pursue you when the thrill is new. They are excited by new prospects and can be energetic and intense when they first notice you.

When an Aries man has a crush on you, he acts obsessed with you. You may feel comfortable assuming he is in love and ready to settle down.

But this assumption leaves women feeling confused and disappointed. Aries men chase women and slow down when they are comfortable with you.

Aries men run out of steam when they think you are interested in them. You may be surprised when an Aries man suddenly becomes distant. If he’s too sure of himself, there’s no thrill involved.

Keep an Aries man fascinated with you by playing hard to get. If you are too available, an Aries man won’t commit. He’ll chase you and then back down.

If you want to know how to beat an Aries man at his own game, you can remain distant. An Aries man wants to be with someone who is open to the fun of pursuit. You must understand how to get an Aries man to chase you again when he’s distant.

The simple secrets you can use to seduce and keep your Aries man (they work like magic)

He’s Playful

Aries men are playful and fun to be around. They are childlike and need excitement in their relationships. Aries men settle down if they see you are lighthearted and carefree.

An Aries man wants to be with you if you are playful. Share his delight in playing games and keep the relationship lighthearted. Aries men play hard to get because they are testing you.

If you become too serious, an Aries man backs away. He doesn’t want to be with you if you are down-to-earth and cynical. Show him you have a creative and carefree side.

One of the biggest Aries man cons is his tendency to play hard to get by treating the relationship like a game. An Aries man plays with your mind by being too lighthearted.

He keeps you guessing. You don’t know what you’re in for when an Aries man likes you. You may be surprised when he suddenly acts seriously. Aries men elude you by hiding their intentions.

An Aries man playing games can make you wonder if he’s not interested. You can make an Aries man fall for you if you are adaptable. Go with the flow and get him to settle down.

He Tests You

Aries men test you when they like you. Though their games are a beneficial sign, they can be frustrating. An Aries man who pushes your buttons and plays hard to get can make you feel irritated.

You want an Aries man to be direct and express what he wants. Instead of being honest with you, an Aries man tests you to see how you respond.

When an Aries man does this, he is unsure you are the best partner for him. He evaluates you and looks for signs you are going to smother him or interfere with his independence.

An Aries man who wants to be with you tries to find reasons to sabotage the relationship. He fears you’ll trap him in a relationship. But if an Aries man sees that you are his best potential partner, he is open to settling down.

When you understand an Aries man’s favorite body part on a woman, you can keep him captivated. He is obsessed with strong and muscular women. He tests you by challenging you to games or sports.

Aries men are antagonistic. They tease people they like, but they also push your buttons to test you. Aries men can be flighty. They focus on you and then disappear. They can be overwhelmed when they feel strongly about you.

Use these secrets to make your Aries man love you (they work like magic)

He Argues

An Aries man becomes defensive and argumentative when he develops feelings for you. Men born under this sign are aroused by tension. They argue as a way to get your attention.

But an Aries man also argues with you to push you away. He may be testing you by picking fights. An Aries man can also be inclined to argue as a way to figure out what you believe.

Aries men love debating. They may not be angry when they argue. Never assume an Aries man is upset with you just because he becomes argumentative. He may enjoy seeing you riled up.

If you want to know how to get an Aries man to open up, you must be able to withstand his argumentative nature. Men born under this sign are defensive. Eventually, they become more open and expressive.

What turns an Aries man off is loss of interest. Men born under this sign can be turned on by friction in a relationship. You can make an Aries man chase you if you fuel his passion for arguments.

He Acts Arrogant

An Aries man can be arrogant when he likes you. Though it seems counterproductive, an Aries man can act conceited when he has a crush on you. His selfish behavior can be repelling.

But men born under this sign aren’t trying to turn you off. They want to show off to attract your attention. Men born under this sign can be arrogant to show off their best strengths.

When an Aries man is interested in you, he can be insufferable. He tries too hard to show you he is the best match for you. He plays hard to get by showing off instead of being authentic.

You must understand how to control an Aries man. You can be too micromanaging and an Aries man shuts down. If you are aloof, an Aries man will pursue you. They try to impress you and get your attention.

You may wonder why an Aries man acts so bizarrely if they like you. They think they are being assertive and engaging. Aries men can go to extremes to get their way.

Is your Aries man not communicating with you? Here's the trick to reel your Aries back in.

He Surprises You

An Aries man plays hard to get by always defying your expectations. He shows he’s interested by chasing you. But when an Aries man thinks he’s got your love, he shuts down.

You may accept that you’re chances are over, but an Aries man surprises you again by showing he cares about you. An Aries man thrives on excitement.

He surprises you to stay ahead of your expectations. If you want an Aries man to commit, expect the unexpected. Men born under this sign want to remain unpredictable.

An Aries man not responding comes around. Ignore him when he backs away. An Aries man who returns after an absence reminds you he is inconsistent.

Aries men surprise you and show they care. They are obsessive and vacillate between being aloof and being intense. Aries men need assurance of your interest.

They are sensitive and can back away when they feel exposed. Aries men need to feel confident and in charge. Relationships make them feel unsettled.

He Runs Hot & Cold

Aries men run hot and cold. You need not fear missing an opportunity with a man born under this sign because he is erratic. He is like a rollercoaster when he likes you.

Aries men play hard to get because they need drama. They are dynamic in relationships. Men born under this sign need tension to feel excited and attracted to you.

You can make an Aries man open up to you if you can keep up with his cycles. He runs hot and cold when he needs a break. When an Aries man steps back, he misses you.

An Aries man needs to leave you alone so he realizes how much he misses you. When he feels too comfortable in a relationship with you, an Aries man pulls away.

Don’t lose hope when an Aries man goes quiet after an intimate date. Men born under this sign need to cool off when they get close to you. If you are too demanding, you may smother an Aries man.

Aries men run hot and cold to maintain control. They need their space and freedom. If you are too clingy, an Aries man backs away from you.

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